? ? ? ? 今天跟大家分享一句話史汗,子曰:“可與言,而不與之言瓷蛙,失人;不可與言艰猬,而與之言,失言命贴。知者不失人食听,亦不失言≡嵯睿”
? ? ? ? 意思是:可以跟他說迹蛤,卻不跟他說,就會失去人才嚷量;不可以跟他說逆趣,卻跟他說了,就是說錯了話身坐。聰明人既不會失去人才部蛇,也不會說錯話咐蝇。
? ? ? ? 它告訴我們待人處事,說話第一。要知道怎么講話岛请,更要知道說什么話崇败。什么話該講肩祥,什么話不該講,應該明了于心混狠。進一步講就是說交流溝通要看人将饺,該說不說,可能會錯過朋友刮吧,與機會失之交臂桌肴;說了不該說的,可能引起誤會水醋,釀成大錯拄踪。
? ? ? ? 換個角度說拳魁,想要了解對方是不是聰明人,從他的語氣姚糊、語調授舟、說話方式,面對不同人有不同的溝通交流技巧看出來肠槽。
? ? ? ? 有智慧的人在正確的時間對著正確的對象說正確的話,而犯糊涂的人在錯誤的時間對著錯誤的對象說正確的話秸仙。所以溝通一定要看場合和看對象,好話也得對著好人說才行席吴。
? ? ? ? 能張嘴把事情說清楚抢腐,這是智慧;能閉住嘴不說,這是更高級的智慧伤靠。
To share with you today a sentence, Confucius said :" can with the words, not with the words, lost; not with the words, but with the words, lost. He who knows does not lose, nor does he lose his word.
If you can talk to him, but if you don't talk to him, you' ll lose your talent . can't talk to him, but you can talk to him. wise men will neither lose their talents nor speak wrong.
It tells us to treat people, talk first. To know how to speak, but also to know what to say. What should be said, what should not be said, should be clear in the heart. To speak further is to say that communication depends on people, should not say, may miss friends, and opportunities to miss; said should not say, may cause misunderstanding, resulting in a big mistake.
In other words, to understand whether the other person is a smart person, from his tone, tone, way of speaking, facing different people have different communication skills.
The wise say the right words to the right object at the right time, while the muddled say the right words to the wrong object at the wrong time. So communication must look at the occasion and see the object, good words also have to say to good people.
It is wisdom to be able to open your mouth to make things clear; it is higher wisdom to be able to shut your mouth and not to speak.