1)......Let's continue our discussion of alternative energy sources and move on to what's probably the most well-known energy source:solar energy.The sun basically provides earth with ......on limited source energy every day.The problem resulted in how we......this source energy.Can anynoe think of why it's so difficult to make use of solar energy.
2)The amount of the oil and natural gas in the earth were still plentful,but the other reasons it's political......So what happening in the 1970s was oil and natural gas became very expensive ,very quickly .And that spurred people to start looking for alternative form of energy.So energy probably being the most popular.But then in 1980s,this trend reversed itself when the price of natural oil went down.
3)Green houses will plant......warm......and provide ......sunlights.Because the warms of the building are made in tired glass.But we do also have more complex systems that were used for space heating? and they followed to ......passive and active heating systems.Passive systems take advantage of location or design the house.For example,solar energy is gathered through large......glass......sun.
4)At the beginning of the century,living conditions for the majority of working people in London were very......How is it crowded closely together......and usually badly built ?Because there was no regulation.But the poor......possibility of work.And they had to have a house.It was a......rather condition housing ......and landlords like.
5)In the 11th century and 10660to be? precised,the ......conquered England.And during the next few centuries,London became one of the most powerful and prosper cities in the Europe.The ......benefits......because there were fewer restrictions there......itself.Plenty of new comers settled in......during the next few hundreds centuries.