






1. 不屈不撓,敢于向權(quán)威挑戰(zhàn)胁塞。非常滿足現(xiàn)代人備受壓迫下想要出口氣的沖動咏尝,看著爽压语。比如剛被送入寧德學(xué)院的時候,也就是贅婿學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)院编检,老師還罰他們胎食,歧視他們。而他則指出了問題允懂,為什么要低人一等厕怜,被人低看。至少都是人蕾总,學(xué)生尊重老師粥航,老師也要尊重學(xué)生,為什么要變相體罰生百。這其實也是說出來很多學(xué)生的心聲递雀,自然看著爽快。

2. 聰明智慧有一手蚀浆。能夠面對惡勢力缀程,循序漸進(jìn),思考對策方法市俊,娓娓道來杨凑,一點一點的懲惡揚善。很符合大眾的價值觀摆昧。讓壞人倒霉撩满,讓好人好起來,而不是相反的绅你。尤其是面對烏家的勢力鹦牛,并沒有任何恐懼,卻用極為巧妙的方法讓其破產(chǎn)勇吊,反倒成就了蘇家大業(yè)。當(dāng)然必先有的一損窍仰,但卻后勝汉规。看得也是大快人心驹吮。通過皮帶發(fā)家致業(yè)针史,最終成為了那個地區(qū)的首富。

3. 思維清晰碟狞,不被條條框框所束縛啄枕。尤其深得女子的心。比如剛結(jié)婚的時候族沃,駁斥了二叔覺得女子不易繼承家業(yè)的想法频祝,說道自古以來包括祖師爺都是女性泌参,而讓其啞口無言,備受丈母娘和娘子以及爺爺?shù)钠髦爻?铡:髞砉烈唬呐鲁蔀槭赘唬彩菍懙淖约浩拮?的名字漓糙,并沒有顯擺或推翻什么铣缠,而是彼此信任载荔,兩個人共同奮斗一起努力蛮寂,也越來越順利胸完。 也因為此傲醉,備受秦將軍的信賴而給予了其小匕首呈础。不蠻干旋恼,思考方式方法來做未舟。雖然經(jīng)常處于寡不敵眾的情形下潘明,卻總能以巧字取勝辐棒。

4. 正義感滿滿病曾,有責(zé)任心。遇到危險漾根,不會自己就跑了泰涂。而是面對危險,主動承擔(dān)辐怕,臨危受命逼蒙。包括在霖安救大家的方法,也包括被轉(zhuǎn)入匪當(dāng)中時刻思考如何脫離的方式寄疏。





Sadhguru gives us tips to cleanse each of the five elements within us, which when practiced regularly, can lead to a sense of rejuvenation and wellbeing within.


Sadhguru:?Before you attempt anything that is considered as a mystical process, it is very important to stabilize the five fundamental elements within you. These are known as pancha bhutas or maha tatwas in the yogic science. The body, the very earth, the universe, and the cosmos, all are just a play of five elements. The body’s composition is such that most of it is water. Then there is earth, air, fire, and the rest is akash or etheric space.

Sadhguru(薩古魯):在你嘗試任何所謂的神秘修行之前谈息,很重要的一點就是要穩(wěn)定你內(nèi)在的五大基本元素缘屹。這些元素在瑜伽科學(xué)里被稱為Pancha Bhutas或Maha Tatwas。身體侠仇、大地轻姿、萬物和宇宙都不過是這五大元素的游戲。身體的大部分由水構(gòu)成逻炊。此外還有土互亮、風(fēng)和火,最后是空(Akash)或以太空間余素。

How these five elements behave within you determines just about everything. Bhuta means element, bhuta shuddhi means to become free from the taint of elements or to cleanse the elements. It means to become free from the physical nature. Most human beings are completely in the grip of their physiological and psychological processes. Our physiology is something that we have accumulated. Likewise, the whole content of our psychological process has been accumulated in the form of impressions.

這五大元素如何在你內(nèi)在運作決定了一切豹休。Bhuta是指元素,Bhuta Shuddhi是指清除這些元素的污垢或凈化這些元素桨吊,使其脫離物理屬性威根。大多數(shù)人完全受到他們的生理和心理過程的控制。我們的生理機(jī)能是我們所累積的视乐。同樣地洛搀,我們的心理過程的全部內(nèi)容也是以印記的形式堆積而來。

Between these two processes, who you are existentially, the nature of your being, is completely missed. If you want to access dimensions that are not yet in your experience, dimensions that are considered mystical, the first thing that you need to do is to start cleansing the five elements within you. When the elements are pure, you distinctly know the difference between what is physical, what is psychological, and what is existential.


Tips to Cleanse the Five Elements


Water 水

Among the five elements, water has the greatest significance because a major percentage of the body is water. You need to take sufficient care of the water that you consume – not just in terms of its physical purity, it being bacteria-free and so on, but in terms of how you keep the water and how you approach it. There is substantial scientific evidence today that a thought, an emotion, a touch can change the molecular structure of water and greatly alter the way water behaves within your system.


Water has a great sense of memory. Everything that happens around a body of water is in some way stored in the water molecules. You could call it a fluid computer. You are not dealing with a commodity – you are dealing with life-making material. Water is life. It is important how you treat it before it enters your system.


