
西蒙·斯涅克-講解Golden Circle


這一篇來自于西蒙的一次電視采訪凤价。Millennials in workforce.


聽寫:楊蘭Rebecca? 翻譯:楊蘭Rebecca




Millennials in workforce, a generation ofweakness


Simon Sinek 西蒙·斯涅克


What’s the millennials? Apparently, millennials, are the generation, which is a groupof people who were born approximately 1984 and after. Are tough to manage. Andthey are accused of being entitled, are narcissistic, self-interested,unfocused, lazy. But entitled is a big one. And because they confound leaderships so much, what’s happening is leaders are asking the millennial,what do you want? And millennials are saying, we want to work in a place with purpose. Love that. And we want to make an impact, and you know, whatever that means. We want free food, and bean bags. And so, somebody articulate some sortof purpose, and there are lots of free food and there are bean bags. And yet forsome reason, they are still not happy. And that’s because there is a missing piece, what I have learned, I can break down it into 4 pieces. There are 4 things, 4 characteristics. One is parenting, the other one is technology, the 3rd is impatience, the 4th is environment.

千禧一代是指誰呢?很明顯澳骤,他們是出生在1984年及以后的一代人(在中國(guó)歧强,或許應(yīng)該向后推遲幾年?譯者注)为肮。他們是很難管理的摊册。人們指責(zé)這代人是:自命不凡,自戀的颊艳,自私自利的茅特,不聚焦的,懶惰的棋枕。但是自命不凡是一個(gè)重點(diǎn)白修。由于他們讓領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者如此挫敗,因此領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者們會(huì)問千禧一代:你們想要什么呢重斑?他們會(huì)說:“嗯兵睛,我們想要在一個(gè)有意義的地方工作,我們想要有影響力……不管影響力是什么意思吧窥浪。我們想要免費(fèi)的食物卤恳,還有豆袋沙發(fā)『螅” 因此, 有人明確表達(dá)了意義突琳,準(zhǔn)備了大量的免費(fèi)食物和豆袋沙發(fā)。但是出于某些原因符相,千禧一代還是不快樂拆融。這是因?yàn)檫@里缺失了一塊蠢琳。基于我的研究镜豹,我把缺失的部分分成四個(gè)因素:父母的教養(yǎng)傲须,科技,缺乏耐心趟脂,和環(huán)境泰讽。


The generation, that we call the millennials,too many of them grow up subject to, not my words, failed parenting strategies.Where, for example, .they were told that they were special, all the time. They were told that they can get anything they want in their life, just because theywant it. Some of them got into honored classes not because they deserved it,but because their parents complained and some of them got ‘A’s not because they earned them but because the teachers didn’t want to deal with the parents. Somekids got participation medals. You got a medal for coming in last, which the science we know is pretty clear which is devalues the medal and the rewards for those who actually worked hard and actually make the one who comes in last feel embarrassed because they know they didn’t deserve it. So that actually makes me feel worse, right?


So you take this group of people, and they graduate school,they get a job, and the thrust into the real world. And in an instant, they find out that they are not special, their moms can’t get them a promotion, that you get nothing for coming in last. And by the way, you can’t just have it cause you want it. Right? And in an instant, their entire self-image is shattered. So you have an entire generation that growing up with lowerself-esteem than previous generations.


The other problem to compound it is we are growing up in a facebook, Instagram world. Another word, we are good at putting filters on things. We are good at showing people that life is amazing eventhough I am depressed. So everybody sounds tough. And everybody sounds like theygot ererything figured out. And the reality is, there is very little toughness and most people don’t have it figured out. So when more senior people say what should we do, they sound like this is what you got at it and they have no clue.So you have an entire generation that growing up with lower self-esteem than previous generations through no fault of their own. Through no fault of theirown, right? They were dealt a bad hand.


Now, let’s add in technology. We know that engagement with social media and our cell phones, releases a chemical called DOPAMINE. That’s why when you get a text, feels good. Right? So you know allwhen you’re feeling a little bit down or feeling a bit lonely, and so you sendout 10 texts to 10 friends, you know hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, because it feels good when you get a response. It’s why we count the likes, it’s why we go back 10 times to see if it’s growing. If our Instagram is growing slower, I would(think): did I do something wrong? Did they not like me anymore? The trauma for young kids to be unfriended, right?


Because we know when you get it, you get a hit of dopamine, which feels good. It’s why we like it. It’s why we keep going back to it. Dopamine is the exact chemical that makes us feel good when we smoke, when we drink, and when we gamble. In other words, it’s highly, highly addictive. We have age restrictions on smoking, gambling, and alcohol. And we have no age restrictions on social medias and cellphones. Which is the equivalent of opening up the liquor cabinet and saying to our teenagers: hey bythe way, this adolescence thing, if it gets you down…


But that’s basically what’s happening,right? That’s basically what happened. You have an entire generation that hasaccess to an addictive, numbing chemical called dopamine through social medias and cellphones as they are going through the high-stress of adolescence.


