





struct controller_impl {
   controller&                    self;
   chainbase::database            db;       // 用于存儲已執(zhí)行的區(qū)塊偿荷,這些區(qū)塊可以回滾,一旦提交就成了不可逆的區(qū)塊
   chainbase::database            reversible_blocks; ///< a special database to persist blocks that have successfully been applied but are still reversible
   block_log                      blog;
   optional<pending_state>        pending;  // 尚未出的塊
   block_state_ptr                head;     // 當前區(qū)塊的狀態(tài)
   fork_database                  fork_db;  // 用于存儲可分叉區(qū)塊的數(shù)據(jù)庫唠椭,可分叉的區(qū)塊都放到這里
   wasm_interface                 wasmif;   // wasm虛擬機的runtime
   resource_limits_manager        resource_limits;  // 資源管理
   authorization_manager          authorization;    // 權限管理
   controller::config             conf;
   chain_id_type                  chain_id;
   bool                           replaying = false;
   bool                           in_trx_requiring_checks = false; ///< if true, checks that are normally skipped on replay (e.g. auth checks) cannot be skipped







EOS 中的數(shù)據(jù)庫索引是依賴chainbase實現(xiàn)的力崇,這個數(shù)據(jù)庫的實現(xiàn)比較簡單斗塘,主要是用內(nèi)存映射文件(memory mappedfile)。它認為LevelDB這種數(shù)據(jù)庫亮靴,性能不行馍盟,也不方便做多級索引,對區(qū)塊鏈來說台猴,狀態(tài)數(shù)據(jù)庫只是賬本日志的快照朽合,對持久化要求沒那么高俱两,所以可以更激進的利用內(nèi)存。








    * @class fork_database
    * @brief manages light-weight state for all potential unconfirmed forks
    * As new blocks are received, they are pushed into the fork database. The fork
    * database tracks the longest chain and the last irreversible block number. All
    * blocks older than the last irreversible block are freed after emitting the
    * irreversible signal.
   class fork_database {

         fork_database( const fc::path& data_dir );

         void close();

         block_state_ptr  get_block(const block_id_type& id)const;
         block_state_ptr  get_block_in_current_chain_by_num( uint32_t n )const;
//         vector<block_state_ptr>    get_blocks_by_number(uint32_t n)const;

          *  Provides a "valid" blockstate upon which other forks may build.
         void            set( block_state_ptr s );

         /** this method will attempt to append the block to an exsting
          * block_state and will return a pointer to the new block state or
          * throw on error.
         block_state_ptr add( signed_block_ptr b, bool trust = false );
         block_state_ptr add( block_state_ptr next_block );
         void            remove( const block_id_type& id );

         void            add( const header_confirmation& c );

         const block_state_ptr& head()const;

          *  Given two head blocks, return two branches of the fork graph that
          *  end with a common ancestor (same prior block)
         pair< branch_type, branch_type >  fetch_branch_from( const block_id_type& first,
                                                              const block_id_type& second )const;

          * If the block is invalid, it will be removed. If it is valid, then blocks older
          * than the LIB are pruned after emitting irreversible signal.
         void set_validity( const block_state_ptr& h, bool valid );
         void mark_in_current_chain( const block_state_ptr& h, bool in_current_chain );
         void prune( const block_state_ptr& h );

          * This signal is emited when a block state becomes irreversible, once irreversible
          * it is removed unless it is the head block.
         signal<void(block_state_ptr)> irreversible;

         void set_bft_irreversible( block_id_type id );
         unique_ptr<fork_database_impl> my;


struct pending_state {
   pending_state( database::session&& s )
   :_db_session( move(s) ){}

   database::session                  _db_session;          // 會話,用于和db數(shù)據(jù)庫交互

   block_state_ptr                    _pending_block_state; // pending區(qū)塊的狀態(tài)

   vector<action_receipt>             _actions;             // push_transaction后的action收據(jù)

   controller::block_status           _block_status = controller::block_status::incomplete;   // pending區(qū)塊的驗證狀態(tài)酵紫,從incomplete到irreversible

   void push() {






   void producer_plugin_impl::schedule_production_loop() {
   chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
   std::weak_ptr<producer_plugin_impl> weak_this = shared_from_this();
    // 開始區(qū)塊
   auto result = start_block();

   if (result == start_block_result::failed) {
      elog("Failed to start a pending block, will try again later");
      _timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::microseconds( config::block_interval_us  / 10 ));

