梅村!梅村奥额!Plum village苫幢, 以為要飛去法國才能到達的地方,就在離墨爾本兩百多公里的Beaufort.
墨爾本的梅村攻旦,在叢林之中喻旷,是一行禪師親自選址,Meditation Hall 矗立于山頂牢屋,光且预,綠槽袄,柔,很pure 的能量場锋谐。
體會了行禪遍尺,睡禪,坐禪涮拗,聽 sister light 講到了 moon meditation!
* Zen Keys
* 《活的安詳》(Being Peace)
* 《太陽我的心》(The Sun My Heart)
* 《行禪指南》(A Guide to Walking Meditation)
* 《正念的奇跡》(The Miracle of Mindfulness)
* 《般若之心》(The Heart of Understanding)
* 《佛之心法》(The heart of the Buddha's Teaching)
* 《生命的轉化與療癒》(Transformation and Healing)
* 《當下一刻鼓择、美妙一刻》(Present Moment, Wonderful Moment)
* 《祈禱的力量》(The Energy of Prayer)
* 《真愛的功課:追隨一行禪師五十年]》(Learning True Love:Practicing Buddhism in a Time of War)真空法師著
* 《一行禪師講金剛經》
* 《給地球的情書》(Thich Nhat Hanh)
* 《諦聽與愛語:一行禪師談正念溝通的藝術》
The Most Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay– Vietnamese ?for teacher), our spiritual teacher, founded the Unified Buddhist Church (Eglise Bouddhique Unifieé) in France in 1969, during the Vietnam war.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, a poet, a scholar, and a peace activist. His life long efforts to generate peace and reconciliation moved Martin Luther King, Jr. to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967.
When not travelling the world to teach “The Art of Mindful Living”, Thay teaches, writes and gardens in Plum Village, France, a Buddhist monastery for monks and nuns and a mindfulness practice center for lay people.
He has published more than 100 titles, including more than 40 in English: Peace is Every Step, Being Peace, Touching Peace and many more. His books are published by Parallax Press. Books are available from the Nhap Luu Meditation Centre, and online direct from Parallax Press.
?Driving to Beaufort? ? At the traffic lights in Beaufort, turn north from the West Highway on the Lexton Road. Follow it for 5.2 kilometres and then turn left into Maria’s Lane(Squatters Road on Google Maps). Follow Maria’s lane 2.3 kms until you see the Nhap Luu sign on the left. Enter through the gate and follow the driveway to the car park.