關(guān)于未來的展望/?發(fā)展前景 /職業(yè)/
?the precise nature and origin of your relationship
uh, the way we see it,he's part of the family
* After our?brush with ( ? ? ?) , ?we?looked at life and wondered, how we have spent it and how do we spend the rest of it? ?
what are we going to be when we die? ? ?- A list of fears and questions or a collection of real experience. ??
There's no point to secrecy. ?Let's all live and die honesty.?
* ?And when ( ? ??) is at door,It is an invitation to ( ? ? ? ?),?and an opportunity to( ? ? ? ? ? ? ?).
?I need ( ? ? ) real bad and I had to ( ? ? ?) just to?get ? (. sb. ) ? ?off my back.So we are gonna?find more ?( ? ?),?and then?we're gonna ?( ? ? ? ) after that,
Jokes on them if they think you wanna go to some stuffy college on the other side of the country.
Once we get ( ? ? ? ? )?complete.It's gonna be( beaches, babes and international treasure )hunting for us.
"Look Stan ?I can't?pass up?a chance like this.This school has?cutting-edge?programs and Muti-dimensional paradigm theory."
I mean it's not like he's?a hot girl, he can't just?bail on?his life and?set up shop in someone else?.
Morty,And you're gonna keep your mouth shut about it.Because?the world is full of idiots that don't understand what's important.And they?tear us apart.But if you?stick with?me,I'm gonna accomplish great things.And you're be part of them.
* You are not as?? ( ? ? ? ?)??as the other kids.And?if you want to compete in the world, you got to work twice as hard.
You ever heard of west coast Tech?Best college in this country.Their graduates turn science fiction into science fact.
The admission team is visiting tomorrow to check out Stanford's experiment.Your son may be future millionaire.Mr. pines.
At his rate, he will be lucky to graduate high school?.
Look ,there's ?(a saltwater taffy store on the dockhand)?sb is gotta get paid to scrap the barnacles off it.
But hey,?look on the bright side,Stanford's going places.At least?you'll have one son in New Jersey forever.
Have you thought about your future?
-no,not really. I mean?beyond?( graduating high school with a high GPA ) ,
so I can?get accepted to?a good technical college
with (a photograph and media production minor ?)?to start( my own ghost hunting show).
-It's like talking to a younger version of myself.?If you are so sure of what you want out of life.Why waste?Why put up with the?drudgery?of school?
-Huh trust me I'd love to?fast forward?the whole thing, but not like I have a choice.
I might as well give up and accept that I'll never be anything more than?a wealthy queen of a fabulous faraway kingdom.It's my destiny.
-Bean,no, you're beautiful and your skin's so soft, and your hair smells like?butter scotch?奶油糖.you're wrong,?pardon my language.Destiny is baloney,?your future is forehold,It's what you make of it.?
You know I?thought about being?a king once.Just wasn't born the way.Those are breaks.But seriously,I was a chubby kid…And?even though I knew I?was destined for greatness, the flab on my arms?said different.
Singing while you work is not happiness,It's mental illness.I'm sick of being happy all the time, just once I wish I could go somewhere people are miserable
I wanna taste sth. other than sweet.I want to cry salty tears,learn bitter truth.I want to take?a big?meaty bite?out of life.
-You're so naughty
-Why is everyone always saying that?
Just [ because I'm not jolly all the time]?doesn't make me a weirdo.But it's like you do the slightest thing here and everyone freaks out. It's like they all have peppermint sticks up their asses.
I might as well give up and accept that I'll never be anything more than?a wealthy queen of a fabulous faraway kingdom.It's my destiny.
-Bean,no, you're beautiful and your skin's so soft, and your hair smells like?butter scotch?奶油糖.
you're wrong,?pardon my language.Destiny is baloney,?your future is forehold,It's what you make of it.
So if we get 3 wishes,I want to be in charge of my own destiny, to have my mom back obviously, and to have a boyfriend who's great listener.
Before today we had neither riches nor magic,?for one blessed second, we almost?had both.