      // we failed to start a block, so try again later?
      _timer.async_wait([weak_this,cid=++_timer_corelation_id](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
         auto self = weak_this.lock();
         if (self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id) {
   } else if (_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {

      // we succeeded but block may be exhausted
      if (result == start_block_result::succeeded) {
         // ship this block off no later than its deadline
         static const boost::posix_time::ptime epoch(boost::gregorian::date(1970, 1, 1));
         _timer.expires_at(epoch + boost::posix_time::microseconds(chain.pending_block_time().time_since_epoch().count()));
         fc_dlog(_log, "Scheduling Block Production on Normal Block #${num} for ${time}", ("num", chain.pending_block_state()->block_num)("time",chain.pending_block_time()));
      } else {
         // ship this block off immediately
         _timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::microseconds( 0 ));
         fc_dlog(_log, "Scheduling Block Production on Exhausted Block #${num} immediately", ("num", chain.pending_block_state()->block_num));
      // 出塊時間到了犬庇,打包區(qū)塊
      _timer.async_wait([&chain,weak_this,cid=++_timer_corelation_id](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
         auto self = weak_this.lock();
         if (self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id) {
            auto res = self->maybe_produce_block();
            fc_dlog(_log, "Producing Block #${num} returned: ${res}", ("num", chain.pending_block_state()->block_num)("res", res) );


producer_plugin_impl::start_block_result producer_plugin_impl::start_block() {
    chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
    // 調(diào)用controller::start_block函數(shù)
    chain.start_block(block_time, blocks_to_confirm);


bool producer_plugin_impl::maybe_produce_block() {
   auto reschedule = fc::make_scoped_exit([this]{

   try {
      // 出塊
      return true;

   fc_dlog(_log, "Aborting block due to produce_block error");
   chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
   return false;

void producer_plugin_impl::produce_block() {
   FC_ASSERT(_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing, "called produce_block while not actually producing");

   chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
   const auto& pbs = chain.pending_block_state();
   const auto& hbs = chain.head_block_state();
   FC_ASSERT(pbs, "pending_block_state does not exist but it should, another plugin may have corrupted it");
   auto signature_provider_itr = _signature_providers.find( pbs->block_signing_key );

   FC_ASSERT(signature_provider_itr != _signature_providers.end(), "Attempting to produce a block for which we don't have the private key");

   //idump( (fc::time_point::now() - chain.pending_block_time()) );
   // 交易停止打包到區(qū)塊
   // 對區(qū)塊進行簽名
   chain.sign_block( [&]( const digest_type& d ) {
      auto debug_logger = maybe_make_debug_time_logger();
      return signature_provider_itr->second(d);
   } );
   // 提交區(qū)塊到db數(shù)據(jù)庫
   auto hbt = chain.head_block_time();
   //idump((fc::time_point::now() - hbt));

   block_state_ptr new_bs = chain.head_block_state();
   // for newly installed producers we can set their watermarks to the block they became
   if (hbs->active_schedule.version != new_bs->active_schedule.version) {
      flat_set<account_name> new_producers;
      for( const auto& p: new_bs->active_schedule.producers) {
         if (_producers.count(p.producer_name) > 0)

      for( const auto& p: hbs->active_schedule.producers) {

      for (const auto& new_producer: new_producers) {
         _producer_watermarks[new_producer] = chain.head_block_num();
   _producer_watermarks[new_bs->header.producer] = chain.head_block_num();

   ilog("Produced block ${id}... #${n} @ ${t} signed by ${p} [trxs: ${count}, lib: ${lib}, confirmed: ${confs}]",
        ("count",new_bs->block->transactions.size())("lib",chain.last_irreversible_block_num())("confs", new_bs->header.confirmed));



   void commit_block( bool add_to_fork_db ) {
      if( add_to_fork_db ) {
         pending->_pending_block_state->validated = true;
         // 將區(qū)塊放入fork_db
         auto new_bsp = fork_db.add( pending->_pending_block_state );
         emit( self.accepted_block_header, pending->_pending_block_state );
         head = fork_db.head();
         FC_ASSERT( new_bsp == head, "committed block did not become the new head in fork database" );


