ReNamer 是一個非常強大和靈活的文件重命名工具失息,它提供所有標準的重命名過程譬淳,包括前綴、后綴盹兢、替換邻梆、大小寫更改以及刪除括號內(nèi)容、添加編號規(guī)則绎秒、更改文件擴展名等浦妄。對于高級用戶,支持正則表達式和 PascalScript 規(guī)則替裆,允許用戶編寫自己的重命名規(guī)則校辩。重命名功能:使用無限數(shù)量的重命名規(guī)則、存儲無限數(shù)量的預設辆童、將預設組織到目錄結(jié)構(gòu)中宜咒。
程序允許您將多個重命名操作組合為一個規(guī)則集,以邏輯順序應用每個操作把鉴,這些操作可在程序中保存故黑、加載和管理。此外庭砍,它還可以重命名文件夾场晶、處理正則表達式、Unicode 功能怠缸、并支持各種元標記诗轻,如:ID3v1、ID3v2揭北、EXIF扳炬、OLE吏颖、AVI、MD5恨樟、CRC32 和 SHA1半醉。
- Added new features to the Regular Expressions engine: named groups, non-capturing groups, atomic groups, lookaround (positive and negative), possessive quantifier and Unicode categories.
- Added an option to remove duplicate extensions.
- Added IPTC_Keywords meta tag.
- Added global variables in Pascal Script: SetGlobalVar, GetGlobalVar and other related functions.
- Added WinCPToUTF8 and UTF8ToWinCP functions for Pascal Script.
- Interpret the plus sign "+" literally in wildcard replacements.
- Added Croatian language file. Thanks to Marko Puskaric.
- Updated Russian, Italian, French, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese language files.