環(huán)境:OS X EI Captain,版本10.11.6
OpenWrt Buildroot – Installation on Mac OS X
If you test on other version of?OS?X or different release, add/edit below please!
These instructions worked on?OS?X 10.11.5 on 7 May 2016.
1. Install Xcode or at least Xcode command line tools from the?MacOSX App Store
2. Install brew.
/usr/bin/ruby -e?"$(curl -fsSL
終端執(zhí)行這條命令剿骨,don't run this as root! 然后brew就安裝好了代芜。
3. Add duplicates repository to homebrew for grep formulae:
brew tap homebrew/dupes
4. Install additional formulae:
brew install coreutils findutils gawk gnu-getopt gnu-tar grep wget quilt xz
5. gnu-getopt is keg-only, so force linking it:
brew ln gnu-getopt --force
6. To get rid of "date illegal option" you can add to your .bash_profile:
Mac OS X的.bash_profile文件在哪里?參見:http://www.v2ex.com/t/129563
touch .bash_profile
7. OS?X by default comes with a case-insensitive filesystem.?OpenWrt won't build on that. As a workaround, create a (Sparse) case-sensitive disk-image that you then mount in the finder and use as build directory:
hdiutil create -size 20g -type SPARSE -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+" -volname OpenWrt OpenWrt.sparseimage
hdiutil attach OpenWrt.sparseimage
8. Change to
(Your newly created and mounted disk image)
9. Now proceed normally (git clone…)
Old Instructions
You can find old instructions on the?Old OSX Instructions page.
第7點創(chuàng)建的分區(qū)在重啟之后會消失浓利,呃呃呃額額 (⊙_⊙)挤庇?
通過磁盤工具就劃分出來了, ̄へ ̄