Why is this so important? Almost every alcoholic discovered alcohol when they were teenagers. When we were very, veryyoung, the only approval we need is the approval of our parents. And as we gothrough adolescence, we make this transition where we now need the approval of our peers. Very frustrating for our parents, very important for us that allows us to acculturate outside of our immediate families into a broader tribe. It’sa highly highly stressful and anxious period of our lives and we are supposed to learn to rely on our friends.


Some people quite by accident discover alcohol and numbing effects of dopamine to help them cope with the stress and anxieties of adolescence. Unfortunately, that becomes hard-wired in their brains. And for the rest of their lives, when they suffer from a significant stress,they will not turn to a person, they will turn to a bottle. Social stress,financial stress, career stress, that’s pretty much the primary reasons why alcoholic drinks, right?


What’s happening is because we are out allowing unfettered access to these dopamine producing devices, and media basically becoming hard-wired. What we are seeing is as they grow older, too many kidsdon’t know how to form deep meaningful relationships. Their words, not mine.They will admit, that many of their friendships are superficial. They will admit, that they don’t count on their friends, they don’t rely on their friends. They have fun with their friends. But they also know that their friends will cancel out them that something better comes along. Deep meaningful relationships are not there because they never practiced the skill set andworse, they don’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with stress. So when significant stress starts to show up in their lives, they are not turning to a person, theyare turning to a device, they are turning to social media, they are turning tothere things which offer temporary relief. We know. The science is clear. Weknow that people who spend more time on facebook suffer higher rates of depression than people spend less time on face book.


These things needs to be Balanced. Alcohol is not bad, too much alcohol is bad; gambling is fun, too much gambling is dangerous. There is nothing wrong with social media and cellphones. It’s the imbalance.


If you are sitting at dinner table with your friends, and you are texting somebody who is not there. That’s a problem. That’s addition. If youare sitting in a meeting, with people you are supposed to be listening to and speaking. And you put you phone on the table. Face up or face down. I don’tcare. That send a subconscious message to the room that you are not, just not important to me right now. That’s what happens and the fact that you cannot putit away, it’s because you are addicted. If you wake up and you check your phone before you say good morning to your girlfriend/boyfriend or your spouse, you have an addiction, and like all addictions, in time, it will destroy relationships. It will cost time and it will cost money, and it will make your life worse. So you have a generation growing up with lower self-esteem, andthat doesn’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with stress.


Now you add in the sense of impatience.They’ve grown up in a world with instant gratification. You want to buy something, you go on Amazon, and it arrives the next day. You want to watch a movie, log on and watch a movie. You don’t check movie times. You want to watcha TV show, binge, you don’t even have to wait week to week to week. I know people who skip seasons, just so they can binge at the end of the season.


Instant gratification. You want to go on adate, you don’t even have to learn how to be like heyyyyyyyy. You don’t even have to learn and practice that skill. You don’t have to be the uncomfortable into when someone says yes when you mean no, when you mean no but yes when you … you just have to swipe, right? Bang! I am a stud! .Right?



You don’t have to learn the social coping mechanisms. Everything you want you can have I instantaneously. EVERYTHING you want! Instant gratification. Except, job satisfaction, strength ofrelationships. They aren’t no app for that. They are slow, meandering,uncomfortable, messy processes. And so I keep meeting these wonderful fantastic, idealistic, hard-working, smart kids. They’ve just graduated school. They are intheir entry-level job.


I sit down with them and I go, ’how is it going’, andthey go, ’ I think I am gonna quit.’

I like, ‘WHY? ’

They are like, ‘I am not making an impact.’

I am like, ‘you’ve been here 8 month!’




It’s as if they are standing at the foot of a mountain, and they have this abstract concept called the impact that theywant to have in the world, which is the summit. What they don’t see is the mountain. I don’t care if you up the mountain quickly or slowly, but there’s still a mountain and so what this young generation needs to learn is patience.That something that really really matter like LOVE, or Job Fulfillment, JOY, Love of life, Self confidence, a skill set. Any of these things. All of these thingstake time. Sometimes you can expedite pieces of it. But the overall journey, isarduous and long and difficult. And if you don’t ask for help and learn that skill set, you will fall off the mountain. Or you will..


The worst case scenario, the worst case scenario and we are already seeing it. The worst case scenario is we are seeing increase in suicide rates. We are seeing it increase in this generation. We are seeing in accidental deaths due to drug overdoses. We are seeing more and morekids drop out of school or take leaves or absence due to depression. Unheard of. This is really bad. The best cast scenario. Those are all bad case scenarios. The best case scenario, is you will have an entire population growing up and going through life and just never really finding joy. They will never really find deep deep fulfillment in work or in life. They will just walk through life and it will be just… It’s fine…

How is your job? It’s Fine. The same as yesterday.

