




  1. 訪問應(yīng)用程序資源:通過Context孔飒,可以獲取應(yīng)用程序的資源,如字符串许起、布局文件十偶、圖像等。這些資源可以在應(yīng)用程序的各個組件中使用园细,例如Activity惦积、ServiceBroadcastReceiver等猛频。
  2. 啟動組件:通過Context狮崩,可以啟動其他組件,如啟動Activity鹿寻、啟動Service睦柴、發(fā)送廣播等。它提供了訪問系統(tǒng)服務(wù)的能力毡熏,如啟動其他應(yīng)用程序坦敌、發(fā)送系統(tǒng)廣播等。
  3. 獲取應(yīng)用程序的上下文:通過Context,可以獲取應(yīng)用程序的上下文狱窘,如獲取ApplicationContext杜顺,用于在整個應(yīng)用程序中共享數(shù)據(jù)或執(zhí)行全局操作。
  4. 訪問系統(tǒng)服務(wù):通過Context蘸炸,可以訪問各種系統(tǒng)服務(wù)躬络,如獲取系統(tǒng)級的服務(wù)(如傳感器服務(wù)、位置服務(wù))搭儒、訪問設(shè)備功能(如攝像頭穷当、存儲器)、執(zhí)行網(wǎng)絡(luò)操作等淹禾。
  5. 訪問應(yīng)用程序的文件:通過Context對象馁菜,可以獲取應(yīng)用程序的文件目錄,創(chuàng)建稀拐、讀取火邓、寫入和刪除文件等操作。
  6. 處理資源生命周期:通過Context德撬,可以管理應(yīng)用程序資源的生命周期铲咨,如創(chuàng)建、銷毀對象蜓洪、注冊和注銷監(jiān)聽器等纤勒。它提供了一種機制,確保資源的正確使用和釋放隆檀,避免內(nèi)存泄漏等問題摇天。
public abstract AssetManager getAssets();

 * Returns a Resources instance for the application's package.
 * <p>
 * <strong>Note:</strong> Implementations of this method should return
 * a Resources instance that is consistent with the AssetManager instance
 * returned by {@link #getAssets()}. For example, they should share the
 * same {@link Configuration} object.
 * @return a Resources instance for the application's package
 * @see #getAssets()
public abstract Resources getResources();

/** Return PackageManager instance to find global package information. */
public abstract PackageManager getPackageManager();

/** Return a ContentResolver instance for your application's package. */
public abstract ContentResolver getContentResolver();

 * Return the Looper for the main thread of the current process.  This is
 * the thread used to dispatch calls to application components (activities,
 * services, etc).
 * <p>
 * By definition, this method returns the same result as would be obtained
 * by calling {@link Looper#getMainLooper() Looper.getMainLooper()}.
 * </p>
 * @return The main looper.
public abstract Looper getMainLooper();

 * Return an {@link Executor} that will run enqueued tasks on the main
 * thread associated with this context. This is the thread used to dispatch
 * calls to application components (activities, services, etc).
public Executor getMainExecutor() {
    // This is pretty inefficient, which is why ContextImpl overrides it
    return new HandlerExecutor(new Handler(getMainLooper()));

public abstract Context getApplicationContext();

public final CharSequence getText(@StringRes int resId) {
    return getResources().getText(resId);

 * Returns a localized string from the application's package's
 * default string table.
 * @param resId Resource id for the string
 * @return The string data associated with the resource, stripped of styled
 *         text information.
public final String getString(@StringRes int resId) {
    return getResources().getString(resId);

 * Returns a localized formatted string from the application's package's
 * default string table, substituting the format arguments as defined in
 * {@link java.util.Formatter} and {@link java.lang.String#format}.
 * @param resId Resource id for the format string
 * @param formatArgs The format arguments that will be used for
 *                   substitution.
 * @return The string data associated with the resource, formatted and
 *         stripped of styled text information.
public final String getString(@StringRes int resId, Object... formatArgs) {
    return getResources().getString(resId, formatArgs);

