1 - 閱讀感悟
SU TUNGPO, to use the poet's own expression, had gone on "spitting out flies found in one's food," and had so far escaped scot-free. But the hundredth time he "spat," he was caught.
常在河邊走哪有不濕鞋迄薄,林語堂用蘇東坡講過的話"spitting out flies found in one's food"來開頭,引人入勝煮岁。
(2)文中林語堂用了同義替換的表達讥蔽,例如“小人”,文中用了petty men和little fellow的表達人乓;表示“命償”時勤篮,用到了should pay with his life和should be killed都毒。
關于同義替換色罚,讀經(jīng)濟學人時感覺更明顯,例如Expelling Chinese people from Chinese cities一文中账劲,“民工”的表達方式有rural folk who move to the cities; migrants from the countryside;和 settlers from eleswhere戳护。
Some of these poems were highly deceptive and had hidden points to be appreciated only when one understood the historical references.
另外最近了解到“詞鏈兒”這個詞瀑焦,簡言之就是要把字詞放到句子和特定語境中傳來起來學習記憶腌且,比如上述這個句子,可以提煉一個模型出來:sth. is/does ... only when ....然后把自己想表達的內容嵌入句子內榛瓮,如Children can fully understand their parents only when they become someone's parents.
2 - Central Question
Why Su Tungpo is arrested for a trial and what is the result of the trial?
3 - Words
文中多次出現(xiàn)“the duty of a subject”铺董。subject常用的意思有主題、話題禀晓、科目精续、對象等,在文中用了citizen的意思粹懒,表示“公民重付,臣民,國民”凫乖。
(2)amount to
① to produce (a total) when added together
② to be the same in meaning or effect as sth.
文中用的是第二個意思确垫,分別用在“It all amounted to this:... ...”弓颈;“This practically?amounted to?her dying wish.”
意思是not able to be corrected or changed 屢教不改的,不可救藥的(常為幽默用法)删掀。這個詞源與correct相同翔冀,可聯(lián)系起來記憶。
文末爬迟,蘇東坡重獲自由后仍這樣形容自己“I am really incorrigible.”橘蜜,可見其心“大”。林語堂也多次寫到付呕,對于表達心中所想计福,蘇東坡并不care后果,這又與文章開頭"spitting out flies found in one's food"相呼應徽职。