芒格說:“在這投資領域中斋配,若沒做過扎實的閱讀工夫硕舆,我不認為你可以成為真正優(yōu)秀的投資人,而我也不認為有哪一本書可以為你做到這些蛾方∠翊罚” 在閱讀中,建立自己的“思維模式格柵”桩砰,這需要大量閱讀數(shù)學拓春、生物學、物理學亚隅、社會學硼莽、心理學、哲學和文學等各學科及相關學科中著名科學家的重要著述煮纵,了解并熟悉書中介紹的核心概念懂鸵,將不同學科的思考模式聯(lián)系起來并融會貫通。同時行疏,將這些理論應用到投資上去匆光,進行正確思考和獨立思考,進而聰明地投資酿联,從而取得最佳投資回報殴穴。
在每年的Berkshire Hathaway磨取、Wesco股東大會和演講中人柿,芒格都會推薦一些書籍,現(xiàn)將有關書籍忙厌、出處及評論整理如下:
1脱拼、《富蘭克林自傳》孟害,The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
2、《富蘭克林》挪拟, Benjamin Franklin by Carl Van Doren. Penguin USA, June 23, 1994
Charlie Munger also recommended reading "anything about his personal hero, Benjamin Franklin." - 1998 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
3、《窮查理寶典》击你,Poor Charlies′Almanack by Peter Kaufman(彼得?考夫曼)(2005)
4玉组、《愛因斯坦:生活與宇宙》,Einstein:His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson丁侄, 2007 WESCO Annual Meeting
I’ve read all the Einstein biographies, and this is by far the best a very interesting book.
5惯雳、《我生活的種種模式》,Models of My Life by Herb Simon(赫伯特.亞歷山大.西蒙),2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
6石景、《約翰.亞當斯》,Biography of John Adams by david mccullough
7、《約翰遜傳, 通向權力之路,參院之主>,The Path to Power (The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 1) (Robert Caro羅伯特?卡洛)
I loved Caro’s book – I thought it was very well done. I think reading his biography on LBJ is very important for anyone who wants a view into the human condition. LBJ never told the truth when a lie would be better. This is the way he went through life. He had a high intellect and extraordinary energy and did a lot of good along with the bad. I’m not sure he didn’t do more good than bad. But I think it’s an appalling life to lie as much as LBJ. What I said at Berkshire meeting about the robber barons applies here: “When he’s talking, he’s lying, and when he’s quiet, he’s stealing.” Charlie Munger, 2004 Wesco Annual Meeting
8潮孽、《安德魯.卡耐基》揪荣,Andrew Carnegie by Joseph Frazier Wall(約瑟夫.弗雷澤.沃), 2003 WESCO Annual Meeting
9往史、《洛克菲勒:一個關于財富的神話》仗颈,Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. by Ron Chernow(羅恩?切爾諾), 1999 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
I must confess that I am a hopeless lover of biographies and autobiographies. With that caveat in mind I found this book on the life of Mr. Rockefeller intriguing. The life he lived, the company he created, and his management style are all worth studying. I also found it an interesting case study on monopolies and I found myself contrasting the situations of Standard Oil and Microsoft often.
10、《比爾?蓋茲與微軟帝國的創(chuàng)建》椎例,Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire by James Wallace and Jim Erickson(華萊士與艾瑞克森).
"I think Bill Gates' biography, is a very useful book. You really get a feeling for what it took to write and sell software in the software revolution." -June 30, 1993 - Wesco Annual Meeting
11挨决、Les Schwab Pride in Performance:Keep It Going by Les Schwab ,2004 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
Les Schwab autobiography which gives a very good idea on small business compensation plans."
"If you want to read one book, read the autobiography of Les Schwab. He ran tire shops in the Midwest and made a fortune by being shrewd in a tough business by having good systems…He made hundreds of millions selling tires" Charlie Munger, 2004 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
12订歪、《購并霸業(yè):時代華納總裁史蒂夫?羅斯傳》Master of the Game:Steve Ross and the Creation of Time Warner"by Connie Bruck. June 23, 1994
芒格還十分喜歡科普讀物,特別是關于進化論方面的內(nèi)容刷晋。在1997 Berkshire Hathaway股東大會上盖高,芒格說:“在投資上,生物學上的原因能夠幫助預測商業(yè)進化過程的結果掏秩,商業(yè)和生物進化有很多相似性或舞。”
13蒙幻、《物種起源》映凳,The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
"Charlie Munger recommends reading "anything by Darwin."
