Write on the front
This is pj's first blog for Recording my study line in detail.
I had the idea of writing a blog a long time ago, so the minute I done my project I can't wait to start writing.
For me,writing is always exciting,whatever poem or letter.
However,today I want to start my new journey in ENG I have ever try.
Why to write Technical Blog?One for myself to review and One for SHARE.
溫故而知新 順便打發(fā)時間
Basic JS+CSS+HTML+npm
It also a task for me to share how I learn these,but not today.
Project init
Take the first step
- choose your file and init git Repo
Here I use GitKraken
init repo
- cd and init project
npm init -y//init project -y means always yes
- add .gitignore (this may usually foget but important for Engineering Simplicity(工程簡潔))
.gitignore - Download modules
First and foremost,download some vital modules
npm install webpack webpack-cli -D //-D means save as dev
npm install vue
you would find that in package something appear
What is modules? I think it just like a machine in your project,it helps you product Components in your project.
CLI more like a machine-line(流水線)it Straightly give you everything.
But u may wonder What is Dependencies or devDependencies? Later we will discuss
but hey we may stop and think what we are doing and why???
Why we need webpack?
- What we do before?
Well if you go through the vue you may see this :
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2/dist/vue.js"></script>
then you can use it in your this HTML, but just think about that when the project consists many pages.You may need to write a mass of shit in your every page. - So how to do?
When webpack processes your application, it internally builds a dependency graph which maps every module your project needs and generates one or more bundles.
——From webpack.js.org
general speaking, it helps you pack your different components together so that you can Write different files according to requirements and use it when need , instead of write everything together.
It's art!
well but also magic.
- Show some expamples
if we want to use other things in html or js, we usually usescript src=''
in which we require or import some function or Variables , BUT, EXCEPT this file(.js .css .png) itself
in this example,we need to make App importedf from .vue file to be a VUE object (well like the Vue.component() do ) but Obviously the browser does't work.
require兑宇、import I need to read
WEBPACK is the machine to make this work
SO,we can easily have a conclusion:
webpack not only solve the development issues in large page, but also a tool to help browser to import any file(by loader)
Expansion about what happen when browser read HTML
- Async read:browser will read line by line and create dom tree at the same time
如果你在一個body里面的<script>標簽后面污秆,放一個<a id="xxx"> 那你在腳本里面骗爆,Document.getElementById("xxx")是獲取不到這個標簽的
- Difference:
when the <style> is in index.html,then the browser will immediately create CSSOM and just line by line to read <head>and<body>
when reading html tag it creates DOM tree but while script will stop whole HTML(but we have soluation)
如果你直接寫在頁面里 那什么亂七八糟script執(zhí)行之前,就會先加載css了
when using webpack, in a classic index.html like this:
<title>Todo應用</title></head><body><div id="app"></div><script src="bundle.js"></script></body>
as you see,there ain't <style> which would be dynamically generated when <script src="bundle.js"></script>
There if we change the order <body><script src="bundle.js"></script><div id="app"></div></body>
we will lose the page
So you can imagine that webpack is a magic(黑盒子) which make bundle.js can insert <style>or anything to the index.html
bundle.js的原理其實很簡單,里面就是,往dom里插入一堆<script> 和 <style>
那么其實bundle.js差不多就相當于一個把各種阻塞資源都整合到一起了 并且放在頁面底部 要塞一起塞
但是bundle.js不僅會往這個html插入DOM和<style>標簽 還會有一堆script腳本, 而很多script是會導致阻塞的(假設bundle.js把console.log這句放在了<p/>前面 那么<p/>的解析是會被影響的) 不知道里面是根據(jù)什么順序去加載這些東西的
Conclusion question
- The order borwser read and when and how to render tree
- The principle(原理) of webpack and why we should use
Keep going
Time to start our webpack!
