
Communicating with Authenticating HTTP Servers



本章介紹如何通過利用CFHTTPAuthentication API與驗證HTTP服務(wù)器進行交互片拍。它闡述了如何找到一個相匹配的認證對象和證書重抖,將它們應(yīng)用于一個HTTP請求,并保存它們供以后使用铜犬。

一般,如果一個HTTP服務(wù)器響應(yīng)返回401或407響應(yīng)你的請求后宴胧,這意味著服務(wù)器正在認證并需要證書。在CFHTTPAuthentication API中,任一證書集保存在CFHTTPAuthentication對象中肢藐。因此,每一個不同的認證服務(wù)器和每一個不同的用戶與服務(wù)器的連接都要求單獨的CFHTTPAuthentication對象吱韭。要與服務(wù)器的通信吆豹,你需要將你的CFHTTPAuthentication對象應(yīng)用HTTP請求。接下來更詳細的解釋這些步驟理盆。

Handling Authentication




圖 4-1 處理認證


Figure 4-2 查找認證對象




表 4-1 創(chuàng)建一個認證對象

if (!authentication) {
    CFHTTPMessageRef responseHeader =
        (CFHTTPMessageRef) CFReadStreamCopyProperty(
    // Get the authentication information from the response.
    authentication = CFHTTPAuthenticationCreateFromResponse(NULL, responseHeader);

更多有關(guān)證書的詳細信息, 請閱讀 "Security Credentials".



表 4-2 查找到一個有效的認證對象

CFStreamError err;
if (!authentication) {
    // the newly created authentication object is bad, must return
} else if (!CFHTTPAuthenticationIsValid(authentication, &err)) {
    // destroy authentication and credentials
    if (credentials) {
        credentials = NULL;
    authentication = NULL;
    // check for bad credentials (to be treated separately)
    if (err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainHTTP &&
        (err.error == kCFStreamErrorHTTPAuthenticationBadUserName
        || err.error == kCFStreamErrorHTTPAuthenticationBadPassword))
    } else {


不用存儲證書 (如下文中Keeping Credentials in Memory 和 Keeping Credentials in a Persistent Store所訴), 獲取有效證書唯一方法是提示用戶。大多數(shù)時候眠副,證書需要用戶名和密碼画切。 通過將認證對象傳入CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresUserNameAndPassword方法,你可以知道是否需要用戶名和密碼囱怕。如果證書確實需要用戶名和密碼霍弹,請?zhí)崾居脩籼峁┎⑵浯鎯υ谧C書字典中。對于NTLM服務(wù)器來說娃弓,證書還需要一個域典格。當你擁有一個新的證書,你可以使用resumeWithCredentials函數(shù)將認證對象應(yīng)用于HTTP請求如表4-4台丛。這所有的過程如表4-3所示耍缴。

提示: 在代碼列表中,當注釋以省略號開頭和結(jié)束時挽霉,意味著該操作不在本文檔的范圍內(nèi)防嗡,但需要實現(xiàn)。 這與描述正在發(fā)生什么操作的正常注釋不同侠坎。

表 4-3 查找證書(如果有必要)并應(yīng)用證書 Finding

// ...continued from Listing 4-2
else {
    if (credentials) {
    // are a user name & password needed?
    else if (CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresUserNameAndPassword(authentication))
        CFStringRef realm = NULL;
        CFURLRef url = CFHTTPMessageCopyRequestURL(request);
         // check if you need an account domain so you can display it if necessary
        if (!CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresAccountDomain(authentication)) {
            realm = CFHTTPAuthenticationCopyRealm(authentication);
        // ...prompt user for user name (user), password (pass)
        // and if necessary domain (domain) to give to the server...
        // Guarantee values
        if (!user) user = CFSTR("");
        if (!pass) pass = CFSTR("");
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationUsername, user);
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationPassword, pass);
        // Is an account domain needed? (used currently for NTLM only)
        if (CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresAccountDomain(authentication)) {
            if (!domain) domain = CFSTR("");
                                 kCFHTTPAuthenticationAccountDomain, domain);
        if (realm) CFRelease(realm);
    else {

