The UKCAT Abstract Reasoning section tests yourpattern recognition skills with different types of shapes. The tricky aspect isto find the pattern amongst a whole host of irrelevant and distractingmaterial. In a similar sort of way, this is what doctors go through on a dailybasis.
In a consultation with a patient, doctors need to
filter out any points that are not relevant, but at the same time keep an eye
out for key pieces of information that will influence the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.
1. Getfamiliar with Abstract Reasoning question types
There are four types of abstract reasoningquestions: Type 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Type 1 and 4 are similar in that there are two sets(A or B) of shapes given (see Figure 1 for an example of a Type 1 Question).Type 1 questions ask you to choose which set a given test shape will belong to.Type 4 questions are subtly different in that you need to choose the test shapewhich matches either Set A or Set B from four potential options.
Type 2 and 3 questions assess how you respond to
dynamic patterns. Type 2 questions ask you to identify which test shape‘comes next’in a sequence, and type 3 questionsask you to extrapolate the change of pattern that occurs between two shapes, toa new test shape.
Once you practice and get familiar with eachquestion type, you will automatically feel more confident in approaching them.This means you will be able to answer each question type very quickly, givingyou more chance to boost your score in this section.
2. Lookfor the pattern!
This may seem obvious. But, remember that the
untrained candidates’eye drift onto the test shape first, whichonly serves to waste valuable time.
Instead, start by identifying the pattern present.Once you get the pattern, you will then quickly be able to identify which Seteach test shape fits into.
Lookingat the picture below. The pattern is based on the total number of sides of theshapes in each box. In Set A, each box has an odd number of sides whereas Set Bhas an even number of sides. Once you figure this out, you can quickly matchthe five test shapes with ease. The total number of sides in the test shape is17, therefore it fits into Set A.
3. It’s all about perspective…
Some patterns are easier to see when you areactually further away from the screen, for example shading, or the type ofshapes in each box. Other patterns are easier to see when you are up close,such as the number of right-angles or sides.
So, if you are finding it hard to identify a
pattern, it’s agood idea to change your distance from the screen. Move in and out. Look at thesets from different perspectives. It might look a bit strange in the exam, butwho cares!
4. Whystart with A?
Most people instinctively start Abstract Reasoning
by looking for the pattern in Set A. But why? The patterns tend to be
reciprocal. So if it’s thenumber of intersections in Set A it will be something to do with the number ofintersections in Set B.
This means if you’re struggling to find the pattern in Set A, look at
Set B. it might be easier! Once you’ve identified the pattern, you can then apply the‘rules’back to Set A and hopefully it willnow be easier to spot.
5. Practice on a computer
The best practice for Abstract Reasoning is done on
a computer. It most closely replicates the real thing, as well as allows you to
pay closer attention to the timing. Remember, you only have 14 seconds for each
type 2 and 3 question! When using books, it’s easy to forget about the timing, tricking youinto a false sense of security.
As you practice these questions, you are, in asense, re-wiring your brain to scan down a list of patterns. The more you dothis, the better you will get. Abstract Reasoning is often the most fearedsection of the UKCAT, but also the one with the steepest learning curve.