 * Returns a color associated with a particular resource ID and styled for
 * the current theme.
 * @param id The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt
 *           tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource
 *           entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
 * @return A single color value in the form 0xAARRGGBB.
 * @throws android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException if the given ID
 *         does not exist.
public final int getColor(@ColorRes int id) {
    return getResources().getColor(id, getTheme());

 * Returns a drawable object associated with a particular resource ID and
 * styled for the current theme.
 * @param id The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt
 *           tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource
 *           entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
 * @return An object that can be used to draw this resource.
 * @throws android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException if the given ID
 *         does not exist.
public final Drawable getDrawable(@DrawableRes int id) {
    return getResources().getDrawable(id, getTheme());

 * Returns a color state list associated with a particular resource ID and
 * styled for the current theme.
 * @param id The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt
 *           tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource
 *           entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
 * @return A color state list.
 * @throws android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException if the given ID
 *         does not exist.
public final ColorStateList getColorStateList(@ColorRes int id) {
    return getResources().getColorStateList(id, getTheme());

 * Set the base theme for this context.  Note that this should be called
 * before any views are instantiated in the Context (for example before
 * calling {@link android.app.Activity#setContentView} or
 * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate}).
 * @param resid The style resource describing the theme.
public abstract void setTheme(@StyleRes int resid);

/** @hide Needed for some internal implementation...  not public because
 * you can't assume this actually means anything. */
public int getThemeResId() {
    return 0;

 * Return the Theme object associated with this Context.
@ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(deepExport = true)
public abstract Resources.Theme getTheme();

 * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
 * {@link android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int[])}
 * for more information.
 * @see android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int[])
public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(@NonNull @StyleableRes int[] attrs) {
    return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);

 * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
 * {@link android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])}
 * for more information.
 * @see android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])
public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(@StyleRes int resid,
        @NonNull @StyleableRes int[] attrs) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
    return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(resid, attrs);

 * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
 * {@link android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)}
 * for more information.
 * @see android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
        @Nullable AttributeSet set, @NonNull @StyleableRes int[] attrs) {
    return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(set, attrs, 0, 0);

 * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
 * {@link android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)}
 * for more information.
 * @see android.content.res.Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(@Nullable AttributeSet set,
        @NonNull @StyleableRes int[] attrs, @AttrRes int defStyleAttr,
        @StyleRes int defStyleRes) {
    return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
        set, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);



Context 本身是一個抽象類,主要實現(xiàn)類為 ContextImpl歧斟,另外有子類 ContextWrapperContextThemeWrapper纯丸,另外還有其他由上述三個類引申出來的Context類,Application/Service/Activity静袖,他們的繼承關(guān)系如下:


ContextImpl ContextWrapper ContextThemeWrapper
ContextImplContext的主要實現(xiàn)類觉鼻,它提供了大部分Context的基本功能和行為。它是Android框架中真正的上下文實現(xiàn)類队橙,用于處理應(yīng)用程序的資源訪問坠陈、組件啟動萨惑、文件操作和系統(tǒng)服務(wù)等操作。 ContextWrapper是一個包裝類仇矾,用于對現(xiàn)有的Context對象進行包裝或修改其功能咒钟。它是Context的一個間接子類,可以通過繼承ContextWrapper類來擴展Context的功能若未,例如添加自定義的行為或修改Context的行為。 ContextThemeWrapperContextThemeWrapperContext的另一個包裝類倾鲫,它繼承自ContextWrapper類粗合。與ContextWrapper類似,ContextThemeWrapper也是用于包裝現(xiàn)有的Context對象乌昔,但它還提供了自己的主題資源隙疚。通過ContextThemeWrapper,可以為特定的上下文設(shè)置不同的主題磕道,以實現(xiàn)界面的樣式和外觀的變化供屉。



