mpi4py 進階之 mpiutil

上一篇中我們介紹了 mpi4py 的若干使用技巧授段,并且簡要介紹了 caput 及其 mpiutil 模塊,下面我們將介紹 mpiutil 中提供的若干方便和易用的函數(shù)柔纵,這些函數(shù)可以使我們更加方便地進行 Python 并行編程炬搭,并且使我們的程序很容易地做到兼容非 MPI 編程環(huán)境忍坷。


以下介紹的所有函數(shù)都可以兼容非 MPI 環(huán)境(此時 _comm 為 None),當(dāng) mpi4py 可用時 _comm 是 MPI.COMM_WORLD深胳,也可以傳遞一個其它的通信子绰疤,此時將在該通信子上執(zhí)行相應(yīng)的操作。

mpilist(full_list, method='con', comm=_comm)

將一個序列 full_list 按照方法 method 劃分成 n (n 為 comm 的 size舞终,當(dāng) comm 為 None 時轻庆, 其 size = 1) 份并分配給每個進程癣猾,每個進程分得的元素數(shù)目相等(如果可以均分)或相差 1 (如果不能均分,rank 較小的進程會多 1 個)余爆,返回每個進程得到的子序列纷宇。當(dāng) fullist 的元素數(shù)目少于進程數(shù)目時,后面的進程會因為分不到元素而返回一個空序列蛾方。method 的取值可以為:

  • 'con':連續(xù)劃分像捶,即 rank 較小的進程得到 full_list 中前面的元素,為默認值桩砰;
  • 'alt':交替劃分作岖,即 rank = 0 的進程得到位置為 [0, n, 2n, ...] 的元素, rank == 1 的進程得到位置為 [1, n+1, 2n+1, ...] 的元素五芝, 等痘儡;
  • 'rand':隨機劃分,效果相當(dāng)于對原系列隨機重排后再按確定的方式分配給每個進程枢步。

comm 可以是 None 或一個通信子對象沉删,其默認值 _comm 為 None (mpi4py 不可用時) 或者 MPI.COMM_WORLD (mpi4py 可用時),也可以傳遞一個其它的通信子對象醉途,此時將 full_list 劃分給該通信子對象所包含的每個進程矾瑰。

mpirange(*args, **kargs)

MPI 版本的 range 函數(shù),參數(shù)同 range 函數(shù)隘擎,另外加可選的參數(shù) method (默認值 con) 和 comm (默認值為 _comm)殴穴,這兩個參數(shù)的意思同上面介紹的 mpilist。這個函數(shù)的執(zhí)行效果是 mpilist(range(*args), method, comm)货葬,即將 range 函數(shù)生成的序列作為 full_list 調(diào)用 mpilist 函數(shù)采幌,返回每個進程得到的子序列。


柵障同步震桶,參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist休傍。

bcast(data, root=0, comm=_comm)

廣播操作,數(shù)據(jù)從 root 進程廣播到所有其它進程蹲姐,參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist磨取。

reduce(sendobj, root=0, op=None, comm=_comm)

規(guī)約操作,將數(shù)據(jù)按照方法 op (默認值 None 會執(zhí)行 MPI.SUM) 規(guī)約到 root 進程柴墩,參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist忙厌。

allreduce(sendobj, op=None, comm=_comm)

全規(guī)約操作,將數(shù)據(jù)按照方法 op 作全規(guī)約江咳,參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist逢净。

gather_list(lst, root=None, comm=_comm)

將各個進程的列表 lst 收集到 root 進程中并合并成一個新的列表,如果 root 為一個整數(shù),則只有 rank 為該整數(shù)的進程會收集到數(shù)據(jù)并返回合并的列表汹胃,其它進程返回 None婶芭,如果 root 為 None,則所有進程都會收集(全收集操作)着饥,每個進程都會返回合并的列表犀农。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist。

parallel_map(func, glist, root=None, method='con', comm=_comm)

將序列 glist 按照方法 method 劃分給每個進程宰掉,然后將函數(shù) func 作用到每個進程所得的子序列的每個元素上呵哨,函數(shù)的返回值會被收集到 root 中經(jīng)合并后返回。如果 root 為一個整數(shù)轨奄,則只有 rank 為該整數(shù)的進程會收集到數(shù)據(jù)并返回合并的列表孟害,其它進程返回 None,如果 root 為 None挪拟,則所有進程都會收集(全收集操作)挨务,每個進程都會返回合并的列表。參數(shù) methodcomm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist玉组。

split_all(n, comm=_comm)

將一個長度為 n 的序列順序連續(xù)地劃分給每個進程谎柄,返回一個三元組 (num, start, end),其中 num惯雳,start朝巫,end 都為長度為 comm 的 size (1 如果 comm 為 None)的 numpy 數(shù)組,分別給出每個進程分配到的元素數(shù)目石景,每個進程分配到的元素在原系列中的起始和結(jié)束位置劈猿。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist。

split_local(n, comm=_comm)

