意思: ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副詞或介詞詞組修飾的形容詞 (問題)棘手的,復(fù)雜難解的鸦采,令人頭疼的 If you describe a problem as thorny, you mean that it is very complicated and difficult to solve, and that people are often unwilling to discuss it.
原句: A thornier problem is raised by the feminists' annoyancewith words that contain "man," such as "chairman" and "spokesman."
造句: It is essential that we tackle this thorny problem.
意思: VERB 動詞 (危險宏侍、疑慮赖淤、恐懼等)暗藏,潛在 If something such as a danger, doubt, or fear lurks somewhere, it exists but is not obvious or easily recognized.
原句:The? feminist movement helpfully revealed how much sexism lurks inour language, not only in the offensive "he" but in the hundredsof words that carry an invidious meaning or some overtone ofjudgment.
造句: Around every corner lurked doubt and uncertainty.
意思: ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副詞或介詞詞組修飾的形容詞 (想法咱旱、方法等)合意的,可接受的 If you describe something such as an idea or method as palatable, you mean that people are willing to accept it.
原句: I noticed that many reporters had fallen into the habit of trying to make the news more palatable by writing in a feature style.
造句: That option is not very palatable.
I especially like tocut: to press the DELETE key and see an unnecessary word or phrase or sentence vanish into the electricity. I like to replace ahumdrum word with one that has more precision or color. I like to strengthen the transition between one sentence and another.I like to rephrase a drab sentence to give it a more pleasing rhythm or a more graceful musical line. With every small refinement I feel that I'm coming nearer to where I would like to arrive, and when I finally get there I know it was the rewriting,not the writing, that won the game.