#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "aliyun_mqtt.h"
// GPIO 13, D7 on the Node MCU v3
#define SENSOR_PIN 13
#define WIFI_SSID? ? ? ? "CMCC-123"http://替換自己的WIFI
#define WIFI_PASSWD? ? ? "12345678"http://替換自己的WIFI
#define PRODUCT_KEY? ? ? "abcvfg" //替換自己的PRODUCT_KEY
#define DEVICE_NAME? ? ? "Temp_Sensor" //替換自己的DEVICE_NAME
#define DEVICE_SECRET? ? "QhT3OdM9Yi4izSgiXdjKOPIoCzQbVcLy"http://替換自己的DEVICE_SECRET
#define DEV_VERSION? ? ? "S-TH-WIFI-v1.0-20190220"? ? ? ? //固件版本信息
#define ALINK_BODY_FORMAT? ? ? ? "{\"id\":\"123\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"method\":\"%s\",\"params\":%s}"
#define ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_POST? ? "/sys/" PRODUCT_KEY "/" DEVICE_NAME "/thing/event/property/post"
#define ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_POSTRSP? "/sys/" PRODUCT_KEY "/" DEVICE_NAME "/thing/event/property/post_reply"
#define ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_SET? ? ? "/sys/" PRODUCT_KEY "/" DEVICE_NAME "/thing/service/property/set"
#define ALINK_METHOD_PROP_POST? ? "thing.event.property.post"
#define ALINK_TOPIC_DEV_INFO? ? ? "/ota/device/inform/" PRODUCT_KEY "/" DEVICE_NAME ""? ?
#define ALINK_VERSION_FROMA? ? ? "{\"id\": 123,\"params\": {\"version\": \"%s\"}}"
unsigned long lastMs = 0;
WiFiClient? espClient;
PubSubClient mqttClient(espClient);
void init_wifi(const char *ssid, const char *password)
? ? WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
? ? WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
? ? while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
? ? {
? ? ? ? Serial.println("WiFi does not connect, try again ...");
? ? ? ? delay(500);
? ? }
? ? Serial.println("Wifi is connected.");
? ? Serial.println("IP address: ");
? ? Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
void mqtt_callback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
? ? Serial.print("Message arrived [");
? ? Serial.print(topic);
? ? Serial.print("] ");
? ? payload[length] = '\0';
? ? Serial.println((char *)payload);
? ? if (strstr(topic, ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_SET))
? ? {
? ? ? ? StaticJsonBuffer<100> jsonBuffer;
? ? ? ? JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(payload);
? ? ? ? if (!root.success())
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? Serial.println("parseObject() failed");
? ? ? ? ? ? return;
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
void mqtt_version_post()
? ? char param[512];
? ? char jsonBuf[1024];
? ? //sprintf(param, "{\"MotionAlarmState\":%d}", digitalRead(13));
? ? sprintf(param, "{\"id\": 123,\"params\": {\"version\": \"%s\"}}", DEV_VERSION);
? // sprintf(jsonBuf, ALINK_BODY_FORMAT, ALINK_METHOD_PROP_POST, param);
? ? Serial.println(param);
? ? mqttClient.publish(ALINK_TOPIC_DEV_INFO, param);
void mqtt_check_connect()
? ? while (!mqttClient.connected())//mqttδ????
? ? {
? ? ? ? while (connect_aliyun_mqtt(mqttClient, PRODUCT_KEY, DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_SECRET))
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? Serial.println("MQTT connect succeed!");
? ? ? ? ? ? //client.subscribe(ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_POSTRSP);
? ? ? ? ? ? mqttClient.subscribe(ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_SET);
? ? ? ? ? ? Serial.println("subscribe done");
? ? ? ? ? ? mqtt_version_post();
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
void mqtt_interval_post()
? ? char param[512];
? ? char jsonBuf[1024];
? ? //sprintf(param, "{\"MotionAlarmState\":%d}", digitalRead(13));
? ? sprintf(param, "{\"CurrentHumidity\":%d,\"CurrentTemperature\":12,\"GeoLocation\":{\"CoordinateSystem\":2,\"Latitude\":2,\"Longitude\":123,\"Altitude\":1}}", digitalRead(13));
? ? sprintf(jsonBuf, ALINK_BODY_FORMAT, ALINK_METHOD_PROP_POST, param);
? ? Serial.println(jsonBuf);
? ? mqttClient.publish(ALINK_TOPIC_PROP_POST, jsonBuf);
void setup()
? ? pinMode(SENSOR_PIN, INPUT);
? ? /* initialize serial for debugging */
? ? Serial.begin(115200);
? ? Serial.println("Demo Start");
? ? init_wifi(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWD);
? ? mqttClient.setCallback(mqtt_callback);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop()
? ? if (millis() - lastMs >= 20000)
? ? {
? ? ? ? lastMs = millis();
? ? ? ? mqtt_check_connect();
? ? ? ? /* Post */? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? mqtt_interval_post();
? ? }
? ? mqttClient.loop();
? ? unsigned int WAIT_MS = 2000;
? ? if (digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN) == HIGH)
? ? {
? ? ? ? Serial.println("Motion detected!");
? ? }
? ? else
? ? {
? ? ? ? Serial.println("Motion absent!");
? ? }
? ? delay(WAIT_MS); // ms
? ? Serial.println(millis() / WAIT_MS);