將一個長度為 n 的序列順序連續(xù)地劃分給每個進程潮孽,返回一個三元組 (num, start, end)揪荣,其中 num,start恩商,end 都為整數(shù)变逃,分別給出該進程自身分配到的元素數(shù)目必逆,該進程分配到的元素在原系列中的起始和結(jié)束位置怠堪。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist。

gather_local(global_array, local_array, local_start, root=0, comm=_comm)

將各個進程中的 numpy 數(shù)組 local_array 收集到 root 進程的 global_array 中名眉,local_start 指明 local_array 放置在 global_array 中的起始位置粟矿,是一個長度為 global_array 維數(shù)的 tuple,其每一個元素指明放置在該維的起始位置损拢。如果 root 為一個整數(shù)陌粹,則 local_array 只會被收集到 rank 為該整數(shù)的進程中,其它進程可以設(shè)置 global_array 為 None福压,如果 root 為 None掏秩,則 local_array 會被收集到所有進程中或舞。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist。

gather_array(local_array, axis=0, root=0, comm=_comm)

將各個進程中的 numpy 數(shù)組 local_array 沿著軸 axis 收集到 root 進程蒙幻,合并成一個大的 numpy 數(shù)組后返回映凳。如果 root 為一個整數(shù),則 local_array 只會被收集到 rank 為該整數(shù)的進程中邮破,其它進程會返回 None诈豌,如果 root 為 None,則 local_array 會被收集到所有進程中抒和。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist矫渔。

scatter_local(global_array, local_array, local_start, root=None, comm=_comm)

將 numpy 數(shù)組 global_array 散發(fā)到各個進程的 local_array 中,local_start 指明從 global_array 散發(fā)的起始位置摧莽,是一個長度為 global_array 維數(shù)的 tuple庙洼,其每一個元素指明該維的起始位置。如果 root 為一個整數(shù)镊辕,則只會從 rank 為該整數(shù)的進程的 global_array 中散發(fā)數(shù)據(jù)到所有其它進程中送膳,因此其它進程的 global_array 可以為 None,如果 root 為 None丑蛤,則每個進程會從各自的 global_array 中獲取對應(yīng)的數(shù)據(jù)放置到 local_array 中叠聋,因此一般要求每個進程的 global_array 都相同(但也可以不同)。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist受裹。

scatter_array(global_array, axis=0, root=None, comm=_comm)

將 numpy 數(shù)組 global_array 按照軸 axis 散發(fā)到各個進程碌补,各個進程返回所得到的子數(shù)組。global_arrayaxis 軸會盡量均分棉饶,如果不能均分厦章,則 rank 較小的進程會多 1,如果不夠分照藻,則 rank 最大的若干進程會返回空數(shù)組袜啃。如果 root 為一個整數(shù),則只會從 rank 為該整數(shù)的進程的 global_array 中散發(fā)數(shù)據(jù)到所有其它進程中幸缕,因此其它進程的 global_array 可以為 None群发,如果 root 為 None,則每個進程會從各自的 global_array 中獲取對應(yīng)的數(shù)據(jù)发乔,因此一般要求每個進程的 global_array 都相同(但也可以不同)熟妓。參數(shù) comm 的意義同函數(shù) mpilist。




Demonstrates the usage of mpilist, mpirange, bcast, gather_list, parallel_map,
split_all, split_local, gather_array, scatter_array.

Run this with 4 processes like:
$ mpiexec -n 4 python

import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from caput import mpiutil

rank = mpiutil.rank
size = mpiutil.size

sec = 5 # seconds to wait

def separator(sec, tag):
    # sleep, sync, and flush to avoid output of different parts being mixed

    if rank == 0:
        print '-' * 35 + ' ' + tag + ' ' + '-' * 35

# mpilist
separator(sec, 'mpilist')
full_list = [1, 2.5, 'a', True, (3, 4), {'x':1}]
local_list = mpiutil.mpilist(full_list)
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'con'" % (rank, local_list)
local_list = mpiutil.mpilist(full_list, method='alt')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'alt'" % (rank, local_list)
local_list = mpiutil.mpilist(full_list, method='rand')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'rand'" % (rank, local_list)

# mpirange
separator(sec, 'mpirange')
local_ary = mpiutil.mpirange(1, 7)
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'con'" % (rank, local_ary)
local_ary = mpiutil.mpirange(1, 7, method='alt')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'alt'" % (rank, local_ary)
local_ary = mpiutil.mpirange(1, 7, method='rand')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'rand'" % (rank, local_ary)

# bcast
separator(sec, 'bcast')
if rank == 0:
    sendobj = 'obj'
    sendobj = None
sendobj = mpiutil.bcast(sendobj, root=0)
print 'rank %d has sendobj = %s after bcast' % (rank, sendobj)