表 4-4 應(yīng)用認證對象去請求

void resumeWithCredentials() {
    // Apply whatever credentials we've built up to the old request
    if (!CFHTTPMessageApplyCredentialDictionary(request, authentication,
                                                credentials, NULL)) {
    } else {
        // Now that we've updated our request, retry the load

Keeping Credentials in Memory




CFMutableArrayRef authArray;

instead of:

CFHTTPAuthenticationRef authentication;

2.創(chuàng)建一個字典用于 認證對象到證書的映射钢属。

CFMutableDictionaryRef credentialsDict;

instead of:

CFMutableDictionaryRef credentials;


CFDictionaryRemoveValue(credentialsDict, authentication);

instead of:



表 4-5 Looking for a matching authentication object

CFHTTPAuthenticationRef findAuthenticationForRequest {
    int i, c = CFArrayGetCount(authArray);
    for (i = 0; i < c; i ++) {
        CFHTTPAuthenticationRef auth = (CFHTTPAuthenticationRef)
                CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(authArray, i);
        if (CFHTTPAuthenticationAppliesToRequest(auth, request)) {
            return auth;
    return NULL;


表 4-6 Searching the credentials store

credentials = CFDictionaryGetValue(credentialsDict, authentication);


警告: 在接收到服務(wù)器質(zhì)詢前不要講證書應(yīng)用到HTTP請求譬挚。服務(wù)器自上次驗證后可能已經(jīng)更改锅铅,你可能會創(chuàng)造安全風險。


Keeping Credentials in a Persistent Store



CFMutableDictionaryRef findCredentialsForAuthentication(
        CFHTTPAuthenticationRef auth);
void saveCredentialsForRequest(void);


如果證書未在內(nèi)存中緩存衡蚂,則搜索鑰匙串窿克。使用h SecKeychainFindInternetPassword函數(shù)搜索鑰匙串。這個函數(shù)需要大量的參數(shù)毛甲。參數(shù)以及如何用于HTTP認證證書的簡短說明如下:

NULL 指定用戶的默認鑰匙串列表年叮。
serverName的長度, 通常是 strlen(serverName).
安全域的長度, 如果沒有安全域則為0。 在示例代碼中, realm ? strlen(realm) : 0 被傳入用來考慮兩種情況玻募。
認證對象的范圍, 從 CFHTTPAuthenticationCopyRealm 函數(shù)中獲得只损。
accountName的長度 。因為 accountNameNULL, 這個值是0.
獲取鑰匙串條目時沒有賬戶名, 因此這應(yīng)該是 NULL.
path的長度, 如果沒有路徑則為0。 在示例代碼中, path ? strlen(path) : 0被傳入用來考慮兩種情況跃惫。
從認證對象獲取的路徑, 從CFURLCopyPath 函數(shù)中得到叮叹。
端口號, 從 CFURLGetPortNumber函數(shù)中得到。
代表協(xié)議類型的字符串, 比如 HTTP 或 HTTPS爆存。 調(diào)用 CFURLCopyScheme 函數(shù)獲得協(xié)議類型蛉顽。
認證類型, 從 CFHTTPAuthenticationCopyMethod函數(shù)獲得。
0, 因為獲取鑰匙串條目時不需要密碼先较。

表 4-7 Searching the keychain

didFind =
                                    strlen(host), host,
                                    realm ? strlen(realm) : 0, realm,
                                    0, NULL,
                                    path ? strlen(path) : 0, path,
                                    0, NULL,

假設(shè)SecKeychainFindInternetPassword 返回成功, 創(chuàng)建包含一個鑰匙串屬性(SecKeychainAttribute)的鑰匙串屬性列表 (SecKeychainAttributeList)。鑰匙串屬性列表將包含用戶名和密碼癌幕。調(diào)用函數(shù)SecKeychainItemCopyContent并且傳入SecKeychainFindInternetPassword返回的鑰匙串引用對象(itemRef)去加載鑰匙串屬性列表衙耕。這個函數(shù)將用用戶賬戶名和一個void **作為它的密碼填充鑰匙串屬性 。


