? ??????in this situation,"no guarantee" means it's not definite.
????????if his nerves regenerate,it?means?they?might?grow?back?to?replace?lost?or?injured?nerves.
? ??????The?doctors?later?told?him?that?he?might?never?regain?the?use of his legs.?
? ??????To?ignite?something?means?to?spark an explosion or fire.
? ??????Someone?who?is?mischievous?is?someone?who?often gets into trouble (but not serious trouble).?
? ??????Something?is?essential?if?it is?necessary or required.
? ??????A rare commodity is something that is:scarce & uncommon
? ??????Since the situation is changing :????a trend & an indicator
? ? ? ??An inspiring person is someone who made night your:????motivation & passion
? ??????When?the?villagers?heard?his?cries for help, they rushed up?the?hill to rescue him and chase?the?wolf away.
? ??????Some?forms?of?life?can?be?ugly to look at but?can?provide you with enough protein to survive.?
? ???????This?vast?area?is?famous?for?its?harsh?desert?climate.
? ??????The?taxi?driver?survived?with?only?a?few?injures because?he?was?wearing?a?seatbelt.????The?taxi's?airbag?had?also?deployed,?absorbing?much?of?the?impact.
? ??????Now,?Harry?is?trying?to?figure?out?what?to?do.? ? If?he?works?hard?and?exercises?every day there?is still?a?chance?that?his?legs?will?recover?on?their?own.
? ??????Without?the?use?of?his?legs,?he?wouldn't?be?able?to?continue?working?in?the?same way.
It wouldn't?be?possible?to?travel, so?he?would have?to?find another way?to?attend meetings.
? ? ? ? He was on his way to attend an important meeting in New York City.
? ??????The?accident?wouldn’t have?happened had?the?weather?been?better.?
? ??????It spun around and?skidded?into?the?path?of?an?oncoming?truck.?
? ??????He has a positive attitude toward?life and?is?determined to prove himself.
????????The doctors later?told him that he might never?regain the?use?of this legs.
? ??????Some of his nerves had been?damaged,?but there is a chance?that they?will heal.?
? ???????I have an?expensive girlfriend now, so I can't?afford it.
? ??????One?day,?he came up with what he thought was a?brilliant?idea.?
? ??????If?something is essential,?it is necessary or very important.
? ???????If he lost the use of his legs, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.
? ???????New technologies allow for virtual meetings where people can meet through remote connections.
? ??????When he first woke up in the hospital, it was several hours after the accident, and he wasn't sure where he was.
? ??????The best place to build a shelter is in an area with the least amount of sunlight, like between sand dunes or in a trench.
? ???????He can’t afford to buy new clothes for himself because he spends a lot on his girlfriend.
? ??????Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen, and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing.?