用EnhancedVolcano 繪制火山圖


1 安裝

1.1 1. 來源 Bioconductor

  if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE))




1.2 2. 加載R包


2 快速啟動

通過示例演示 RNA-seq workflow: gene-level exploratory analysis and differential expression. 加載 ‘a(chǎn)irway’ 數(shù)據(jù)


  airway$dex %<>% relevel('untrt')

注釋Ensembl gene IDs為gene symbols:

  ens <- rownames(airway)

  symbols <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = ens,
    column = c('SYMBOL'), keytype = 'ENSEMBL')
  symbols <- symbols[!is.na(symbols)]
  symbols <- symbols[match(rownames(airway), names(symbols))]
  rownames(airway) <- symbols
  keep <- !is.na(rownames(airway))
  airway <- airway[keep,]



  dds <- DESeqDataSet(airway, design = ~ cell + dex)
  dds <- DESeq(dds, betaPrior=FALSE)
  res <- results(dds,
    contrast = c('dex','trt','untrt'))
  res <- lfcShrink(dds,
    contrast = c('dex','trt','untrt'), res=res, type = 'normal')

2.1 最基礎的火山圖繪制

對于多數(shù)基礎火山圖而言蝉稳,僅有單個數(shù)據(jù)框、數(shù)據(jù)矩陣或三列數(shù)據(jù)結果即可苗踪,包括標簽颠区、log2FC和校正或未校正的P值,其中默認log2FC的閾值為|2|; 默認 P值閾值為10e-6.

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue')

3 高級參數(shù)


3.1 修改log2FC和P值的截止值;指定標題拗慨;調整點和標簽大小



    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    title = 'N061011 versus N61311',
    pCutoff = 10e-32,  ##自己定義p閾值
    FCcutoff = 0.5,  ##自己定義FC閾值
    pointSize = 3.0,
    labSize = 6.0)

4.2 調整點和字母的顏色


    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    title = 'N061011 versus N61311',
    pCutoff = 10e-16,
    FCcutoff = 1.5,
    pointSize = 3.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    col=c('black', 'black', 'black', 'red3'),
    colAlpha = 1)

3.3 調整點的形狀


更多形狀信息見 ggplot2 Quick Reference: shape

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    title = 'N061011 versus N61311',
    pCutoff = 10e-16,
    FCcutoff = 1.5,
    pointSize = 4.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    shape = 8,
    colAlpha = 1)
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    title = 'N061011 versus N61311',
    pCutoff = 10e-16,
    FCcutoff = 1.5,
    pointSize = 3.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    shape = c(1, 4, 23, 25),
    colAlpha = 1)

3.4 Adjust cut-off lines and add extra threshold lines

The lines that are drawn to indicate cut-off points are also modifiable. The parameter ‘cutoffLineType’ accepts the following values: “blank”, “solid”, “dashed”, “dotted”, “dotdash”, “l(fā)ongdash”, and “twodash”. The colour and thickness of these can also be modified with ‘cutoffLineCol’ and ‘cutoffLineWidth’. To disable the lines, set either cutoffLineType=“blank” or cutoffLineWidth=0.

Extra lines can also be added via ‘hline’ and ‘vline’ to display other cut-offs.

To make these more visible, we will also remove the default gridlines.

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    xlim = c(-6, 6),
    title = 'N061011 versus N61311',
    pCutoff = 10e-12,
    FCcutoff = 1.5,
    pointSize = 3.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    colAlpha = 1,
    cutoffLineType = 'blank',
    cutoffLineCol = 'black',
    cutoffLineWidth = 0.8,
    hline = c(10e-20,
      10e-20 * 10e-30,
      10e-20 * 10e-60,
      10e-20 * 10e-90),
    hlineCol = c('pink', 'red', 'red2', 'red4'),
    hlineType = c('solid', 'longdash', 'dotdash', 'dotted'),
    hlineWidth = c(4, 3, 2, 1),
    gridlines.major = FALSE,
    gridlines.minor = FALSE)

Adjust cut-off lines and add extra threshold lines.

