Lesson85??? Never too old to learn
I have justreceived a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster,Mr. Stuart Page, will be retiring next week. Pupils of the school, old and new,will be sending him a present to mark the occasion. All those who havecontributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which willbe sent to the headmaster's home. We shall all remember Mr. Page for hispatience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when wewent so unwillingly to school. A great many former pupils will be attending afarewell dinner in his honour next Thursday. It is a curious coincidence thatthe day before his retirement, Mr. Page will have been teaching for a total offorty years. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening. Forhim, this will be an entirely new hobby. But this does not matter, for, as hehas often remarked, one is never too old to learn.
?n?v? tu? ??ld tu? l??n
a? h?v ??st r??si?vd ? ?l?t? fr?m ma? ??ld sku?l ?n?f??m?? mi? e?t ma? ?f??m? ?h?d?mɑ?st?, Mr. ?stj??t pe??, w?l bi? r??ta??r?? n?kst wi?k. ?pju?plz ?v e? sku?l, ??ld ?nd nju?, w?l bi? ?s?nd?? h?m ? ?pr?znt tu? mɑ?k ei ??ke???n. ??l e??z hu? h?v k?n?tr?bju(?)t?d t??w??dz e? g?ft w?l sa?n ee? ne?mz ?n ? lɑ?? ??lb?m w?? w?l bi? s?nt tu? e? ?h?d?mɑ?st?z h??m. wi? ??l ??l r??m?mb? Mr. pe?? f?? h?z ?pe???ns ?nd ??nd??st?nd?? ?nd f?? e? ?ka?ndli ?n?k?r??m?nt hi? ge?v ?s w?n wi? w?nt s?? ?n?w?l??li tu? sku?l. ? gre?t ?m?ni ?f??m? ?pju?plz w?l bi? ??t?nd?? ? ?fe??w?l ?d?n?r ?n h?z ??n? n?kst ?θ??zde?. ?t ?z ? ?kj??r??s k????ns?d?nse?t e? de? b??f?? h?z r??ta??m?nt, Mr. pe?? w?l h?v bi?n ?ti???? f??r ? ?t??tl ?v ?f??ti j??z. ?ɑ?ft? hi? h?z r??ta??d, hi? w?l d??v??t h?m?s?lf tu? ?gɑ?dn??. f?? h?m, e?s w?l bi? ?n ?n?ta??li nju? ?h?bi. b?t e?s d?z n?t ?m?t?, f??, ?z hi? h?z ??f(?)n ?r??mɑ?kt, w?n ?z ?n?v? tu? ??ld tu? l??n.
任務配置:L0+L1+ L4
單詞:1记焊、informing:告知,2挨厚、former:前任的评架,3细燎、headmaster:校長,4、puples:學生遮怜,5、mark the occasion:紀念一下鸿市,6锯梁、album:專輯,集郵本焰情,7陌凳、unwillingly:不情愿地,8内舟、farewell:告別合敦,分手,9验游、in sb’s honour:以某某的名義充岛,10、coincidence:巧合批狱,11裸准、devote to:致力于,12赔硫、entirely:完全炒俱,13、remark:發(fā)言,備注权悟,評論
音標:/g/ 用舌根抵住后顎砸王,再突然張開,使空氣外沖而成音峦阁,振動聲帶谦铃。