First of all坤候,let me talk something about the content of this book.
Before our learning, my comprehension to "creative force" which called "zaohua" in Chinese was absolutely distinct. In the past, I always considered it as fortune,destiny or fate鼠证,which represent natural force that dominates our life externally袖牙,for example牺蹄,fate play human beings稠集,or everything is decided by fortune.
After learning this book, however, I have a fresh understanding——it's an individual force which conclusively shaped kids' personality and by which they can change themselves internally. Especially, it is for the children who are in his first four years.
Why is creative force decisive for children's personality悯恍?
why not nature condition as genetics, talent, or nurture condition as family or other environment? This book tell us that, when a child born from a family, it seem like that the child come to a theater to act, but there have never been a script, he doesn't know what a role he will play and how to play. The child can just do it improvisationally. Before his performance and during his performance, he has got some heredity and will receive many signals, photos or information, which are called raw materials by this book.
Then, this book introduce these raw materials in detail, which include family atmosphere, parenting style, family values, male and female, birth order, parents' relationship, and in which we are inspired to brain storm by a lot of questions.
Although it looks like that the child is largely affected by these materials which he see and find, what conclusion he make, or库糠,what a role he finally choose to play on the theatre,due to his own perception about these materials and behavior by making use of them.
At the end of the book, the author present us 4 crucial Cs, developed from Adler’s requirements of all human beings, including connect, capable, count and courage. If the child be provided with them, it is positive to his perception and behavior.?
Do I agree with this book?
Mainly. Let us imagine that, in a two-child or three-child family, even if what raw materials they acquired are exactly the same, each child is quite distinct. The reason is that every person more or less has different response to the same thing , we can produce the fully same products, but we can’t create any two identical person.
Human beings have mind, which is the fundamental difference with other things in the world. As parents or others, we can’t control their mind. What we can afford to children is changing ourselves,such as family atmosphere, parenting style, or other environment, which can be controlled by us.? ?
What I get from this book?
On the one hand, as parents, we are the main providers of raw materials. Try our best to make the raw materials better, such as building a warm, happy and comforting atmosphere, improving our parenting style to kind and firm, or establishing a loving, enjoyable, harmonious, cooperative, interesting and respectful relationship. Since the basic elements are not the same, what our children see are very different. After all, the probability of excellent performance from the positive environment is much great than the negative one.?
On the other hand, this book not only automatically reminds us to think about what we offer to our children as parents, but also make us recollect our early memory as a child. Our adult also can use the creative force, even if it is more difficult than children especially under 4 years old.?
Thanksgiving to the learning, in which I got some creative force as a actor in my life.