【作者】Eileen Caddy
Your right attitude towards everything is so very important. You cannot grow and expand spiritually when your attitude is negative and you see only the difficulties and obstacles in life. There is good in every situation if you would only take time to look for it, just as there is always something to give thanks for. It is when you have no love in your heart that you are blind to the best in your situation, to the good in those souls around you, and to this wonderful life which is yours. How mightily blessed you are! But unless you are willing to accept it and recognise it and give thanks for it, you go around with a blindfold over your eyes bemoaning your lot in life. Take time to take stock of yourself, and if you feel completely stuck, the quickest way to change that situation is to start giving to others. Life is what you make of it. What are you making of your life?