10 ways science explains why James Bond is so irresistible to women
Bond is supremely confident. This makes him sexy. It also makes him great at his job; being overconfident often gives better results than being objective and rational.(We'd all be better off moderately overconfident.) Neither men or women prefermodest guys. Bond has the personality of a trained man of action: SWAT teammembers differed from the average person by being extremely confident("self-deceptive enhancement"), more emotionally stable and moreresilient.
007 is almost always calm. (Maybe that's due to all the sex.) Even when people are trying tokill him he's calm. This is sexy. Bond doesn't move unnecessarily. You neversee his knee bouncing or hands fidgeting. He speaks slowly and deliberately andis rarely rushed. These are all very charismatic qualities. He has theunflinching eye contact of a predator -- and this increases the chance womenwill fall in love with him. 007 doesn't gush over girls and show his feelings.He keeps them guessing and uncertainty increases attraction. Bond doesn't smilemuch and this too makes him sexy because happiness isn't alluring in men. Hisbody language is commanding and he's not afraid to take up space, which is verymasculine and appealing. 007 doesn't ramble on and this too is smooth. Bondnever slouches. Good posture increases confidence, feelings of power and makesyou physically tougher. (Which works out well when you want to look classy inyour tuxedo while battling machete wielding evil minions.)
There's generally booze wherever 007 goes and alcohol does lead to sex. Liking alcohol was thebiggest indicator of who has sex on the first date.
Bond has a keeneye for who to trust and who not to. This quality is frequently seen insexually open-minded people, actually. 007 can tell when a lady is into him.And science agrees: handsome men are the best at identifying who is attractedto them.
Bond has it alland that's exactly what the most beautiful women demand in the men they date.Women who really enjoy sex prefer "bad boys" -- and there's no doubt007 qualifies. Feminine women prefer masculine men. And for one night standswomen look for physical attractiveness and dominance -- which Bond has inspades.
All the Bondactors have been tall. This isn't a coincidence. A man who is five foot sixneeds to earn $175, 000 a year more a year to be as attractive as a man who issix feet tall. A lot of people commented on Daniel Craig's buff physique inCasino Royale. Once again the depiction clicks with the research: muscular menhave more one night stands and you can tell how many women a guy has slept withby the size of his arms. That chiseled torso may mean he's a better lover.
The Aston Martindoesn't hurt. Not at all. Neither does dropping tons of cash at exotic casinos-- throwing money around makes men more attractive to women who are interestedin flings. And, like Bond, men who gamble with women around are better at it.
Bond is by nomeans a comedian but he knows the power of a well-timed one liner. Women areattracted to funny men because humor is a sign of intelligence. You can evenpredict how many women a man has slept with by how funny he is.
Bond has beenattacked in innumerable ways and survived everything. Of course, this isbecause he's fictional. It is interesting to note that research shows masculinemen are hardier. In fact, being un-masculine can be lethal for males. (Maybeit's all those orgasms keeping him alive. I doubt he'll die of a heart attackor prostate cancer.)
Women fall for himbecause he's exciting to be around and this plays a much larger part in arelationship than most think. It's the key to a great first date. Even thefemme fatales assigned to kill Bond fall for him. But studies show this isn'tsurprising at all. 007's character has frequently been accused of being sexist.This is probably true -- and only serves to make him that much more attractiveto the ladies.