? ? ? ? ? ? ? The First Point of Life
Mr. Paulo Coelho wrote in his book "the Alchemist ", At a certain point in our lives, we loose control of what's happening to us,and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie.
Recently I figured out that it's very easy to lose control of life. When the Children grow old enough, they have to learn many things for living . One of my friends told me that her younger sister's daughter, a student in grade 6, had six other lessons after school.? If this occurred ten years ago, I would thought it was crazy. But now, I have become apathetic. I was astonished after counting with my fingers the related number of my little son's task. It is seven. My little son is in grade 5. You can't imagine this is very common among his classmates.
City Children have to face these pressure. They lose control of what's happening to them. Under the name of love,their lives are arranged by the worried and greedy adults. We load too much on their weak backs. Day by day, they're limited imperceptibly. After constantly training, they are capable of obtaining some skills and gaining some honour.?
I don't know what to say about it, because I feel guilty and fidgeted for leading him to learn so many. Is he treated as an acrobats who plays almost ten balls at one time ? or the animal performers in the zoo? His heart is? tired and he has less time to yearn,or to fulfill his personal legend.
I seldom would rather stop this silly game. When i want to unload some , other traditions persuade me not give up so easily. The child will obtain? more persistence and courage after overcoming the difficulties. So I am confused. On the other hand, he really performance well and has the Interest on each subject.
Actually we should not fear of the unknown when we're capable of achieving what we need and want. Our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand. We need not learn too much since we haven't enough time. Our only obligation on this world is to realize our personal legend.
So I realized it's? the first point that my son lost? control of his life. The less is the more. I think I have sensed something. I am ready to change.
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保羅奎艾略在他的《the Alchemist 》書中寫到,在我們生命的確定時刻希俩,我們失去了對生活的控制纫雁,我們的生命被命運所左右。這就是世界上最大的謊言祈纯。