我們都想要確保幫助我們的孩子應對他們將會在他們生活中的不同階段所面臨的挑戰(zhàn)餐曹。這些挑戰(zhàn)之一被準備畢業(yè)后處理他們的財務狀況。我們是如何做的敌厘?答案是︰ 確保我們的兒子和女兒受過金融議題關鍵教育凸主。
這些主題多種多樣和許多︰ 畢業(yè)生進入工作場所,他們必須能立即決定 — — 例如從他們的薪水额湘,是否要加入他們公司的退休計劃和什么樣的健康好處卿吐,抉擇。
預繳和效益選舉:新員工需要作出多少錢拒絕為稅從他們第一次薪水的決定块差。他們也需要作出決定效益的選舉,例如醫(yī)療倔丈、 人身保險和退休儲蓄憨闰。立即和長遠來看,這些決定可能會影響他們需五。如果他們放棄這些好處鹉动,他們被錄用,或延遲作出決定時宏邮,他們可能不能夠更改直到他們公司計劃一年泽示,或直到他們在情況下有變化的周年日期。我們都想要確保我們的孩子有正確的金融工具蜜氨,讓他們透過生活械筛。預算編制:就拿到一個好的金融開始,新畢業(yè)生需要教育如何明智地預算记劝,他們的錢变姨。讓他們通過分類,支出與他們的收入厌丑,并確定如何和在哪里他們度過后者跟蹤他們在一段時間 (如一周或一個月) 的支出定欧。
另一個建議是,他們的收入主要分為三類;例如怒竿,固定每月開支砍鸠、 可變費用及其他個人開支。固定的費用包括租金耕驰、 按揭爷辱、 雜貨和公用事業(yè)等正在進行每月必需品‰猓可變費用可能捐贈饭弓、 旅行或娛樂等項目。畢業(yè)生的支出的平衡應該像儲蓄退休媒抠、 儲蓄賬戶和其他投資和應急資金的項目弟断。
發(fā)展信用歷史:如前所述,大多數(shù)的新畢業(yè)生將沒有任何信用歷史趴生。他們可以開始構建一個積極通過獲得一張由他們使阀趴、 是子卡上另一個人 (或許父) 帳戶或帳戶上已聯(lián)署的存款擔保的信用卡昏翰。這些年輕人然后需要發(fā)展健康的理財習慣,例如每月按時支付他們的賬單刘急。如果他們對他們的信用卡的信用額度棚菊,他們應該避免允許的最大花費。此外叔汁,他們應該讓信用卡賬戶開在一段時間统求。
這篇文章被分布式 CBIZ 不呈現(xiàn)法律微驶、 會計或其他專業(yè)意見的理解浪谴。任何本協(xié)議可能被解釋為稅務咨詢的范圍內,這樣的建議不打算用于和不能用來避免處罰根據(jù)國內收入法典 》因苹,或促進苟耻,市場或推薦給其他人任何與稅務有關的事項。此信息是一般性質的在法律上或在此類法律的解釋可能受更改扶檐。建議讀者聯(lián)系專業(yè)人員在采取任何行動凶杖,根據(jù)此信息之前。CBIZ 不承擔任何責任無論在使用這一信息款筑,并假定沒有義務告知讀者的任何更改在法律或其他因素可能影響此處包含的信息智蝠。
這篇文章最初發(fā)表在 2 月-4 月 2017年,價值奈梳。
We all want to make sure we have prepared our children for the challenges they will face at different stages in their lives. One of those challenges is being equipped to handle their finances after graduation.
How do we do that? The answer is: making sure our sons and daughters have been educated on key financial topics.
Those topics are diverse and many: As graduates enter the workplace, they have to make immediate decisions—such as what money to withhold from their paychecks, whether to join their company’s retirement plans and what kind of health benefits to elect.
In addition, they may want to start budgeting for their financial goals by paying off student loans; buying a car; or saving for a home, a wedding or future children. Here, a credit history is key. And the fact is, most graduates have no credit history, and will need to develop a positive one.
By arming our children with the information they’ll need to get started, we’ll be giving them a practical foundation they can use throughout their lives.
New employees need to make decisions on how much money to withhold for taxes from their first paychecks. They also need to decide on benefit elections such as medical, life insurance and retirement savings. These decisions may impact them both immediately and in the long term. If they waive these benefits when they are hired, or delay making a decision, they may not be able to make a change until the anniversary date of their company’s plan year, or until they have a change in circumstances.
We all want to make sure our children have the right financial tools to get them through life.
To get off to a good financial start, new graduates need to be educated on how to wisely budget their money. Have them track their spending over a period of time (such as a week or month) by categorizing that spending versus their income, and determining how and where they spend the latter.
Another suggestion is to divide their income into three categories; e.g., fixed monthly expenses, variable expenses and other personal expenses. Fixed expenses include ongoing monthly essentials such as rent, mortgage, groceries and utilities. Variable expenses may be items like donations, travel or entertainment. The balance of the graduate’s spending should be for items like saving for retirement, savings accounts and other investments and emergency funds.
As mentioned, most new graduates will not have any credit history. They can start building a positive one by getting a credit card which is secured by a deposit they make, is a sub-card on another person’s (perhaps a parent’s) account or has a co-signer on the account.
These young people then need to develop healthy financial habits, such as paying their bills on time each month. If they have a credit limit on their credit cards, they should avoid spending up to the maximum allowed. In addition, they should keep credit card accounts open over a period of time.
In sum, we all want to make sure our children have the right financial tools to get them through life. Ensuring that we provide them with a solid foundation in basic financial skills after graduation will prepare them for the positive start they need.
This article is distributed with the understanding that CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. To the extent anything herein could be construed as tax advice, such advice is not intended to be used and cannot be used to avoid penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or to promote, market or recommend to another person any tax-related matter. This information is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or in the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. CBIZ assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with the use of this information and assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in laws or other factors that could affect the information contained herein.
This article was originally published in the February-April 2017 issue of Worth.