4.5 Adjust legend position, size, and text

The position of the legend can also be changed to “l(fā)eft” or “right” (and stacked vertically), or ‘top’ or “bottom” (stacked horizontally). The legend text, label size, and icon size can also be modified.

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    pCutoff = 10e-12,
    FCcutoff = 1.5,
    cutoffLineType = 'twodash',
    cutoffLineWidth = 0.8,
    pointSize = 4.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendLabels=c('Not sig.','Log (base 2) FC','p-value',
      'p-value & Log (base 2) FC'),
    legendPosition = 'right',
    legendLabSize = 16,
    legendIconSize = 5.0)

Adjust legend position, size, and text.

Note: to make the legend completely invisible, specify:

legendPosition = 'none'

4.6 Fit more labels by adding connectors

In order to maximise free space in the plot window, one can fit more labels by adding connectors from labels to points, where appropriate. The width and colour of these connectors can also be modified with ‘widthConnectors’ and ‘colConnectors’, respectively. Further configuration is achievable via ‘typeConnectors’ (“open”, “closed”), ‘endsConnectors’ (“l(fā)ast”, “first”, “both”), and lengthConnectors (default = unit(0.01, ‘npc’)).

The result may not always be desirable as it can make the plot look overcrowded.

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    pCutoff = 10e-32,
    FCcutoff = 2.0,
    pointSize = 4.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendPosition = 'right',
    legendLabSize = 12,
    legendIconSize = 4.0,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    widthConnectors = 0.75)

Fit more labels by adding connectors.

4.7 Only label key variables

In many situations, people may only wish to label their key variables / variables of interest. One can therefore supply a vector of these variables via the ‘selectLab’ parameter, the contents of which have to also be present in the vector passed to ‘lab’. In addition, only those variables that pass both the cutoff for log2FC and P value will be labelled.

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    selectLab = c('TMEM176B','ADH1A'),
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    pCutoff = 10e-14,
    FCcutoff = 2.0,
    pointSize = 4.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    shape = c(4, 35, 17, 18),
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendPosition = 'right',
    legendLabSize = 14,
    legendIconSize = 5.0)

4.8 Draw labels in boxes

To improve label clarity, we can draw simple boxes around the plots labels. This works much better when drawConnectors is also TRUE.

    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    selectLab = c('VCAM1','KCTD12','ADAM12',
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    pCutoff = 10e-14,
    FCcutoff = 2.0,
    pointSize = 4.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    labCol = 'black',
    labFace = 'bold',
    boxedLabels = TRUE,
    colAlpha = 4/5,
    legendPosition = 'right',
    legendLabSize = 14,
    legendIconSize = 4.0,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    widthConnectors = 1.0,
    colConnectors = 'black')

Draw labels in boxes.

4.9 Over-ride colouring scheme with custom key-value pairs

In certain situations, one may wish to over-ride the default colour scheme with their own colour-scheme, such as colouring variables by pathway, cell-type or group. This can be achieved by supplying a named vector as ‘colCustom’.

In this example, we just wish to colour all variables with log2FC > 2.5 as ‘high’ and those with log2FC < -2.5 as ‘low’.

  # create custom key-value pairs for 'high', 'low', 'mid' expression by fold-change
  # this can be achieved with nested ifelse statements
  keyvals <- ifelse(
    res$log2FoldChange < -2.5, 'royalblue',
      ifelse(res$log2FoldChange > 2.5, 'gold',
  keyvals[is.na(keyvals)] <- 'black'
  names(keyvals)[keyvals == 'gold'] <- 'high'
  names(keyvals)[keyvals == 'black'] <- 'mid'
  names(keyvals)[keyvals == 'royalblue'] <- 'low'
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    selectLab = rownames(res)[which(names(keyvals) %in% c('high', 'low'))],
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    title = 'Custom colour over-ride',
    pCutoff = 10e-14,
    FCcutoff = 1.0,
    pointSize = 3.5,
    labSize = 4.5,
    shape = c(6, 4, 2, 11),
    colCustom = keyvals,
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendPosition = 'left',
    legendLabSize = 15,
    legendIconSize = 5.0,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    widthConnectors = 1.0,
    colConnectors = 'black',
    arrowheads = FALSE,
    gridlines.major = TRUE,
    gridlines.minor = FALSE,
    border = 'partial',
    borderWidth = 1.5,
    borderColour = 'black')

Over-ride colouring scheme with custom key-value pairs.