How is your relationship? It’s Fine.




That’s the best scenario. Which leads me tothe 4thpoint, which is environment. Which we are taking this amazing group of young fantastic kids who just dealt a bad hand. There is no fault of their own. And we put them in corporate environment that care more about the numbers than they do about the kids. They care more about the short-termgains than the long-term life of this young human-being. We care more about the year than the lifetime. And so we are putting them into the corporate environment that aren’t helping them to build their confidence, that aren’t helping them to learn the skills of cooperation, that aren’t helping them to overcome the challenges of the digital world and finding more balance,that isn’t helping them over come the needs of instant gratification and teach them the joys and impact and the fulfillment you get from working hard over on something for along time that cannot be done in a month or even in a year.

And so with thrusting to them intocorporate environment and the worst part about it is they think it’s them. They blame themselves. They think it’s them who can’t deal. And so it makes allworse.



It’s not! I am here to tell them, it’s not them. It’s the corporations. It’s the corporate environment. It’s totally lackof good leadership in our world today that is making them feel the way they do.They were dealt a bad hand and I hate it to say but it’s the company’sresponsibility.

Sucks to be you like we have no choice.

This is what we got and I wish the society and the parents did a better job, they didn’t. So we are getting them into our companies, and we now have to pick up the slack. We have to work extra hard to figure out the ways that we build their confidence. we have to work extra hardto find ways to teach them the social skills that they’ve missing out on.




There should be no cellphones in conferenceroom. None. Zero. And I don’t mean those sitting outside, waiting to text. I meanthat, when you sit in a meeting room, waiting for a meeting to start, this is not what we will do, we will sit here and waiting for a meeting to start.(texting on the phone). Oh, we will start the meeting. NO. that’s not how relationships are formed. Remember we talked about the little things?

Relationships are formed this way: we arewaiting for a meeting to start, we go:

how is your dad? Heard him in hospital.

Oh he is really good, Thanks for asking. Heis actually at home now.

I am really glad, that is really amazing.

I know. That was really scary for a moment.

That’s how to form relationships.

不能允許手機(jī)進(jìn)入會(huì)議室凶杖,完全不行。如果是在外面坐著等蘸秘,發(fā)消息是可以的官卡。我說的是,當(dāng)你坐在會(huì)議室里醋虏,等待會(huì)議開始時(shí)寻咒,不能(一邊看手機(jī)一邊等)會(huì)議開始。這種做法沒有辦法建立關(guān)系颈嚼,記得我們之前所說的那些小事情嗎毛秘?關(guān)系是這樣建立的,我們?cè)诘却龝?huì)議開始時(shí)阻课,問另一個(gè)人:” 你爸爸怎么樣了?聽說他住院了?”





Hey, did you ever get the report done?

Oh my God, I didn’t.

I can help you out with that.

Oh, really?





That’s how trust forms. Trust doesn’t form in an event in a day. Even bad times don’t form trust immediately. It’s the slow, steady, consistency, and we have to create mechanisms where we allow for those little innocuous interactions to happen. But when we allow cellphones in conference rooms, turns we just(play with cellphone). And my favorite is that when you have a cellphone there, and you go (head up and down to look the cellphone). It rings you go:’I am not gonna answer that… ’(keep looking at the cellphone) It’s the automatic mechanism.


When you have dinner with your friends, Ido this with my friends. When we go out for dinner, we are leaving together, we will leave our cellphones at home. Maybe we will bring 1 or 2 cellphones if we need to call a uber or take a picture of our meal. I am an idealist, I am not insane. And it looks really good. We will take one phone. It’s like alcoholic,the reason we take the alcohol out of our house, is we can’t trust our will power. We are just not strong enough. But when you remove the temptation, itactually makes it a lot easier. So when you just say don’t check you phone.People will literally go like this (check the phone). And somebody goes to the bathroom, what’s the first thing we do? (check the phone). Because I just don’twant to look around the bathroom for a minute and a half…




But if you don’t have the phone, you just kind of enjoy the world. And that’s where ideas happen. The constant constant constant engagements is not where you have ideas. Ideas happen when our mind wonder.. We see something and we think: I think I am gonna do that. It’s called innovation. We are taking away these little moments. You should not none of us should charge our phones by our beds. We should becharging our phones in the living room. Remove the temptation. You wake up in the middle of the night because you can’t sleep. You won’t check you phone. Which makes it worse. But if your phone is in the living room, it’s relaxed. You arefine. But it’s my alarm clock. Buy an alarm clock. It costs 8 dollars. I’ll buy you an alarm clock



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