# gather_list
separator(sec, 'gather_list')
if rank == 0:
    lst = [0.5, 2]
elif rank == 1:
    lst = ['a', False, 'xy']
elif rank == 2:
    lst = [{'x': 1}]
    lst = []
lst = mpiutil.gather_list(lst, root=None)
print 'rank %d has %s after gather_list' % (rank, lst)

# parallel_map
separator(sec, 'parallel_map')
glist = range(6)
result = mpiutil.parallel_map(lambda x: x*x, glist, root=0)
if rank == 0:
    print 'result = %s' % result

# split_all
separator(sec, 'split_all')
print 'rank %d has: %s' % (rank, mpiutil.split_all(6))

# split_local
separator(sec, 'split_local')
print 'rank %d has: %s' % (rank, mpiutil.split_local(6))

# gather_array
separator(sec, 'gather_array')
if rank == 0:
    local_ary = np.array([[0, 1], [6, 7]])
elif rank == 1:
    local_ary = np.array([[2], [8]])
elif rank == 2:
    local_ary = np.array([[3], [9]])
if rank == 3:
    local_ary = np.array([[4, 5], [10, 11]])
global_ary = mpiutil.gather_array(local_ary, axis=1, root=0)
if rank == 0:
    print 'global_ary = %s' % global_ary

# scatter_array
separator(sec, 'scatter_array')
local_ary = mpiutil.scatter_array(global_ary, axis=1, root=0)
print 'rank %d has local_ary = %s' % (rank, local_ary)


$ mpiexec -n 4 python
Starting MPI rank=3 [size=4]
Starting MPI rank=2 [size=4]
Starting MPI rank=0 [size=4]
Starting MPI rank=1 [size=4]

----------------------------------- mpilist -----------------------------------
rank 1 has ['a', True] with method = 'con'
rank 1 has [2.5, {'x': 1}] with method = 'alt'
rank 2 has [(3, 4)] with method = 'con'
rank 2 has ['a'] with method = 'alt'
rank 0 has [1, 2.5] with method = 'con'
rank 0 has [1, (3, 4)] with method = 'alt'
rank 3 has [{'x': 1}] with method = 'con'
rank 3 has [True] with method = 'alt'
rank 0 has [{'x': 1}, 'a'] with method = 'rand'
rank 3 has [True] with method = 'rand'
rank 1 has [2.5, (3, 4)] with method = 'rand'
rank 2 has [1] with method = 'rand'

----------------------------------- mpirange -----------------------------------
rank 1 has [3, 4] with method = 'con'
rank 1 has [2, 6] with method = 'alt'
rank 0 has [1, 2] with method = 'con'
rank 0 has [1, 5] with method = 'alt'
rank 2 has [5] with method = 'con'
rank 2 has [3] with method = 'alt'
rank 3 has [6] with method = 'con'
rank 3 has [4] with method = 'alt'
rank 3 has [3] with method = 'rand'
rank 2 has [2] with method = 'rand'
rank 0 has [5, 1] with method = 'rand'
rank 1 has [4, 6] with method = 'rand'

----------------------------------- bcast -----------------------------------
rank 1 has sendobj = obj after bcast
rank 3 has sendobj = obj after bcast
rank 2 has sendobj = obj after bcast
rank 0 has sendobj = obj after bcast

----------------------------------- gather_list -----------------------------------
rank 1 has [0.5, 2, 'a', False, 'xy', {'x': 1}] after gather_list
rank 3 has [0.5, 2, 'a', False, 'xy', {'x': 1}] after gather_list
rank 2 has [0.5, 2, 'a', False, 'xy', {'x': 1}] after gather_list
rank 0 has [0.5, 2, 'a', False, 'xy', {'x': 1}] after gather_list

----------------------------------- parallel_map -----------------------------------
result = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

----------------------------------- split_all -----------------------------------
rank 3 has: [[2 2 1 1]
[0 2 4 5]
[2 4 5 6]]
rank 0 has: [[2 2 1 1]
[0 2 4 5]
[2 4 5 6]]
rank 2 has: [[2 2 1 1]
[0 2 4 5]
[2 4 5 6]]
rank 1 has: [[2 2 1 1]
[0 2 4 5]
[2 4 5 6]]

----------------------------------- split_local -----------------------------------
rank 1 has: [2 2 4]
rank 0 has: [2 0 2]
rank 2 has: [1 4 5]
rank 3 has: [1 5 6]

----------------------------------- gather_array -----------------------------------
global_ary = [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5]
[ 6  7  8  9 10 11]]

----------------------------------- scatter_array -----------------------------------
rank 0 has local_ary = [[0 1]
[6 7]]
rank 1 has local_ary = [[2 3]
[8 9]]
rank 3 has local_ary = [[ 5]
rank 2 has local_ary = [[ 4]

以上我們介紹了 mpiutil 中提供的若干方便和易用的函數(shù)起愈,在下一篇中我們將介紹建立在 numpy array 基礎(chǔ)上的并行分布式數(shù)組 MPIArray。

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  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長得像症脂,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親谚赎。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子淫僻,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
    茶點故事閱讀 45,573評論 2 359