- Configure
now we have webpack,but not enough,because we doesn't use vue-cli so let's tell webpack what she should do
new a file webpack.config.js in /newproject
// 使用node的path模塊
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
// 打包的入口
entry: './main.js',
// 打包的出口
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
//__dirname指當前目錄 等價于__dirname + '/src'
it tells webpack the basic command to get main.js and output a file 'bundle.js' to a Folder called'dist'
And then we could use bundle.js to add everthing to HTML!
so we try to import VUE.JS to main.js
New file main.js app.vue
import App from './App.vue'
// 這個過程使用了loader 使App成為一個組件對象
import Vue from 'vue'
//從vue包導入vue對象 就像你在script里引入那樣
new Vue({// 創(chuàng)建Vue根實例 掛載到id為app的DOM上
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>'//把掛載的DOM全部替換為我自己的組件
<div>this is App</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
export default {
name: 'App'//注冊組件第一步 肯定要有名字
//為什么這里就是注冊了呢 因為這些信息都會被import獲取 從而生成一個組件對象
<style type="text/css"></style>
- Not yet! wait for loader!
If you carefully,you would find that we still try to make Browser import .vue
Therefore,we use loader(loader is also a module like'vue' we installed) and tell webpack to use this
npm install -D vue-loader css-loader style-loader file-loader stylus-loader
and add rules to config:
// 打包規(guī)則
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue-loader'
test: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|svg)$/,
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[ext]'
test: /\.css$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']
test: /\.styl(us)?$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'stylus-loader']
WOW now we can see a family!
we must use this to make sure vue can load correctly.I don't know why233
we should add some script to tell project start webpack or other things!
Let's try! Build your first castle
npm run build
then we have a dist and a bundle.js!
As long as we use it in script of HTML,we can see it in browser.
Don't forget the<div id='app'>! -
well we have some bugs,let's find out:
See?We just import App first,but we don't have Vue to make it a component!(by the way don't Misspelled Words)
So we just make vue first as she want
What's more we should add alias in config!
Finally We Make It
Don't forget to commit to git whenever you want
Conclusion of Init
- webpack config:
*output,entry,rules of module,plugins - components logic
index.html as template(with the only one main <div>)
=> script of bundle.js(with whole sources)
=> main.js as entry with only one App.vue
=> App.vue as the collection of child.vues - comman bugs
- module version conflict
- component logic error
Start for real devlopment
- File-Componentized construction
|-- src,
|-- App.vue,
|-- main.js,
|-- assets,//assets for all source
| |-- images,
| | |-- bg.jpg,
| |-- styles,
| |-- global.styl,
|-- components,//for all components
|-- MainFooter.vue,
|-- MainHeader.vue,
|-- MainTodo,
|-- MainTodo.vue,
|-- coms,
|-- TodoInfo.vue,
|-- TodoItem.vue,
//Remember to change your config when your file change
- then you need to install these
HtmlWebpackPlugin (to make creat html with a template html(so we can use <div id='app'>)
CleanWebpackPlugin (to clean dist
webpack-dev-server it conflicts to webpack-cli@4 so we change to @3
- set your pubic(production) config
- set your alias
resolve: {
alias: {
'vue': 'vue/dist/vue.js',
'@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),
'styles': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/assets/styles'),
- Set your merge config
using const {merge} = require('webpack-merge') in dev.js and prod.js and using module.exports = merge(baseConfig, prodConfig) mix together - Set your devlopment config
//in webpack.dev.js
//...require for plugins
const devConfig = {
mode: 'development',
devServer:{//Need to install
plugins: [
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()//from webpack itself
devtool:'inline-source-map'//Find out your orginal error
module.exports = merge(baseConfig, devConfig)
- Reset the scripts to run
"build": "webpack --config ./build/webpack.prod.js ", "dev": "webpack-dev-server --config ./build/webpack.dev.js"
npm run dev
to try!
Conclusion of config
- Important to think what is first like set
orresolve alias
- Think and classify your file first
- Using config merge to better differ different situation
- Using path alias can not only for simple but also to lock your file path best
- Think more about related config when some config changing
Componentized Development Thinking
- CssPubicThinking
Global Styles as a file
Common Local Styles as a function in a file