public class ContextImpl extends Context {
    private Resources mResources;
    private Theme mTheme;
    void setResources(Resources r) {
        if (r instanceof CompatResources) {
            ((CompatResources) r).setContext(this);
        mResources = r;
    public Resources getResources() {
        return mResources;
    public void setTheme(int resId) {
        synchronized (mSync) {
            if (mThemeResource != resId) {
                mThemeResource = resId;
    public Resources.Theme getTheme() {
        synchronized (mSync) {
            if (mTheme != null) {
                return mTheme;
            mThemeResource = Resources.selectDefaultTheme(mThemeResource,
            return mTheme;
    private void initializeTheme() {
        if (mTheme == null) {
            mTheme = mResources.newTheme();
        mTheme.applyStyle(mThemeResource, true);
    // 其他方法的實現(xiàn)省略...




public static int selectDefaultTheme(int curTheme, int targetSdkVersion) {
    return selectSystemTheme(curTheme, targetSdkVersion,

/** @hide */
public static int selectSystemTheme(int curTheme, int targetSdkVersion, int orig, int holo,
        int dark, int deviceDefault) {
    if (curTheme != ID_NULL) {
        return curTheme;
    if (targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {
        return orig;
    if (targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {
        return holo;
    if (targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        return dark;
    return deviceDefault;




public class ContextWrapper extends Context {
    Context mBase;

    public ContextWrapper(Context base) {
        mBase = base;
    public void setTheme(int resid) {
    /** @hide */
    public int getThemeResId() {
        return mBase.getThemeResId();
    public Resources.Theme getTheme() {
        return mBase.getTheme();
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
        return mBase.getClassLoader();
    public String getPackageName() {
        return mBase.getPackageName();



public class ContextThemeWrapper extends ContextWrapper {
    public Resources getResources() {
        return getResourcesInternal();
    private Resources getResourcesInternal() {
        if (mResources == null) {
            if (mOverrideConfiguration == null) {
                mResources = super.getResources();
            } else {
                final Context resContext = createConfigurationContext(mOverrideConfiguration);
                mResources = resContext.getResources();
        return mResources;
    public void setTheme(int resid) {
        if (mThemeResource != resid) {
            mThemeResource = resid;
    public Resources.Theme getTheme() {
        if (mTheme != null) {
            return mTheme;
        mThemeResource = Resources.selectDefaultTheme(mThemeResource,
        return mTheme;
    private void initializeTheme() {
        final boolean first = mTheme == null;
        if (first) {
            mTheme = getResources().newTheme();
            final Resources.Theme theme = getBaseContext().getTheme();
            if (theme != null) {
        onApplyThemeResource(mTheme, mThemeResource, first);




package androidx.appcompat.view;

public class ContextThemeWrapper extends ContextWrapper {
    public Resources.Theme getTheme() {
        if (mTheme != null) {
            return mTheme;
        if (mThemeResource == 0) {
            mThemeResource = R.style.Theme_AppCompat_Light;
        return mTheme;



class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        printLog("baseContext is ${baseContext.themeResId} baseContext is $baseContext")
        printLog("application is ${application.themeResId} application is $application")
        printLog("applicationContext is ${applicationContext.themeResId} applicationContext is $applicationContext")
        printLog("activity is ${this.themeResId}")


    private fun printLog(msg: String) {
        println("MainActivity themeResId in $msg")



  1. getApplicationgetApplicationContext得到的是同一個Application實例對象用狱;
  2. Application對象中的themeResId 為0 运怖,Application其實也有主題的應(yīng)用,畢竟主題樣式都是針對UI元素的齿拂;
  3. Activity****中的主題和****getBaseContext****中的主題是不一樣的驳规,具體對應(yīng)什么主題下文將進行探究
  4. getBaseContext中得到的是ContextThemeWrapper,這點讓我有點意外署海,之前的理解都是Activity啟動時吗购,會新建一個ContextImpl對象,在attachBaseContext中賦予Activity中的mBase砸狞,于是仔細研究一下發(fā)現(xiàn)捻勉,其實是AppCompatActivity做了替換:
// AppCompatActivity重寫了Activity中的attachBaseContext方法
protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) {



public Context attachBaseContext2(@NonNull final Context baseContext) {
    mBaseContextAttached = true;

    final int modeToApply = mapNightMode(baseContext, calculateNightMode());

