Days ago here' a problem appeared when I use ` React context ' to finish some needs with ' Redux '.
React-Redux will cut off the link of the context between components.
At first , I need a state downs from father components to child components, it was worked very well , then when I finish the components work and turn to build containers with the library redux
, my components working just now is like dead components.
And I check the context, the state was really in the components. It seems that I have any typing errors.
I just dizzy . because the Redux states come to components also by the context, but why my state can't.
** As customary, I add a function to log the state when the components update.
it works!
Remove the log function. it can't work.
This phenomenon made me associate the quantum mechanics . if being observed , it will work . **
Then I check the state, know that the state will not be updated if the components without any function touch it .
So ... Why is that?
** There just one possibility will be here which the state was optimized by the componentShouldUpdate
. **
I think I know the problem really is .
the component connect
comes from react-redux
must have optimized the state by the componentShouldUpdate
So I need to write a componentconnect
without optimization.
Thus , I try to read the react-redux
source code .
... after 1 minute ..I found out the solution .
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null, null, { pure: false })(Component);
I just need to add an object with a pure state to the connect
Then everything has done.
Dan Abramov is my idol.