Daisy因為Dunstan莫不關心日漸憔悴衰伯,在雙方父母的安排下,Dunstan娶了Daisy, 建新房积蔚,兩人開始了快樂的田園牧歌生活意鲸,Dunstan漸漸走出了恍惚迷離。
然而就像金庸的武俠小說尽爆,開始出場的人物通常都不是主角怎顾,比如《射雕》首先出場的是郭靖和楊康的爹媽,故事真正的主角是他們的下一代人漱贱。Tristran Thorn來了槐雾,我們的故事就開始。
1. 英國老錢幣幅狮,讀經典英國小說募强,舊時的硬幣有,1鎊的硬幣崇摄,先令有時候會傻傻分不清幣值擎值,今天做了功課,好好說一說舊時的英國錢幣
Before 1971 money was divided into:?pounds (£ or l )?shillings (s. or /-) and?pennies (d.) 英磅配猫,先令幅恋,便士
1?pound?= ?20?shillings
1 shilling (a bob) =?12 pence
1 Crown = 5 shillings
1 half crown = 2 shillings and 6 pence
8個半克朗(half crown)= 1 pound
2. pat of butter 一塊黃油,量詞用pat
3. bid sb good morning/afternoon 祝早安/午安
4. at the stroke of midday 中午12點整
At the stroke of midday Dunstan strode up to the wall and...
5.thong 三個意思泵肄,在書中是帶子捆交,還有丁衣褲,人字拖的意思腐巢。貌似三個意思差異挺大品追,仔細想想,都是細細一根冯丙,形也很類似肉瓦,自已腦補吧。
6. be festooned with
給…飾花彩;結彩于胃惜;If something is festooned with, for example, lights, balloons, or flowers, large numbers of these things are hung from it or wrapped around it, especially in order to decorate it
It was festooned with flowers: bluebells and foxgloves and harebells and daffodils, but also...
7. waste away
變消瘦;變衰弱泞莉;If someone wastes away, they become extremely thin or weak because they are ill or worried and they are not eating properly
For every nine years May Day, people from Beyond the Wall and over the hold Faerie Market for one day and one night outside the Wall. There are wonders for sale. Dunstan visited the market at the stroke of the midday and he would like looking for something small and inexpensive gift for Daisy. Going through the thronged market, he was attracted to a chiming in the air which led him to a deserted stall full of crystal flowers.?
The stall holder was a small faerie who was very beautiful, but a slave of a witch woman under a spell. The girl sold the crystal snowdrop for a kiss from Dunstan. When Dunstan kissed the girl, he though the girl stole his heart.?Later that night, ?Dunstan met the girl in the woods t and makes love with her.?
Tommy got married Bridget two weeks after the market. Then Dunstan was married to Daisy two month later. At the end of February next year, one cold day evening, ?a wicker basket was pushed through the space in the wall, a baby boy named Trisstran in it.