? ? ? Do you have any experience that some confliction in your daily work ?I suppose the question from u must be “ Yes” in our daily we can’t steer clearof conflict .
? ? ? ? A maintenance engineer who is not diligent usually has some excuses whensome problems in his hand are not solved in time . never realize himselfmistake .
? ? ? ? Last Monday in our daily meeting , when got a news that a important casewas seriously delayed in the meeting . I immediately raised questions why this casewas not being done . then engineer at once answering my question that there areso many problems that are out of control by himself such as no supporting fromothers, can’t get necessary material and so on. Never mentioned any improvementfrom himself in this case . without lesson learning ! at the time I sharing my viewpoint of doing things right , highlight mybottom line in our work. I can’t accept some explanation without any inflectionfrom own . I obviously feel there is grave atmosphere in the meeting after I highlightedmy base rules. Then turn to other talk about other topic that this engineer burstout and shouted at other .
? ? ? ? Do you think if it is conflict between me and engineer?? Yes absolutely this is confliction . why thatis conflict in case. Conflict include three phases:Thefirst phase is difference , such as above case difference is recognition betweenfinding problem from self and finding problem from other ; the second phase isdiscord that such as serous atmosphere and shouting in the meeting, the thirdphase is dispute . in this case didn’t upgrade to dispute.
? ? ? ? So how to tackle this issue. We must throw away this idea that everythingcan be solved by time. Ignore this . that is not right way . we should solve itimmediately. Skills of solving this problemis that we need to prompt for difference ,? solution for discord is coach stillinvolve key factors :esteem, empathy ,involvement, share, support the last solution of dispute for mediate involveground rules ,take ownership , Neutral and objective , encourage involvement.
Summarization again , conflict we must manage . can’t ignore
Conflict has three phases : Difference , Discord , Dispute
Three methods solve this :
Difference we should promp?
Discord we should coach
Dispute we should mediate