  //    ilog((fc::json::to_pretty_string(*pending->_pending_block_state->block)));
      emit( self.accepted_block, pending->_pending_block_state );

      if( !replaying ) {
         reversible_blocks.create<reversible_block_object>( [&]( auto& ubo ) {
            ubo.blocknum = pending->_pending_block_state->block_num;
            ubo.set_block( pending->_pending_block_state->block );

      // push到db中



// fork_database.cpp
   block_state_ptr fork_database::add( block_state_ptr n ) {
      auto inserted = my->index.insert(n);
      FC_ASSERT( inserted.second, "duplicate block added?" );

      my->head = *my->index.get<by_lib_block_num>().begin();

      auto lib    = my->head->dpos_irreversible_blocknum;
      auto oldest = *my->index.get<by_block_num>().begin();
      // 移除比最后不可逆區(qū)塊還舊的區(qū)塊
      if( oldest->block_num < lib ) {
         prune( oldest );

      return n;
   void fork_database::prune( const block_state_ptr& h ) {
      auto num = h->block_num;

      auto& by_bn = my->index.get<by_block_num>();
      auto bni = by_bn.begin();
      while( bni != by_bn.end() && (*bni)->block_num < num ) {
         prune( *bni );
         bni = by_bn.begin();

      auto itr = my->index.find( h->id );
      if( itr != my->index.end() ) {
         // 發(fā)送不可逆信號,使得不可逆區(qū)塊寫入db
         // 移除不可逆區(qū)塊

      auto& numidx = my->index.get<by_block_num>();
      auto nitr = numidx.lower_bound( num );
      while( nitr != numidx.end() && (*nitr)->block_num == num ) {
         auto itr_to_remove = nitr;
         auto id = (*itr_to_remove)->id;
         remove( id );
// controller.cpp   
      void on_irreversible( const block_state_ptr& s ) {
      if( !blog.head() )

      const auto& log_head = blog.head();
      FC_ASSERT( log_head );
      auto lh_block_num = log_head->block_num();

      // 將不可逆區(qū)塊廣播到net_plugin
      emit( self.irreversible_block, s );
      // 將不可逆區(qū)塊提交到db
      db.commit( s->block_num );

      if( s->block_num <= lh_block_num ) {
//         edump((s->block_num)("double call to on_irr"));
//         edump((s->block_num)(s->block->previous)(log_head->id()));

      FC_ASSERT( s->block_num - 1  == lh_block_num, "unlinkable block", ("s->block_num",s->block_num)("lh_block_num", lh_block_num) );
      FC_ASSERT( s->block->previous == log_head->id(), "irreversible doesn't link to block log head" );

      const auto& ubi = reversible_blocks.get_index<reversible_block_index,by_num>();
      auto objitr = ubi.begin();
      while( objitr != ubi.end() && objitr->blocknum <= s->block_num ) {
         reversible_blocks.remove( *objitr );
         objitr = ubi.begin();




    void on_incoming_block(const signed_block_ptr& block) {
         fc_dlog(_log, "received incoming block ${id}", ("id", block->id()));

         FC_ASSERT( block->timestamp < (fc::time_point::now() + fc::seconds(7)), "received a block from the future, ignoring it" );

         chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();

         /* de-dupe here... no point in aborting block if we already know the block */
         auto id = block->id();
         // 區(qū)塊已存在本地瘦陈,丟棄該區(qū)塊
         auto existing = chain.fetch_block_by_id( id );
         if( existing ) { return; }

         // abort the pending block

         // exceptions throw out, make sure we restart our loop
         auto ensure = fc::make_scoped_exit([this](){

         // push the new block
         bool except = false;
         try {
            // 調(diào)用controller::push_block()函數(shù)
         } catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
            except = true;
         if( except ) {
            app().get_channel<channels::rejected_block>().publish( block );

         if( chain.head_block_state()->header.timestamp.next().to_time_point() >= fc::time_point::now() )
            _production_enabled = true;

         if( fc::time_point::now() - block->timestamp < fc::minutes(5) || (block->block_num() % 1000 == 0) ) {
            ilog("Received block ${id}... #${n} @ ${t} signed by ${p} [trxs: ${count}, lib: ${lib}, conf: ${confs}, latency: ${latency} ms]",
                 ("count",block->transactions.size())("lib",chain.last_irreversible_block_num())("confs", block->confirmed)("latency", (fc::time_point::now() - block->timestamp).count()/1000 ) );



