There are seven central concepts - Identity, Culture, Creativity, Communication, Perspective, Transformation, and Representation. In my opinion, “Pride and Prejudice” is related to Identity, Culture, Communication, and Representation.
First of all, Jane Austin’s “Pride and Prejudice” reflected the upper class and the middle class of England in the 19th Century. The culture of marriage in terms of inheritance plays a major role throughout the story. Back then, daughters were not allowed to inherit the properties from their family, unless they find a husband so the ownership of the properties can be transferred to the husband. The Bennet family, as a landed gentry, even though they were relatively poor among the other landed gentry,? will prefer finding husbands for their daughters that are also from the upper class, and maybe even richer for them to achieve social class transition(upwards). Thus, this is the reason why Mrs. Bennet and her daughters(from oldest to youngest, Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia) were so excited when Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy arrived at Netherfield park - they are rich, they are single, and as the first sentence indicated, they may be in want of a wife. Later in the book, Mrs.Bennet said: “Oh! Mr. Bennet, you are wanted immediately; we are all in an uproar. You must come and make Lizzy marry Mr. Collins, for she vows she will not have him.” Mrs. Bennett said this when she heard Elizabeth rejected Mr. Collins' proposal. The quotation shows that Mrs. Bennett does not believe that her daughter has the right to choose whom to marry. She hoped that Mr. Bennet would support her, although her cry for help made Mr. Bennet's character ironic, it also showed a gender role. Fathers usually have unlimited power over their daughters. If this arrangement is beneficial to the family, a man can marry his daughter.
Secondly, “Representation” is also a concept closely related to “Pride and Prejudice”. Elizabeth is the second daughter of the Bennet family. She loves reading, writing, which made her an incredibly clever and lovely character. In a novel defined by dialogue, she converses as brilliantly as anyone. This made Mr. Darcy eventually in love with her because she is different. In my opinion, these characteristics and qualities can be extended to Jane Austin, the author herself. Elizabeth represents the classic “strong female” figure in that era which is smart, sensible, and also confident. Her honesty, virtue, and lively wit enable her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade her class-bound and often spiteful society. Nevertheless, her sharp tongue and tendency to make hasty judgments often lead her astray; Pride and Prejudice is essentially the story of how she (and her true love, Darcy) overcome all obstacles—including their failings—to find romantic happiness. To extend, Jane Austin may want to encourage all female readers to find the man they truly love, instead of being bounded and restricted by the cultures of society that were seen as “Orthodox”.
The role of “Identity” throughout the play is an extension of Jane Austins’. In real life, Jane Austin is a strong upper-class female, who is a radical feminist and dared to against societal norms by choosing writing instead of marrying real life. Austen challenged the notion that unmarried women could not support themselves. In her novel “Pride and Prejudice”, Elizabeth is also portrayed as such a female who follows her heart, and her beliefs; who think actively instead of passively by her surrounding; and who choose her husband by feelings instead of by her parents, her sisters, or anyone else around her.
“Communication” is also a very important central concept related to “Pride and Prejudice”. Jane Austin is a very intelligent writer who plays with words creating a sense of humor for her readers. Throughout the whole book, she criticizes females’ dependence on males. For example, the quote by Charlotte Lucas - “When she is secure of him, there will be leisure for falling in love as much as she chooses”, show that Charlotte does not think it is important for Jane to love Mr. Bingley to marry him. Charlotte also suggests that it is important for Jane to marry Mr. Bingley as fast as possible so Jane can be financially stable and have her own house to become “dependent” and feel secure.
All in all, “Pride and Prejudice” is related to four out of seven central concepts of the course. Under the cultural background of the Regency era, Jane Austin’s identity is communicated through the stories of female marriage as different female characters represent different female figures in that period. Elizabeth is the typical Jane Austin style( ?° ?? ?°) as she is smart, strong and dares to against societal norms; whereas Charlotte is the typical conservative style female as she is rigid, and bonded and limited to the societal norms.