表 4-8 從鑰匙串中加載服務(wù)器證書

if (didFind == noErr) {
    SecKeychainAttribute     attr;
    SecKeychainAttributeList attrList;
    UInt32                   length;
    void                     *outData;
    // To set the account name attribute
    attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
    attr.length = 0; = NULL;
    attrList.count = 1;
    attrList.attr = &attr;
    if (SecKeychainItemCopyContent(itemRef, NULL, &attrList, &length, &outData)
        == noErr) {
        // is the account (username) and outdata is the password
        CFStringRef username =
                                    attr.length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
        CFStringRef password =
            CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, outData, length,
                                    kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
        SecKeychainItemFreeContent(&attrList, outData);
        // create credentials dictionary and fill it with the user name & password
        credentials =
            CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationUsername,
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationPassword,



表 4-9 Modifying the keychain entry

// Set the attribute to the account name
attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
attr.length = strlen(username); = (void*)username;
// Modify the keychain entry
SecKeychainItemModifyContent(itemRef, &attrList, strlen(password),
                             (void *)password);

在成功調(diào)用SecKeychainAddInternetPassword后刺覆,釋放鑰匙串項目引用對象严肪,除非你需要使用它做其他事情。 請參見代碼表4-10中的函數(shù)調(diào)用隅津。

表 4-10 Storing a new keychain entry

                               strlen(host), host,
                               realm ? strlen(realm) : 0, realm,
                               strlen(username), username,
                               path ? strlen(path) : 0, path,
                               strlen(password), password,

Authenticating Firewalls

驗證防火墻非常類似于驗證服務(wù)器诬垂,除了每個失敗的HTTP請求都必須檢查代理驗證和服務(wù)器驗證劲室。這意味著您需要為代理服務(wù)器和源服務(wù)器單獨存儲(本地和持久)伦仍。 因此,失敗的HTTP響應(yīng)的過程現(xiàn)在將是:

  • 確定響應(yīng)的狀態(tài)代碼是否為407(代理質(zhì)詢)很洋。 如果是充蓝,則通過檢查本地代理存儲和持久代理存儲來查找匹配的認證對象和憑據(jù)。 如果兩者都不具有匹配的對象和憑證喉磁,則請求用戶的憑證谓苟。 將身份驗證對象應(yīng)用于HTTP請求,然后重試协怒。
  • 確定響應(yīng)狀態(tài)代碼是否為401(服務(wù)器質(zhì)詢)涝焙。 如果是,請按照與407響應(yīng)相同的過程孕暇,但使用原始服務(wù)器存儲仑撞。

使用代理服務(wù)器時,還要強制執(zhí)行一些細微的差異妖滔。 第一個是鑰匙串調(diào)用的參數(shù)來自代理主機和端口隧哮,而不是來自源服務(wù)器的URL。 第二個是當向用戶請求用戶名和密碼時座舍,確保提示清楚地說明了密碼是什么沮翔。



Communicating with Authenticating HTTP Servers

This chapter describes how to interact with authenticating HTTP servers by taking advantage of the CFHTTPAuthentication API. It explains how to find matching authentication objects and credentials, apply them to an HTTP request, and store them for later use.

In general, if an HTTP server returns a 401 or 407 response following your HTTP request, it means that the server is authenticating and requires credentials. In the CFHTTPAuthentication API, each set of credentials is stored in a CFHTTPAuthentication object. Therefore, every different authenticating server and every different user connecting to that server requires a separate CFHTTPAuthentication object. To communicate with the server, you need to apply your CFHTTPAuthentication object to the HTTP request. These steps are explained in more detail next.

Handling Authentication

Adding support for authentication will allow your application to talk with authenticating HTTP servers (if the server returns a 401 or 407 response). Even though HTTP authentication is not a difficult concept, it is a complicated process to execute. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The client sends an HTTP request to the server.
  2. The server returns a challenge to the client.
  3. The client bundles the original request with credentials and sends them back to the server.
  4. A negotiation takes place between the client and server.
  5. When the server has authenticated the client, it sends back the response to the request.

Performing this procedure requires a number of steps. A diagram of the entire procedure can be seen in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-1 Handling authentication


Figure 4-2 Finding an authentication object


When an HTTP request returns a 401 or 407 response, the first step is for the client to find a valid CFHTTPAuthentication object. An authentication object contains credentials and other information that, when applied to an HTTP message request, verifies your identity with the server. If you've already authenticated once with the server, you will have a valid authentication object. However, in most cases, you will need to create this object from the response with the CFHTTPAuthenticationCreateFromResponse function. See Listing 4-1.

