When l? hurried to you,while? found you missing. You just? found an excuse? to? chase? me.
My? anger? and? desperation? broke? out.
When? something similar happens to me,l found it? demanding? to? cope? with? it.
Don't? negate? my? efforts.
To sharpen my? skills,to? increase? my? valve,to? immerse? myself? in? learning,to? go? all? out,to? go? any? lengths? ,pull? your? weight,.devote yourself? into? it.
No ifs,buts or ands.
Stop? find? any? excuse!
Is? it? just because? you pay? me,so l? have? to? be? in? charge? of you?
Something? ineluctable? happens.
l? am? not really? into? things.
Although? l? am? in? desperate? need? of? money,l? won't? bent? myself? toyou,resign? myself? to? fate,and? come? to? terms? with any? unexpected? accidents.
l? won't? resign? my? fate to anyone.
l? run,? run? in? a? void.
It? is? unnecessary for you? to? show? off? your? hardship? before? you? come out.
You? will? be? more? stronger? than ever? before.
You? can? be? the one? you? desire.