4.10 Over-ride colour and/or shape scheme with custom key-value pairs

In this example, we first over-ride the existing shape scheme and then both the colour and shape scheme at the same time.

  # define different cell-types that will be shaded
  celltype1 <- c('VCAM1','KCTD12','ADAM12','CXCL12')
  celltype2 <- c('CACNB2','SPARCL1','DUSP1','SAMHD1','MAOA')

  # create custom key-value pairs for different cell-types
  # this can be achieved with nested ifelse statements
  keyvals.shape <- ifelse(
    rownames(res) %in% celltype1, 17,
      ifelse(rownames(res) %in% celltype2, 64,
  keyvals.shape[is.na(keyvals.shape)] <- 3
  names(keyvals.shape)[keyvals.shape == 3] <- 'PBMC'
  names(keyvals.shape)[keyvals.shape == 17] <- 'Cell-type 1'
  names(keyvals.shape)[keyvals.shape == 64] <- 'Cell-type 2'
  p1 <- EnhancedVolcano(res,
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    selectLab = rownames(res)[which(names(keyvals) %in% c('high', 'low'))],
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    title = 'Custom shape over-ride',
    pCutoff = 10e-14,
    FCcutoff = 1.0,
    pointSize = 4.5,
    labSize = 4.5,
    shapeCustom = keyvals.shape,
    colCustom = NULL,
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendLabSize = 15,
    legendPosition = 'left',
    legendIconSize = 5.0,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    widthConnectors = 0.5,
    colConnectors = 'grey50',
    gridlines.major = TRUE,
    gridlines.minor = FALSE,
    border = 'partial',
    borderWidth = 1.5,
    borderColour = 'black')

  # create custom key-value pairs for 'high', 'low', 'mid' expression by fold-change
  # this can be achieved with nested ifelse statements
  keyvals.colour <- ifelse(
    res$log2FoldChange < -2.5, 'royalblue',
      ifelse(res$log2FoldChange > 2.5, 'gold',
  keyvals.colour[is.na(keyvals.colour)] <- 'black'
  names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'gold'] <- 'high'
  names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'black'] <- 'mid'
  names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'royalblue'] <- 'low'

  p2 <- EnhancedVolcano(res,
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    selectLab = rownames(res)[which(names(keyvals) %in% c('High', 'Low'))],
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    title = 'Custom shape & colour over-ride',
    pCutoff = 10e-14,
    FCcutoff = 1.0,
    pointSize = 5.5,
    labSize = 0.0,
    shapeCustom = keyvals.shape,
    colCustom = keyvals.colour,
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendPosition = 'right',
    legendLabSize = 15,
    legendIconSize = 5.0,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    widthConnectors = 0.5,
    colConnectors = 'grey50',
    gridlines.major = TRUE,
    gridlines.minor = FALSE,
    border = 'full',
    borderWidth = 1.0,
    borderColour = 'black')

  grid.arrange(p1, p2,
    top = textGrob('EnhancedVolcano',
      just = c('center'),
      gp = gpar(fontsize = 32)))

Over-ride colour and/or shape scheme with custom key-value pairs.

4.11 Encircle / highlight certain variables

In this example we add an extra level of identifying key variables by encircling them.

This feature works best for shading just 1 or 2 key variables. It is expected that the user can use the ‘shapeCustom’ parameter for more in depth identification of different types of variables.

