Modifier | Description | Example |
^{ } | Superscript上標 | 'text^{superscript}' |
_{ } | Subscript下標 | 'text_{subscript}' |
\bf | Bold font | '\bf text' |
\it | Italic font | '\it text' |
\sl | Oblique font (usually the same as italic font) | '\sl text' |
\rm | Normal font | '\rm text' |
\fontname{specifier} | Font name — Set specifier as the name of a font family. You can use this in combination with other modifiers. | '\fontname{Courier} text' |
\fontsize{specifier} | Font size — Set specifier as a numeric scalar value in point units to change the font size. | '\fontsize{15} text' |
\color{specifier} | Font color — Set specifer as one of these colors: red, green, yellow, magenta, blue, black, white, gray, darkGreen, orange, or lightBlue. | '\color{magenta} text' |
\color[rgb]{specifier} | Custom font color — Set specifier as a three-element RGB triplet. | '\color[rgb]{0,0.5,0.5} text' |
注: 可用{}把須放在一起的括起來
Character Sequence | Symbol | Character Sequence | Symbol | Character Sequence | Symbol |
\alpha | α | \upsilon | υ | \sim | ~ |
\angle | ∠ | \phi | Φ | \leq | ≤ |
\ast | * | \chi | χ | \infty | ∞ |
\beta | β | \psi | ψ | \clubsuit | ? |
\gamma | γ | \omega | ω | \diamondsuit | ? |
\delta | δ | \Gamma | Γ | \heartsuit | ? |
\epsilon | ? | \Delta | Δ | \spadesuit | ? |
\zeta | ζ | \Theta | Θ | \leftrightarrow | ? |
\eta | η | \Lambda | Λ | \leftarrow | ← |
\theta | Θ | \Xi | Ξ | \Leftarrow | ? |
\vartheta | ? | \Pi | Π | \uparrow | ↑ |
\iota | ι | \Sigma | Σ | \rightarrow | → |
\kappa | κ | \Upsilon | ? | \Rightarrow | ? |
\lambda | λ | \Phi | Φ | \downarrow | ↓ |
\mu | μ | \Psi | Ψ | \circ | o |
\nu | ν | \Omega | Ω | \pm | ± |
\xi | ξ | \forall | ? | \geq | ≥ |
\pi | π | \exists | ? | \propto | ∝ |
\rho | ρ | \ni | ? | \partial | ? |
\sigma | σ | \cong | ? | \bullet | ? |
\varsigma | ? | \approx | ≈ | \div | ÷ |
\tau | τ | \Re | ? | \neq | ≠ |
\equiv | ≡ | \oplus | ⊕ | \aleph | ? |
\Im | ? | \cup | ∪ | \wp | ? |
\otimes | ? | \subseteq | ? | \oslash | ? |
\cap | ∩ | \in | ∈ | \supseteq | ? |
\supset | ? | \lceil | ? | \subset | ? |
\int | ∫ | \cdot | · | \o | ο |
\rfloor | ? | \neg | ? | \nabla | ? |
\lfloor | ? | \times | x | \ldots | ... |
\perp | ⊥ | \surd | √ | \prime | ′ |
\wedge | ∧ | \varpi | ? | \0 | ? |
\rceil | ? | \rangle | 〉 | \mid | |
\vee | ∨ | \langle | 〈 | \copyright | ? |