14、Darwin's Blind Spot: Evolution Beyond Natural Selection by Frank Ryan. 2003 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
15邮破、《第三種猩猩:人類的身世與未來》诈豌,The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond(戴蒙德), 1992 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
16、《基因組:一個物種的23章自傳》抒和,Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters by Matt Ridley矫渔,馬特.里德爾
"Genome which is the history of a species in 23 chapters, is a perfectly amazing book -- and very interesting." Charlie Munger - 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
17、《自私的基因》摧莽,The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins(理查德?道金斯);
One fabulous book is The Selfish Gene, which provides basic insights on human conditions."" - 2000 Wesco Annual Meeting
18庙洼、《盲眼鐘表匠》,The Blind Watchmaker : Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design" by Richard Dawkins(理查德?道金斯). August 8, 1996
19镊辕、《溫度油够,決定一切》,A Matter of Degrees: What Temperature Reveals About the Past and Future of Our Species, Planet, and Universe by Gino segre(基諾?沙格瑞)
"A Matter of Degrees, by physicist named Segre, is a perfectly marvelous book. Not a book you can go through at 90 mph, but if you parse through it slowly, you'll get a lot out of it. You'll get a lot of hours per dollar if you use it right." 2003 Wesco Annual Meeting.
20征懈、《語言本能》石咬, The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language by Steven Pinker(史蒂芬?平克), March 13, 1998
21、"No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality" by Judith Rich Harris. Poor Charlie's Almanack
22卖哎、《冰河世紀》鬼悠,Ice Age by John & Mary Gribbin(約翰.葛瑞賓和瑪麗.葛瑞賓)
"Best work of science exposition and history that I've read in many years!" - (from the back cover of the book)
"I recommend Ice Age, which traces the past history of glaciation. It's the best book of scientific explanation I've ever read." - 2002 Wesco Annual Meeting删性。
Deep Simplicity: Bringing Order to Chaos and Complexity by John Gribbin(約翰?葛瑞賓)蹬挺;
"Not everyone will like Deep Simplicity. It′s pretty hard to understand everything, but if you can′t understand it, you can always give it to a more intelligent friend." 2004 Wesco Annual Meeting。
24袜啃、The Martian of Science:Five Physicists Who Changed the Twentieth Century by Peter Bevelin(彼得?貝弗林汗侵,《尋找智慧:從達爾文到芒格》的作者), 2007 WESCO Annual Meeting
25群发、《三個科學家和他們各自的上帝:在信息時代尋找生命的意義》晰韵,Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking For Meaning in An Age of Information by Robert Wright,,Robert Wright(羅伯特.懷特)熟妓,
"It's a very interesting book for a certain academic type". - 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
一雪猪、 社會科學類
芒格認為挑選股票是處世藝術的一個分支,要將投資視為處世能力的一部分來理解起愈。芒格不但十分喜歡在歷史傳統(tǒng)等方面對國家的興衰貧富演變作了精湛而深刻的分析的書籍只恨,而且十分喜歡經(jīng)濟學,特別是認為經(jīng)濟學是“the queen of the soft sciences in many respects”,因此抬虽,他推薦了一些社會發(fā)展史官觅、心理學、管理學或者綜合學科的著作阐污。
Guns, Germs,gun and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond(戴蒙德)笛辟,
"...books like Guns, Germs, and Steel, don't come along very often."功氨, 2000 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. Charlie Munger liked the book because Diamond is "always asking WHY ?" - 1998 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
28、《生活在極限之內(nèi):生態(tài)學手幢、經(jīng)濟學和人口禁忌》捷凄,Living Within Limits : Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos by Garrett Hardin (加勒特.哈丁)
I recommend that everyone read the last book by Garrett Hardin--Living Within Limits. It is a summary of the major things Hardin has learned in a lifetime. He is a real thinker. That is a fabulous book." (June 30, 1993)
Garrett Harden "was 78 years old when he wrote it. I advise you to read it twice (which I did)...because it is the condensed wisdom of a very smart man." , 1997 Wesco Annual Meeting.
29、《蘇格蘭人如何發(fā)明現(xiàn)代世界:西歐最窮的國家如何創(chuàng)造了世界》围来,How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It by Arthur Herman(亞瑟?赫爾曼),
"I also recommend How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It, about how a small group of people flourished." - 2002 Wesco Annual Meeting
30跺涤、《國富國窮》,The Weath and Poverty of Nations:Why Some Are So Richand Some So Poor监透,by David S. Landes(戴維.S.蘭德斯)桶错,1999 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
This important book examines how wealth and culture intertwine over time and the effects both can have on nations. It provides a thoughtful, rational explanation of why various cultures that possess certain advantages never have become world powers. It also examines why certain countries have become so successful and why others have fallen. Everyone should study the reasons why certain countries have been successful and others have not so we can learn from those challenges and not be doomed to repeat the same mistakes
31、《影響力》才漆,Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini(2000);"This program will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely . . . Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist."
