1诈乒、怎么不說你自己? Look who’ s talking!
2章咧、不要再找借口了闷盔!Stop looking for excuses.
3弯洗、你憑什么指使我?What right do you have to tell me what to do?
4逢勾、什么事那么好笑牡整?What’ s so funny?
5、你這是何苦呢溺拱?Why torture yourself?
6逃贝、先幫我墊一下(錢)!Can you spot me?
7迫摔、你有完沒完般灏狻? Are you through?
8句占、我不是本地人沪摄。I’ m not from around here.
9、話別說得太早纱烘。Don’ t jinx it.
10杨拐、這沒什么稀奇。It’ s nothing special.
11凹炸、話別說得太滿。Don’ t be so sure.
12昼弟、你說這什么話啤它?What kind of talk is that?
13、要是我就不會舱痘。I wouldn’ t if I were you.
14变骡、有總比沒有好。Better than nothing.
15芭逝、你就放心好了塌碌。You can ease up.
16、那我就放心了旬盯。That eases my mind.
17台妆、我不是故意的翎猛。I didn’ t do it on purpose.
18、別瞧不起人了接剩。Don’ t look down on others!
19切厘、為什么不早說? Why didn’ t you say so?
20懊缺、我才懶得理你疫稿。You’ re not worth my time.
21、是這樣子的嗎鹃两? Is that so?
22遗座、別說是我做的Don’ t tell on me!/Don’ t rat on me!
23、你好大的膽子俊扳。You’ ve got some nerve.
24途蒋、不去你會后悔。You’ ll regret it if you don’ t go.
25拣度、別小題大做了碎绎。Don’ t blow it out of proportion.
26、這該怎么說呢抗果? How should I say this?
27筋帖、請你放尊重點!Treat it with respect.Have respect for someone.
28冤馏、照著做就對了日麸。 Just do what it says.
29、我懂你的意思逮光。 I know what you mean.
30代箭、我會找你算帳! You’ ll pay for this.
31涕刚、我看他不順眼嗡综。 He rubs me the wrong way.
32、真是失望透頂杜漠。 What a disappointment.
What a bummer!
33极景、他的話不可信。 Don’ t believe a word he says.
34驾茴、我有什么好處盼樟? What’ s in it for me?
35、都是你害的锈至! It’ s all your fault!
36晨缴、便宜沒好貨。 You get what you pay for.
37峡捡、我才不信邪击碗。 I don’ t buy it.
38筑悴、你還不夠格 You don’ t have the right.
39、你有意見嗎延都?Do you have an opinion?
40雷猪、誰會這么蠢?Who would be so dumb?
41晰房、我跟他不熟求摇。 I don’ t know him well.
42、我豁出去了 I’ ve got nothing to lose.
43殊者、我情不自禁与境。 I can’ t help myself.
44、我嚇得腿軟猖吴。 Shake like jelly.Like jelly.
45摔刁、你不想活了? You wanna die?
46海蔽、坐過去一點共屈! Move over!
47党窜、你算哪根蔥幌衣?Who do you think you are?
48豁护、不用你插嘴断部! You don’ t need to interrupt!
49、你說的容易虱疏。 That’ s easy for you to say.
50、你搞砸了啦右冻! You messed up!