    // If the base context is a ContextThemeWrapper (thus not an Application context)
    // and nobody's touched its Resources yet, we can shortcut and directly apply our
    // override configuration.
    if (sCanApplyOverrideConfiguration
            && baseContext instanceof android.view.ContextThemeWrapper) {
        final Configuration config = createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight(
                baseContext, modeToApply, null);

                (android.view.ContextThemeWrapper) baseContext, config);
        return baseContext;

    // Again, but using the AppCompat version of ContextThemeWrapper.
    if (baseContext instanceof ContextThemeWrapper) {
        final Configuration config = createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight(
                baseContext, modeToApply, null);
        ((ContextThemeWrapper) baseContext).applyOverrideConfiguration(config);
        return baseContext;

    // We can't apply the configuration directly to the existing base context, so we need to
    // wrap it. We can't create a new configuration context since the app may rely on method
    // overrides or a specific theme -- neither of which are preserved when creating a
    // configuration context. Instead, we'll make a best-effort at wrapping the context and
    // rebasing the original theme.
    if (!sCanReturnDifferentContext) {
        return super.attachBaseContext2(baseContext);

    Configuration configOverlay = null;

    final Configuration config = createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight(
            baseContext, modeToApply, configOverlay);
      // 并且ContextThemeWrapper中的主題為Theme_AppCompat_Empty
    // Next, we'll wrap the base context to ensure any method overrides or themes are left
    // intact. Since ThemeOverlay.AppCompat theme is empty, we'll get the base context's theme.
    final ContextThemeWrapper wrappedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(baseContext,

    // Check whether the base context has an explicit theme or is able to obtain one
    // from its outer context. If it throws an NPE because we're at an invalid point in app
    // initialization, we don't need to worry about rebasing under the new configuration.
    boolean needsThemeRebase;
    try {
        needsThemeRebase = baseContext.getTheme() != null;
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        needsThemeRebase = false;

    if (needsThemeRebase) {
        // Attempt to rebase the old theme within the new configuration. This will only
        // work on SDK 23 and up, but it's unlikely that we're keeping the base theme
        // anyway so maybe nobody will notice. Note that calling getTheme() will clone
        // the base context's theme into the wrapped context's theme.

    return super.attachBaseContext2(wrappedContext);

public Context attachBaseContext2(@NonNull Context context) {
// 重點2刀森,將上一步包裝了baseContext的ContextThemeWrapper對象進一步賦值給Activity的mBase
    return context;




可以看到埠偿,getBaseActivityActivity中的主題分別對應(yīng)Theme_AppCompat_Empty 與我們在AndroidManifest.xml中設(shè)置的應(yīng)用主題Theme.ThemeTest


Context是Android應(yīng)用程序與系統(tǒng)環(huán)境進行交互的橋梁,主要實現(xiàn)類是ContextImpl, 可以訪問應(yīng)用程序資源/啟動組件/訪問系統(tǒng)服務(wù)/訪問應(yīng)用程序的文件等榜晦,而Context可以分為三種:ContextImpl/ContextWrapper/ContextThemeWrapper冠蒋,不同ContextImpl 是Context的主要實現(xiàn)類,ContextWrapper是簡單的包裝類乾胶,所有的實現(xiàn)都由其內(nèi)部的mBase成員完成抖剿,ContextThemeWrapper繼承自ContextWrapper 朽寞,它的主要繼承者是Activity,和其他兩個Context不同的是斩郎,他內(nèi)部對應(yīng)用資源和主題有不同的行為脑融,在應(yīng)用中使用跟主題相關(guān)的Context時,最好使用activity缩宜,而不要使用getBaseContext或者applictaion.

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