32佛点、《活出意義來》醇滥,Man's Search for Meaning :Experiences in the Concentration Camp by Viktor E. Frankl(維克多?弗蘭克).
33黎比、《管理決策中的判斷》,Judgment in Managerial Decision Making by Max H. Bazerman(馬克斯?巴澤曼), 1995 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
34鸳玩、《毫不退讓地贏得談判——哈佛談判法》(Getting to Yes:Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In)阅虫,作者羅杰.費雪(Roger Fisher),威廉.尤里(William Ury)和布魯斯.帕頓(Bruce Patton)
35不跟、《只有偏執(zhí)狂才能存》,Only the Paranoid Survive by Andy Grove(安迪.格魯夫)
36颓帝、《成事在人 :關鍵時刻發(fā)揮領導和合作的效力》,
Getting It Done: How to Lead When You're Not in Charge by Roger Fisher and Alan Sharp(夏普/費希爾)
"This book is must reading for those seeking to maximize their contribution to the constructive work of the world." - (from the back cover of the book)
37窝革、《異類:不一樣的成功啟示錄》(outliers),作者是馬爾科姆?格拉德威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)
38供鸠、《聰明的投資者》,The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham(本杰明?格雷厄姆)
39畦贸、《證券分析》,Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham(本杰明?格雷厄姆)
the single greatest book on investing in my opinion
40、《價值再發(fā)現(xiàn)--走進投資大師本杰明》回季,The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham :Selected Writings of the Wall Street Legend by Janet lowe(珍妮特?洛爾)
Views on Ben Graham's Ideas :The idea of a margin of safety, a Graham precept, will never be obsolete. The idea of making the market your servant will never be obsolete. The idea of being objective and dispassionate will never be obsolete. So Graham had a lot of wonderful ideas.
I liked Graham, and he always interested and amused me. But I never had the worship for buying the stocks he did. So I don't have the worship for that Warren does. I picked up the ideas, but discarded the practices that didn't suit me. I don't want to own bad businesses run by people I don't like and say, "no matter how horrible this is to watch, it [the stock] will bounce by 25%." I'm not temperamentally attracted to it.
41家制、《怎樣選擇成長股》,Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits ,Conservative Investors Sleep Well,Developing an Investment Philosophy Phil Fisher(費舍爾)
The one of the all-time great books on investing in my opinion
Phil Fisher believed in concentrated investing and knowing a lot about your companies -- it's in our playbook, which is partly because we learned from him.
42、Invest the Buffett Way by Rich Rockwood
43泡一、《巴菲特的投資組合》颤殴,The Warren Buffet Portfolio by Robert Hagstrom(羅伯特?哈格斯特朗)
44、《財富公式:玩轉(zhuǎn)拉斯維加斯和華爾街的故事》,Fortune Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street by William Poundstone(威廉?龐德斯通)
I like that book that I recommended [a while ago] in which the guy that explained all of these weird guys at the horse races – a value investing thing with a lot of math in it. It’s a very worthy book and you all ought to read it. 2006 WESCO Annual Meeting
45鼻忠、《誠信的背后:華爾街圈錢游戲的真相》(也譯為泥鴿靶)涵但,F(xiàn).I.A.S.C.O: The inside story of a Wall Street Trader by Frank Partnoy;
(...) Read the book “F.I.A.S.C.O.”, by law professor and former derivatives trader Frank Partnoy, an insider account of depravity in derivative trading at one of the biggest and best regarded Wall Street firms. The book will turn your stomach. - 10/2003
46、《愚者的陰謀》帖蔓,Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story" by Kurt Eichenwald, 2005 WESCO Annual Meeting
"... that Enron book is really worth reading because the evil is so extreme. You see people getting sucked in by the evil around them. You just learn so much." Charlie Munger, 2007 Wesco Annual Meeting.
47矮瘟、《門口的野蠻人》,Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco by Bryan Burrough & John Helyar. 1992 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
48塑娇、《賊巢》澈侠,Den of Thieves by James B. Stewart(詹姆斯?B?斯圖爾特). 1992 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting