select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881'
) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid
問題铆帽?:這個表里他有相同的workstation,例如印刷機有多個,我現(xiàn)在要做到是把相同的給加入限制條件(如果有相同的workstation,就取這個useID所在的bu 工站ID(workstationID))
select * from esoppost
select * from tb_emp
聯(lián)合查詢一下德谅,查找到userid 所在的BU的工站ID了爹橱,
select a.* from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881'
select * from (
select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881' ) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid )a where workstationid in(
select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881')
select * from (
select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881' ) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid )a where workstationid not in(
select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881') and workstation not in(
select workstation from (
select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881' ) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid )a where workstationid in(
select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881'))
select examid,userid,workstation,workstationid, cast(score as varchar) score from (
select * from (
select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881' ) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid )a where workstationid in(
select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881')
select * from (
select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881' ) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid )a where workstationid not in(
select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881') and workstation not in(
select workstation from (
select examid,userid,workstation, max(cast(score as int)) score,workstationid from (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881' ) a
group by examid,userid,workstation,workstationid )a where workstationid in(
select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881'))
select distinct examid,userid,station,workstationid,score from (
select userid,examid,station,classname,workstationid,score from Practical
union all
select distinct userid,examid,station,classname,workstationid,score from PractrcalTemp
) b
- 我優(yōu)化了一下准浴,但只是把語句縮短了一點點而已事扭,完全說不上優(yōu)化啊P至选>浜怠:
把 (
select distinct(userid),workstation,examid,score,workstationid from EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881'
) a
EsopUserExam where userid='F1331881'
這里 的group by 分組效果和distinct去重效果 一樣所以 這里去除了這個語句
- isnull(str1,str2) 當str1為空時谈撒,用str2代替
- isnumeric(str1) 查找當前欄位為數(shù)字的;
- distinct() 去重
select @gg=workstationid from #a where workstationid in (
select workstationid from #a where workstation in (
select workstation from #a group by workstation having count(workstation)>1) group by workstationid having count(workstationid)<2)
and isnumeric(score)>0
select * from #a where workstation not in (
select workstation from #a where workstationid in (
select workstationid from #a where workstation in (
select workstation from #a group by workstation having count(workstation)>1) group by workstationid having count(workstationid)<2)
and workstationid in ( select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881' ))
select* from #a where workstationid in (
select isnull(workstation,()) from #a where workstationid in (
select workstationid from #a where workstation in (
select workstation from #a group by workstation having count(workstation)>1) group by workstationid having count(workstationid)<2)
and workstationid in ( select a.id from esoppost a,tb_emp b where a.buname=b.plant and b.emp_no='F1331881' ))