Note:All the sample code regarding authentication is adapted from the ImageClient application.

Listing 4-1 Creating an authentication object

if (!authentication) {
    CFHTTPMessageRef responseHeader =
        (CFHTTPMessageRef) CFReadStreamCopyProperty(
    // Get the authentication information from the response.
    authentication = CFHTTPAuthenticationCreateFromResponse(NULL, responseHeader);

If the new authentication object is valid, then you are done and can continue to the second step of Figure 4-1. If the authentication object is not valid, then throw away the authentication object and credentials and check to see if the credentials were bad. For more information about credentials, read "Security Credentials".

Bad credentials mean that the server did not accept the login information and it will continue to listen for new credentials. However, if the credentials were good but the server still rejected your request, then the server is refusing to speak with you, so you must give up. Assuming the credentials were bad, retry this entire process beginning with creating an authentication object until you get working credentials and a valid authentication object. In code, this procedure should look like the one in Listing 4-2.

Listing 4-2 Finding a valid authentication object

CFStreamError err;
if (!authentication) {
    // the newly created authentication object is bad, must return
} else if (!CFHTTPAuthenticationIsValid(authentication, &err)) {
    // destroy authentication and credentials
    if (credentials) {
        credentials = NULL;
    authentication = NULL;
    // check for bad credentials (to be treated separately)
    if (err.domain == kCFStreamErrorDomainHTTP &&
        (err.error == kCFStreamErrorHTTPAuthenticationBadUserName
        || err.error == kCFStreamErrorHTTPAuthenticationBadPassword))
    } else {

Now that you have a valid authentication object, continue following the flowchart in Figure 4-1. First, determine whether you need credentials. If you don't, then apply the authentication object to the HTTP request. The authentication object is applied to the HTTP request in Listing 4-4 (resumeWithCredentials).

Without storing credentials (as explained in Keeping Credentials in Memory and Keeping Credentials in a Persistent Store), the only way to obtain valid credentials is by prompting the user. Most of the time, a user name and password are needed for the credentials. By passing the authentication object to the CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresUserNameAndPassword function you can see if a user name and password are necessary. If the credentials do need a user name and password, prompt the user for them and store them in the credentials dictionary. For an NTLM server, the credentials also require a domain. After you have the new credentials, you can apply the authentication object to the HTTP request using the resumeWithCredentials function from Listing 4-4. This whole process is shown in Listing 4-3.

Note: In code listings, when comments are preceded and succeeded by ellipses, it means that that action is outside the scope of this document, but does need to be implemented. This is different from normal comments which describe what action is taking place.

Listing 4-3 Finding credentials (if necessary) and applying them

// ...continued from Listing 4-2
else {
    if (credentials) {
    // are a user name & password needed?
    else if (CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresUserNameAndPassword(authentication))
        CFStringRef realm = NULL;
        CFURLRef url = CFHTTPMessageCopyRequestURL(request);
         // check if you need an account domain so you can display it if necessary
        if (!CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresAccountDomain(authentication)) {
            realm = CFHTTPAuthenticationCopyRealm(authentication);
        // ...prompt user for user name (user), password (pass)
        // and if necessary domain (domain) to give to the server...
        // Guarantee values
        if (!user) user = CFSTR("");
        if (!pass) pass = CFSTR("");
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationUsername, user);
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationPassword, pass);
        // Is an account domain needed? (used currently for NTLM only)
        if (CFHTTPAuthenticationRequiresAccountDomain(authentication)) {
            if (!domain) domain = CFSTR("");
                                 kCFHTTPAuthenticationAccountDomain, domain);
        if (realm) CFRelease(realm);
    else {

Listing 4-4 Applying the authentication object to a request

void resumeWithCredentials() {
    // Apply whatever credentials we've built up to the old request
    if (!CFHTTPMessageApplyCredentialDictionary(request, authentication,
                                                credentials, NULL)) {
    } else {
        // Now that we've updated our request, retry the load

Keeping Credentials in Memory

If you plan on communicating with an authenticating server often, it may be worth reusing credentials to avoid prompting the user for the server's user name and password multiple times. This section explains the changes that should be made to one-time use authentication code (such as in Handling Authentication) to store credentials in memory for reuse later.