  # define different cell-types that will be shaded
  celltype1 <- c('VCAM1','CXCL12')
  celltype2 <- c('SORT1', 'KLF15')
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = 'log2FoldChange',
    y = 'pvalue',
    selectLab = c(celltype1, celltype2),
    xlab = bquote(~Log[2]~ 'fold change'),
    title = 'Shading cell-type 1|2',
    pCutoff = 10e-14,
    FCcutoff = 1.0,
    pointSize = 8.0,
    labSize = 6.0,
    labCol = 'black',
    labFace = 'bold',
    boxedLabels = TRUE,
    shape = 42,
    colCustom = keyvals,
    colAlpha = 1,
    legendPosition = 'right',
    legendLabSize = 20,
    legendIconSize = 20.0,
    # encircle
      encircle = celltype1,
      encircleCol = 'black',
      encircleSize = 2.5,
      encircleFill = 'pink',
      encircleAlpha = 1/2,
    # shade
      shade = celltype2,
      shadeAlpha = 1/2,
      shadeFill = 'skyblue',
      shadeSize = 1,
      shadeBins = 5,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    widthConnectors = 2.0,
    gridlines.major = TRUE,
    gridlines.minor = FALSE,
    border = 'full',
    borderWidth = 5,
    borderColour = 'black')

Shade certain variables.

4.12 Highlighting key variables via custom point sizes

One can also supply a vector of sizes to pointSize for the purpose of having a different size for each poin. For example, if we want to change the size of just those variables with log2FC>2:

  pasCts <- system.file("extdata", "pasilla_gene_counts.tsv",
    package="pasilla", mustWork=TRUE)
  pasAnno <- system.file("extdata", "pasilla_sample_annotation.csv",
    package="pasilla", mustWork=TRUE)
  cts <- as.matrix(read.csv(pasCts,sep="\t",row.names="gene_id"))
  coldata <- read.csv(pasAnno, row.names=1)
  coldata <- coldata[,c("condition","type")]
  rownames(coldata) <- sub("fb", "", rownames(coldata))
  cts <- cts[, rownames(coldata)]
  dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = cts,
    colData = coldata,
    design = ~ condition)

  featureData <- data.frame(gene=rownames(cts))
  mcols(dds) <- DataFrame(mcols(dds), featureData)
  dds <- DESeq(dds)
  res <- results(dds)

  p1 <- EnhancedVolcano(res,
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = "log2FoldChange",
    y = "pvalue",
    pCutoff = 10e-4,
    FCcutoff = 2,
    ylim = c(0, -log10(10e-12)),
    pointSize = c(ifelse(res$log2FoldChange>2, 8, 1)),
    labSize = 6.0,
    shape = c(6, 6, 19, 16),
    title = "DESeq2 results",
    subtitle = "Differential expression",
    caption = bquote(~Log[2]~ "fold change cutoff, 2; p-value cutoff, 10e-4"),
    legendPosition = "right",
    legendLabSize = 14,
    col = c("grey30", "forestgreen", "royalblue", "red2"),
    colAlpha = 0.9,
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    hline = c(10e-8),
    widthConnectors = 0.5)


Highlighting key variabvles via custom point sizes.

4.13 Change to continuous colour scheme

We can over-ride the default ‘discrete’ colour scheme with a continuous one that shades between 2 colours based on nominal or adjusted p-value, whichever is selected by y, via colGradient:

  p1 <- EnhancedVolcano(res,
    lab = rownames(res),
    x = "log2FoldChange",
    y = "pvalue",
    pCutoff = 10e-4,
    FCcutoff = 2,
    ylim = c(0, -log10(10e-12)),
    pointSize = c(ifelse(res$log2FoldChange>2, 8, 1)),
    labSize = 6.0,
    shape = c(6, 6, 19, 16),
    title = "DESeq2 results",
    subtitle = "Differential expression",
    caption = bquote(~Log[2]~ "fold change cutoff, 2; p-value cutoff, 10e-4"),
    legendPosition = "right",
    legendLabSize = 14,
    colAlpha = 0.9,
    colGradient = c('red3', 'royalblue'),
    drawConnectors = TRUE,
    hline = c(10e-8),
    widthConnectors = 0.5)


Highlighting key variabvles via custom point sizes.

4.14 Custom axis tick marks

Custom axis ticks can be added in a ‘plug and play’ fashion via ggplot2 functionality, as follows:

  p1 +
    ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim=c(-6, 6)) +
      breaks=seq(-6,6, 1))

Custom axis tick marks

More information on this can be found here: http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/ggplot2-axis-ticks-a-guide-to-customize-tick-marks-and-labels

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  • 正文 我出身青樓雀哨,卻偏偏與公主長得像,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親嗤无。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子震束,可洞房花燭夜當晚...
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