今天是5月6號星期六,原本并不是一個上班的日子,但是組織部的信息化屠缭,harness the power of ?IT骡和,好像讓我編撰組織部的信息化十三五規(guī)劃一樣相赁。
根據(jù)麥肯錫的說法,搞一個要按end-to-end的approach搞信息化婆赠,To pursue this approach, executives must break down the change process into three critical steps: defining the target state for the IT architectures, deciding which elements of the IT landscape (systems, people, and processes) need to change, and determining the sequence and scope of change.
Define the target IT state
They set realistic priorities for modernization, asking questions such as:?
Which technology-driven projects will generate the most value for the company, in reduced cost and greater efficiency, and which would just be nice to have?
They define categories of business capabilities where processes, products, and actions can be digitized or otherwise improved through the use of technology.?
What’s most important is that the IT organization partners with the business on this step.?
Decide which changes to make across the technology landscape: Systems, people, and processes
With information about the desired target state in hand, IT leaders can consider how and whether to make specific changes to elements of the IT architecture—for instance, front-end applications, middleware technologies, or back-end servers—to help the business attain its goals
As a first step, the IT team should take inventory of existing applications and other technologies and identify those that can be improved, consolidated with other applications or other technologies, or decommissioned.?
The team should come to the table ready to ask questions such as:
How much real-time data do we need to support a digital customer experience??
How quickly do we need to launch new features to meet customers’ needs?
How will service response times need to change??
Will workload grow or shrink among groups within IT?
Determine the sequencing and scope of change
IT and business-unit leaders can create a clear road map for modernization efforts by having two- and three-year sequences of updates in mind and identifying measurable outcomes. Either way, the modernization team can devise a timetable indicating the people and capital investments required, the agreed-upon business and IT outcomes, and budget expectations