To reuse credentials, there are three data structure changes you need to make to your code.

  1. Create a mutable array to hold all the authentication objects.
CFMutableArrayRef authArray;

instead of:

CFHTTPAuthenticationRef authentication;
  1. Create a mapping from authentication objects to credentials using a dictionary.
CFMutableDictionaryRef credentialsDict;

instead of:

CFMutableDictionaryRef credentials;
  1. Maintain these structures everywhere you used to modify the current authentication object and the current credentials.
CFDictionaryRemoveValue(credentialsDict, authentication);

instead of:


Now, after creating the HTTP request, look for a matching authentication object before each load. A simple, unoptimized method for finding the appropriate object can be seen in Listing 4-5.

Listing 4-5 Looking for a matching authentication object

CFHTTPAuthenticationRef findAuthenticationForRequest {
    int i, c = CFArrayGetCount(authArray);
    for (i = 0; i < c; i ++) {
        CFHTTPAuthenticationRef auth = (CFHTTPAuthenticationRef)
                CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(authArray, i);
        if (CFHTTPAuthenticationAppliesToRequest(auth, request)) {
            return auth;
    return NULL;

If the authentication array has a matching authentication object, then check the credentials store to see if the correct credentials are also available. Doing so prevents you from having to prompt the user for a user name and password again. Look for the credentials using the CFDictionaryGetValue function as shown in Listing 4-6.

Listing 4-6 Searching the credentials store

credentials = CFDictionaryGetValue(credentialsDict, authentication);

Then apply your matching authentication object and credentials to your original HTTP request and resend it.

Warning: Do not apply credentials to the HTTP request before receiving a server challenge. The server may have changed since the last time you authenticated and you could create a security risk.

With these changes, you application will be able to store authentication objects and credentials in memory for use later.

Keeping Credentials in a Persistent Store

Storing credentials in memory prevents a user from having to reenter a server's user name and password during that specific application launch. However, when the application quits, those credentials will be released. To avoid losing the credentials, save them in a persistent store so each server's credentials need to be generated only once. A keychain is the recommended place for storing credentials. Even though you can have multiple keychains, this document refers to the user's default keychain as the keychain. Using the keychain means that the authentication information that you store can also be used in other applications trying to access the same server, and vice versa.

Storing and retrieving credentials in the keychain requires two functions: one for finding the credentials dictionary for authentication and one for saving the credentials of the most recent request. These functions will be declared in this document as:

CFMutableDictionaryRef findCredentialsForAuthentication(
        CFHTTPAuthenticationRef auth);
void saveCredentialsForRequest(void);

The function findCredentialsForAuthentication first checks the credentials dictionary stored in memory to see whether the credentials are cached locally. See Listing 4-6 for how to implement this.

If the credentials are not cached in memory, then search the keychain. To search the keychain, use the function SecKeychainFindInternetPassword. This function requires a large number of parameters. The parameters, and a short description of how they are used with HTTP authentication credentials, are:

NULL to specify the user's default keychain list.
The length of serverName, usually strlen(serverName).
The server name parsed from the HTTP request.
The length of security domain, or 0 if there is no domain. In the sample code, realm ? strlen(realm) : 0 is passed to account for both situations.
The realm of the authentication object, obtained from the CFHTTPAuthenticationCopyRealm function.
The length of accountName. Since the accountName is NULL, this value is 0.
There is no account name when fetching the keychain entry, so this should be NULL.
The length of path, or 0 if there is no path. In the sample code, path ? strlen(path) : 0 is passed to account for both situations.
The path from the authentication object, obtained from the CFURLCopyPath function.
The port number, obtained from the function CFURLGetPortNumber.
A string representing the protocol type, such as HTTP or HTTPS. The protocol type is obtained by calling the CFURLCopyScheme function.
The authentication type, obtained from the function CFHTTPAuthenticationCopyMethod.
0, because no password is necessary when fetching a keychain entry.
NULL, because no password is necessary when fetching a keychain entry.
The keychain item reference object, SecKeychainItemRef, returned upon finding the correct keychain entry
When called properly, the code should look like that in Listing 4-7.

