PART 1 - 總括
BORN A CRIME 這本主要分為3部分烹骨,在我的心里對這三部分的定義是:
PART 1 關(guān)于背景的描述翻伺,第一部分主要的主線感覺是母親。
PART 2 是青春期的描述展氓,義氣的朋友穆趴,喜歡的女生。
PART 3 感覺描述的每一個故事對作者的人生而言都是一場轉(zhuǎn)折遇汞。
PART 2 - 細節(jié)
1歪赢, 重讀篇章化戳,發(fā)現(xiàn)第一章和最后一章呼應(yīng)的地方
RUN- “She broke out in a huge smile and started laughing. I started laughing, too, and we stood there, this little boy and his mom, our arms and legs covered in blood and dirt, laughing together through the pain in the light of a petrol station on the side of the road in the middle of the night.”
My Mother's Life-“She broke out in a huge smile and started laughing. Through my tears, I started laughing, too. I was bawling my eyes out and laughing hysterically at the same time. We sat there and she squeezed my hand and we cracked each other up the way we always did, mother and son, laughing together through the pain in an intensive-care recovery room on a bright and sunny and beautiful day.”
第一章和最后一章對于作者的母親而言都是經(jīng)歷了生死的劫難,兩次的死里逃生埋凯,每次的結(jié)尾不是讓人痛苦流涕的雞湯点楼,都是溫暖的laugh,look on the bright side的教育的確深入作者的心靈白对。
The Second Girl - “People thought my mom was crazy. Ice rinks and drive-ins and suburbs, these things were izinto zabelungu—the things of white people. So many black people had internalized the logic of apartheid and made it their own. Why teach a black child white things? Neighbors and relatives used to pester my mom. “Why do all this? Why show him the world when he’s never going to leave the ghetto?”
“Because,” she would say, “even if he never leaves the ghetto, he will know that the ghetto is not the world. If that is all I accomplish, I’ve done enough.”
ture to her nature, 作者的母親的確是一個反叛社會的人蟀瞧,不屈服于外界的枷鎖,一個有著自己的宗教信仰条摸,執(zhí)拗悦污,但是又如作者描述會為了自己愛的人付出自己的一切,對待Able也是如此钉蒲。
3切端, 作者是一個很懂得利用環(huán)境的人,不管是多種語言的切換使用顷啼,又或許是作者的膚色讓作者在很多方面都不同于常人帆赢,一切都是福禍相依。
Go Hitler!-“I worked as a middleman for Bolo and Andrew for a year. Then Bolo left school; the rumor was that his parents got arrested. From that point on I worked for Andrew, and then as he was about to matriculate he decided to quit the game. “Trevor,” he told me, “you’ve been a loyal partner.” And, as thanks, he bequeathed unto me his CD writer.”
題外話:讀這本書的初衷是希望提高自己的閱讀能力,認識單詞的同時昌阿,去看一下真正的“英文”饥脑,也算是克服一下面對應(yīng)試考試閱讀 讀一遍“完全沒概念自己看的是什么的”恐懼。堅持了一個月懦冰,感覺收獲的不只是這些灶轰,感恩。