? ? ? ? My poor little boy is slightly feverish today. After he took some medicine, I was going to read a picture book for him to comfort him. He picked this colorful picture book,? then I tried to get things ready for the story. Well, in such a hot day, where can I get the mittens, boots, hat and scarf? What a silly mummy I am!
Things are ready! There is Mummy’s scarf, Libby’s gloves, Simon’s socks, hat and glasses.
Step 1. Warm up, we sang a song— <head shoulders knees and toes >. Then I helped him put on the gloves, socks, boots, hat, scarf and glasses. There he is, really funny! We do have had a lot of fun by putting on things.
Step 2. Peek under the flaps of clothes to find out what’s underneath. But Simon was not interested in what I was saying, he was almost out of control, he ran around the living room, and took off every thing he has just put on. Finally, I got him sat nearby me, I read for him, he said he could not read, I told him it’s Ok. I pointed to the mittens and asked,? “what are these?” “Gloves.” He almost answered immediately. At the same time, he was trying to lift the flap. I stopped him and said? “Inside my mittens? I’ve got...” I let him lift the flap at this time. “Fingers.” Bingo! He seemed to understand what I am going to say next. Since then, things went well. We read the book together.
Step 3. After reading the book, I turned on the music, we sang “one little finger”together. I changed the lyrics a little bit , put the new words in it. Well, I should tell the truth, I sang the song alone, he went away...