Listing 4-7 Searching the keychain

didFind =
                                    strlen(host), host,
                                    realm ? strlen(realm) : 0, realm,
                                    0, NULL,
                                    path ? strlen(path) : 0, path,
                                    0, NULL,

Assuming that SecKeychainFindInternetPassword returns successfully, create a keychain attribute list (SecKeychainAttributeList) containing a single keychain attribute (SecKeychainAttribute). The keychain attribute list will contain the user name and password. To load the keychain attribute list, call the function SecKeychainItemCopyContent and pass it the keychain item reference object (itemRef) that was returned by SecKeychainFindInternetPassword. This function will fill the keychain attribute with the account's user name, and a void ** as its password.

The user name and password can then be used to create a new set of credentials. Listing 4-8 shows this procedure.

Listing 4-8 Loading server credentials from the keychain

if (didFind == noErr) {
    SecKeychainAttribute     attr;
    SecKeychainAttributeList attrList;
    UInt32                   length;
    void                     *outData;
    // To set the account name attribute
    attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
    attr.length = 0; = NULL;
    attrList.count = 1;
    attrList.attr = &attr;
    if (SecKeychainItemCopyContent(itemRef, NULL, &attrList, &length, &outData)
        == noErr) {
        // is the account (username) and outdata is the password
        CFStringRef username =
                                    attr.length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
        CFStringRef password =
            CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, outData, length,
                                    kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
        SecKeychainItemFreeContent(&attrList, outData);
        // create credentials dictionary and fill it with the user name & password
        credentials =
            CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationUsername,
        CFDictionarySetValue(credentials, kCFHTTPAuthenticationPassword,

Retrieving credentials from the keychain is only useful if you can store credentials in the keychain first. The steps are very similar to loading credentials. First, see if the credentials are already stored in the keychain. Call SecKeychainFindInternetPassword, but pass the user name for accountName and the length of accountName for accountNameLength.

If the entry exists, modify it to change the password. Set the data field of the keychain attribute to contain the user name, so that you modify the correct attribute. Then call the function SecKeychainItemModifyContent and pass the keychain item reference object (itemRef), the keychain attribute list, and the new password. By modifying the keychain entry rather than overwriting it, the keychain entry will be properly updated and any associated metadata will still be preserved. The entry should look like the one in Listing 4-9.

Listing 4-9 Modifying the keychain entry

// Set the attribute to the account name
attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
attr.length = strlen(username); = (void*)username;
// Modify the keychain entry
SecKeychainItemModifyContent(itemRef, &attrList, strlen(password),
                             (void *)password);

If the entry does not exist, then you will need to create it from scratch. The function SecKeychainAddInternetPassword accomplishes this task. Its parameters are the same as SecKeychainFindInternetPassword, but in contrast with the call to SecKeychainFindInternetPassword, you supply SecKeychainAddInternetPassword both a user name and a password. Release the keychain item reference object following a successful call to SecKeychainAddInternetPassword unless you need to use it for something else. See the function call in Listing 4-10.

Listing 4-10 Storing a new keychain entry

                               strlen(host), host,
                               realm ? strlen(realm) : 0, realm,
                               strlen(username), username,
                               path ? strlen(path) : 0, path,
                               strlen(password), password,

Authenticating Firewalls

Authenticating firewalls is very similar to authenticating servers except that every failed HTTP request must be checked for both proxy authentication and server authentication. This means that you need separate stores (both local and persistent) for proxy servers and origin servers. Thus, the procedure for a failed HTTP response will now be:

  • Determine whether the response's status code was 407 (a proxy challenge). If it is, find a matching authentication object and credentials by checking the local proxy store and the persistent proxy store. If neither of those has a matching object and credentials, then request the credentials from the user. Apply the authentication object to the HTTP request and try again.
  • Determine whether the response's status code was 401 (a server challenge). If it is, follow the same procedure as with a 407 response, but use the origin server stores.

There are also a few minor differences to enforce when using proxy servers. The first is that the arguments to the keychain calls come from the proxy host and port, rather than from the URL for an origin server. The second is that when asking the user for a user name and password, make sure the prompt clearly states what the password is for.

By following these instructions, your application should be able to work with authenticating firewalls.

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