2018-12-27, starting at 2018-10-08, 新概念英語第二冊 Lesson 81 Escape
? ? Q: why did the prisoner attack the driver?
? ??[kju]:?[wa?] [d?d] [e?] [?pr?z?n?r] [??t?k] [e?] [?dra?v?r]??
? ? When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead man's clothes. Now , dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself. Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed. When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. Them, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.?
????[w?n] [hi] [h?d] [k?ld] [e?] [gɑrd],?[e?] [?pr?z?n?r] [?v] [w?r] [?kw?kli] [dr?gd] [?m] [??nt?] [e?] [?b???z].?[?w?rk??] [?r?p?dli] [?n] [e?] [?dɑrkn?s],?[hi] [sun] [?e?n?d] [??nt?] [e?] [d?d] [m?nz] [klo?ez].?[na?]?,?[dr?st] [?n] [?] [blu] [?jun??f?rm] [?nd] [w?e] [?] [?ra?f?l] [?o?v?r] [h?z] [??o?ld?r],?[e?] [?pr?z?n?r] [mɑr?t] [?bo?ldli] [?p] [?nd] [da?n] [?n] [fr?nt] [?v] [e?] [k?mp].?[hi] [k?d] [hir] [??a?t??] [?n] [e?] [k?mp] [?t?s?lf].?[la?ts] [w?r] [?ble?z??] [?nd] [m?n] [w?r] [?r?n??] [hir] [?nd] [e?r]:?[ee?] [h?d] [??st] [d??sk?v?rd] [e?t] [?] [?pr?z?n?r] [h?d] [??ske?pt].?[?t] [e?t] [?mo?m?nt],?[?] [lɑr?] [bl?k] [kɑr] [w?e] [f?r] [??f?s?rz] [?n?sa?d] [?t],?[stɑpt] [?t] [e?] [k?mp] [ge?ts].?[ei] [??f?s?rz] [gɑt] [a?t] [?nd] [e?] [?pr?z?n?r] [st?d] [t?] [??t?n??n] [?nd] [s??lut?d] [?z] [ee?] [p?st].?[w?n] [ee?] [h?d] [g?n],?[e?] [?dra?v?r] [?v] [e?] [kɑr] [ke?m] [t??w?rdz] [h?m].?[e?] [m?n] [?ɑbvi?sli] [?w?t?d] [t?] [t?k].?[hi] [w?z] [?r?e?r] [??ld?rli] [w?e] [gre?] [h?r] [?nd] [kl?r] [blu] [a?z].?[e?] [?pr?z?n?r] [f?lt] [?sɑri] [f?r] [h?m],?[b?t] [e?r] [w?z] [?n?θ??] [?ls] [hi] [k?d] [du].?[?z] [e?] [m?n] [ke?m] [n?r],?[e?] [?pr?z?n?r] [nɑkt] [?m] [t?] [e?] [gra?nd] [w?e] [?] [?ɑrp] [blo?].?[e?m],?[???mp??] [??nt?] [e?] [kɑr],?[hi] [dro?v] [?f] [?z] [?kw?kli] [?z] [hi] [k?d].?
任務(wù)配置:L0 + L3 + L4? (L0 朗讀杆故;L1 音標朗讀鞍陨;L2 點評跪呈;L3 復(fù)述;L4 讀后感)
? ? 單詞/詞組:
? ? ? ? - the prisoner of war隘冲,戰(zhàn)俘
? ? ? ? - work rapidly
? ? ? ? - rifle互例,來復(fù)槍
? ? ? ? - march boldly up and down挎挖,大膽地來回走
? ? ? ? - run here and there
? ? ? ? - salute这敬,“致敬,敬禮”
? ? ? ? - stand to attention蕉朵,“立正”
? ? ? ? - rather elderly
? ? ? ? - knock him to the ground with a sharp blow
? ? ? ? - drive off
? ? ? ? - escape
? ? ? ? - prisoner
? ? ? ? - rifle
? ? ? ? - saluted
? ? ? ? - elderly
? ? ? ? - came towards him,?[ke?m] [t?rdz] [?m]?
? ? ? ? - drove off崔涂,[dro?v] [?f]
? ? 音標發(fā)音:
Answer: because the drive came towards him and obviously wanted to talk, the prisoner of war had to choose to knock him down and grabbed the car to escape.?
Thoughts: 每日精進就是確認自己的朗讀首先自己挑不出問題了(朗讀10遍+ and 復(fù)述)。
感覺自己跟原版朗讀還是有差距始衅,但是不知道從哪里入手冷蚂,去群里聽了下大家的發(fā)音缭保,Nannah Lin的朗讀很流暢,而且語音語調(diào)都感覺很舒服蝙茶,像外國人艺骂。自己讀不出那種感覺。
潛在的感覺可行的方向:1. 首先保證朗讀流暢隆夯,對原文多讀幾遍钳恕,目前來看,至少10遍以上應(yīng)該可以保證流暢無卡頓蹄衷。2. 在1的基礎(chǔ)上忧额,再去聽原文中的語音語調(diào)和Nannah Lin的朗讀。