Programme Code?
One-year Full-time A1M061
Programme Aims
To provide students with the opportunity to develop their?recognition?of the nature, scope, purposes and processes of education, training and capacity building for sustainability;
To develop skills in utilizing?research/evidence based methods?for professional practice in Education;
To encourage students to apply these understandings and processes in their own professional settings and be able to?evaluate their actions?in a critical and reflective way;
develop?research capacity?for the professional community of educators, trainers and development practitioners concerns with sustainability issues in Hong Kong, China and internationally; and
To provide enhanced career opportunities for professionals in education, training and capacity building for sustainable development and?to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
Programme Structure
The programme comprises 24 credit points (cps). Students need to attend a class per week which may be held in the evening / daytime on weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and / or during long holidays at the Tai Po Campus, Tseung Kwan O Study Centre and / or satellite study center near Kowloon Tong as decided by the University.
Programme curriculum
The programme comprises 24 credit points (cps).
?? Sustainability Studies: An Overview
?? Global and Local Issues in Education for Sustainability
?? Learning and Teaching in EfS
?? Assessment and Evaluation in EfS, Theory and Practice
?? Research in Education for Sustainability *
?? Sustainable Campus Development
?? Thesis Writing Course and Research Thesis Project on EfS *
*taught by RMIT
Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction isEnglish.
Tuition Fee
This programme is offered on a self-funded basis. The tuition fee for the whole programme is HK$103,200, which is provisional and subject to adjustment. Tuition fees paid are normallynot refundable or transferable.
Programme Enquiries
Hotline:(852) 2948 8972
Fax:(852) 2948 7676
In person:Department of Science and Environmental Studies
Room D3-1/F-37
The Education University of Hong Kong
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
Choosing Master of Arts in Education for Sustainability
Estimated demand for the new programme
At present, many workers and teachers who do not possess an undergraduate degree in an environmental/sustainability-related field are involved in sustainability practices. In a recent survey conducted by the SES and SSC departments, teachers, NGO staff and private consultancies expressed an interest in having the opportunity to formally learn about sustainability issues to enhance the effectiveness of environmental/sustainability teaching in the school curriculum and other school activities.
There is a need for?Hong Kong teachers?who do not possess a relevant degree to upgrade their qualifications to become teachers with solid environmental and sustainability backgrounds. At present, there is no such opportunity for them to pursue such a Master’s degree programme in Hong Kong.
This new programme will also provide an opportunity for other?professionals, such as members of NGOs or other organisations,?to provide training to teachers and students in the area of EfS. There are a number of schemes that provide support and funding for schools in the environmental field, such as the Hong Kong Green School Award (in which approximately 30-40% of schools have taken part), the Student Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme and the Minor Works funding programme (used for green roofs, solar panels and energy reduction in schools and community facilities). Training is organised by the Environmental Campaign Committee and is often carried out by NGOs, whose employees would clearly benefit from this Master’s degree. This programme may also be of interest to?government employees?such as those in the Education Bureau or the Environmental Protection Department. Finally,?employees in private companies?and corporations engaged in corporate social responsibility or environmental protection initiatives may also find this programme beneficial for the advancement of their career.
Programme uniqueness
At present, this MA programme is not offered by any other Hong Kong universities. This programme is unique in its interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary nature, and also in its international appeal via its collaboration with RMIT in Australia. It will enhance pedagogical literacy using current knowledge and perspectives on issues related to a sustainable future.
This MA programme will have a?dual emphasis of sustainability issues and pedagogy?that enables graduates to become teachers/practitioners in a specialised area, consequently enhancing the upward mobility of their careers. It will provide a professional/vocational qualification for people working outside the school system who provide training on sustainability and/or environmental issues. In addition, this Master’s degree will enable graduates to pursue further EfS studies in MPhil, EdD and PhD programmes.
EdUHK’s market and staffing competitiveness
Its staff has experience in teaching relevant science/social science courses in the related areas of study.?
Its staff has contributed to developing key personal, social and humanities education learning areas and other inter-disciplinary curricula (e.g., general studies, liberal studies and integrated humanities).?
Its staff has conducted research in related areas that could inform and improve the MA programme’s development.
Its staff has worked collaboratively with primary and secondary schools to provide training in environmentally related areas.
International collaboration will bring access to RMIT’s resources and staff and provide an international learning environment.
The expertise available through EdUHK complements that available through RMIT’s School of Education. Professor Paul Harris is the Chair Professor of Global and Environmental Studies of SES and has published extensively in the areas of sustainability studies, environmental ethics and climate change politics. Further, Dr Eric Tsang, Associate Professor of SES and a green group chairman, has extensive publication and consultancy experience in the local and international promotion of EfS. He is particularly experienced in the evaluation of EfS programmes such as the Green School Award in Hong Kong and green campus development. They are supported by other HKIEd academics such as Dr Irene Cheng, an experienced academic in teacher education, and Professor Rupert Maclean, a UNESCO chair in technical vocational education and training (TVET). RMIT’s School of Education is headed by Professor Annette Gough and supported by Professor John Fien, one of RMIT’s innovative professors in sustainability, and Dr Josephine Lang, both of whom are very competent and experienced workers in EfS. Finally, whenever the need arises, we will employ guest lecturers to deliver the best possible education and exposure to students.