You can keep the water in a metal container, preferably made of copper or an alloy of copper, wash the container every day with an organic substance, and keep the water in a place where it is not touched by other smells and substances – there is sufficient space around it. If you do this, and you approach it by holding the vessel in your hands with a sense of gratitude and reverence because it is life-making material, and then consume it, you will see it will do wonders within your system. Healthfulness and equanimity will be a natural consequence.


Earth 土

The earth that you walk upon has a sense of intelligence and memory. Even if you live in a concrete jungle, it is important to keep in touch with the earth upon which you live. Create ways for yourself to somehow remain in touch with it. If your bare hands and bare feet – particularly the palms and soles – come in touch with the earth on a daily basis, it will harmonize the physiological process in your system.


Try to spend at least a few minutes in the garden, barefooted, touching plants or trees, because the earth is the basis of life. All life – yours and that of every other creature – has come from this earth. Stay in touch with it and harmonize your system.


Air 風(fēng)

Though air represents only a small percentage of your body’s elemental composition, it is the most dynamic element in terms of the transaction that happens on a minute-to-minute basis. It is well-known that what kind of air you breathe is important, but how you breathe and how consciously you do so is equally important.


If you are in pure air, it is important to bring the breath to a dynamic state with some activity.


Especially for those of you who live in large cities, it may not always be in your hands what kind of air you breathe, so it is good that at least for a few minutes every day, you take a walk in the park, along the lake or the river, whatever is available to you. If you have children, it is important that at least once a month, you take them out far enough from the city, where nature is in a reasonably pure state, and they can climb a small hill, walk in a forest, or swim in a river, to be in touch with nature and do something where the breath is dynamic.


This is not just for aerobic exercise but because there is a constant exchange of air from within and without. The very intelligence in the body will make sure that when it senses the air is pure and alive, the way the body breathes will be different. With this exchange of air, cleansing will happen within the system. If you are in pure air, it is important to bring the breath to a dynamic state with some activity. You do not have to do too vigorous an activity – just enough to breathe slightly deeper than normal for a period of time. Especially for growing children, this is very important because it greatly enhances the body’s integrity and strength.


If you are not able to take yourself out on a daily basis, you can do a simple yogic practice called nadi shuddhi at home to cleanse the breath.

如果你無法每天出去散步,你可以在家做一種叫氣脈凈化(Nadi Shuddhi)的簡單瑜伽練習(xí)來凈化呼吸骗污。

Fire 火

Fire accounts for another part of your elemental makeup. What kind of fire burns within you? Is it the fire of greed, hatred, anger, resentment, lust, love, or compassion? If you cleanse the element of fire, once again your physical and mental wellbeing will be well-taken care of. You become an equanimous and exuberant being. A simple process you can do to cleanse the fire within you is get some sunlight every day. Though we have contaminated every other element, fortunately, sunlight cannot be contaminated – it has remained pure. Make best use of that.


If you wish to, you can light a fire with an organic substance like straw or firewood, without any oil, and stand facing the fire with open hands and open eyes for three minutes. Then stand with your back to it, exposing your spine for three minutes. This process cleanses your aura and brings about a new sense of resurgence in the system. It rekindles and reconnects the fire within with the fire outside. This is the basis of all fire-based rituals of the East.


If having a fire is not practical for you, at least light a lamp with vegetable oil or ghee and be around this lamp. First, sit facing the lamp, then turn around and sit so that the fire element within you gets rekindled.


Akash 空

The fifth and most expansive dimension of the elemental composition is akash or etheric space. Akash has a certain intelligence. The nature, quality, and power of your life is essentially determined by how much access you have to the akashic intelligence. There is only a limited amount of water, air, earth, and fire, but the akashic dimension is limitless. If your access to it expands, both your perception and intelligence will grow.


One simple process you can do to find more access to the akashic intelligence is, after sunrise, before the sun crosses a 30° angle, look up at the sky and bow down to akash for holding you and this planet in place. After the sun crosses 30°, sometime during the day, look up and bow down again. Within 40 minutes after sunset, look up at the sky and once again bow down to the etheric space around us that is holding everything in place.


If you get akash to co-operate with your life energies, life will happen in magical ways. An intelligence that you have never thought possible will become yours.








長期穿高跟鞋,腳會失去其原本的樣子餐胀,變得擠在一起而沒有空間舒展哟楷。長期戴耳環(huán),耳洞越掛越大否灾,有時候突然掛一個吓蘑,也非常的痛。 穿著緊身衣坟冲,無時無刻在意著吸肚子憋氣,而沒法正常的呼吸溃蔫。這些我們認(rèn)為的美健提,到底是怎么定義的呢?好像是某種違背自然的約束吧伟叛。我們尋求自然私痹,卻忽略了陷入到自己設(shè)置的陷阱里。自以為精致的一切就是美统刮,就是享受紊遵。卻忽略了真正享受的或許是回家卸掉一切的真實吧。而真實卻不愿意讓其他人看到侥蒙,因為覺得不美暗膜。







沒忍住,又把前天晚上在小姨家看的《贅婿》剩下沒看的部分刷了一下咪啡,結(jié)果又睡的晚了一些酸纲,早上感覺好困不想起,盡管鬧鈴響了瑟匆,還是又去睡了一會闽坡。沒按時起床栽惶。嗯,所以需要慢慢戒除 看了一個電視劇的一部分就想要知道全部過程的這種強(qiáng)迫癥疾嗅⊥獬В看多少算多少。


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