TORTURED BY DAD Terrified boy, 12, is dragged naked through the streets by his sadistic dad as punishment for stealing just £11
昭通12歲男孩偷錢(qián)遭虎父毒打 全身傷痕裸體冒雨游街
A YOUNG boy was dragged through the streets completely naked by his own father as punishment for stealing just £11.
The 12-year-old, whose name was not given, was covered in painful cuts and bruises and appears to have been badly beaten before his horrifying ordeal.
Locals in Zhaotong city, in south-western China’s Yunnan province, were shocked when they spotted him being pulled along the road with his hands bound by a length of rope.
His dad rode ahead of him on a motorcycle, parading the child for all to see.
Footage taken by police and passers-by shows the dad being stopped by stunned residents who demanded he stop and that the boy be given some clothes.
Witnesses said they could not believe the man, 48-year-old Zhou, was the kid’s dad.But Zhou said he was teaching his son a lesson for having stolen 100 yuan of family savings.
Cops were called and appeared equally shocked by his treatment of his young son.
The dad later gave his boy his jacket, reports said.The pair were then taken back to a police station for questioning.
The footage has caused outrage among Chinese social media users who believe the dad’s brutal parenting methods have no place in modern society.
It is unclear whether the father will face any punishment over the cruel punishment.