  // 壓入?yún)^(qū)塊
   void push_block( const signed_block_ptr& b, controller::block_status s ) {
    //  idump((fc::json::to_pretty_string(*b)));
      FC_ASSERT(!pending, "it is not valid to push a block when there is a pending block");
      try {
         FC_ASSERT( b );
         FC_ASSERT( s != controller::block_status::incomplete, "invalid block status for a completed block" );
         bool trust = !conf.force_all_checks && (s == controller::block_status::irreversible || s == controller::block_status::validated);
         // 將收到的區(qū)塊加到fork_db
         auto new_header_state = fork_db.add( b, trust );
         emit( self.accepted_block_header, new_header_state );
         maybe_switch_forks( s );


void maybe_switch_forks( controller::block_status s = controller::block_status::complete ) {
      auto new_head = fork_db.head();
      // 節(jié)點當前不出塊,當收到新區(qū)塊時冬念,判斷收到的區(qū)塊和自己本地的區(qū)塊是否能連上(是否分叉)
      if( new_head->header.previous == head->id ) {
         try {
            // 驗證區(qū)塊和交易
            apply_block( new_head->block, s );
            fork_db.mark_in_current_chain( new_head, true );
            fork_db.set_validity( new_head, true );
            head = new_head;
         } catch ( const fc::exception& e ) {
            fork_db.set_validity( new_head, false ); // Removes new_head from fork_db index, so no need to mark it as not in the current chain.
      } else if( new_head->id != head->id ) {   // 切換分支
         ilog("switching forks from ${current_head_id} (block number ${current_head_num}) to ${new_head_id} (block number ${new_head_num})",
              ("current_head_id", head->id)("current_head_num", head->block_num)("new_head_id", new_head->id)("new_head_num", new_head->block_num) );
         auto branches = fork_db.fetch_branch_from( new_head->id, head->id );

         for( auto itr = branches.second.begin(); itr != branches.second.end(); ++itr ) {
            fork_db.mark_in_current_chain( *itr , false );
            // 將原來的區(qū)塊pop出來趁窃,撤銷之前驗證執(zhí)行的交易
         FC_ASSERT( self.head_block_id() == branches.second.back()->header.previous,
                    "loss of sync between fork_db and chainbase during fork switch" ); // _should_ never fail

         for( auto ritr = branches.first.rbegin(); ritr != branches.first.rend(); ++ritr) {
            optional<fc::exception> except;
            try {
              // 驗證執(zhí)行當前區(qū)塊里面的交易
               apply_block( (*ritr)->block, (*ritr)->validated ? controller::block_status::validated : controller::block_status::complete );
               head = *ritr;
               fork_db.mark_in_current_chain( *ritr, true );
               (*ritr)->validated = true;
            catch (const fc::exception& e) { except = e; }
            if (except) {
               elog("exception thrown while switching forks ${e}", ("e",except->to_detail_string()));

               // ritr currently points to the block that threw
               // if we mark it invalid it will automatically remove all forks built off it.
               fork_db.set_validity( *ritr, false );

               // pop all blocks from the bad fork
               // ritr base is a forward itr to the last block successfully applied
               auto applied_itr = ritr.base();
               for( auto itr = applied_itr; itr != branches.first.end(); ++itr ) {
                  fork_db.mark_in_current_chain( *itr , false );
               FC_ASSERT( self.head_block_id() == branches.second.back()->header.previous,
                          "loss of sync between fork_db and chainbase during fork switch reversal" ); // _should_ never fail

               // re-apply good blocks
               for( auto ritr = branches.second.rbegin(); ritr != branches.second.rend(); ++ritr ) {
                  apply_block( (*ritr)->block, controller::block_status::validated /* we previously validated these blocks*/ );
                  head = *ritr;
                  fork_db.mark_in_current_chain( *ritr, true );
               throw *except;
            } // end if exception
         } /// end for each block in branch
         ilog("successfully switched fork to new head ${new_head_id}", ("new_head_id", new_head->id));
   } /// push_block


  // 撤銷當前區(qū)塊和狀態(tài),恢復到上一個區(qū)塊和狀態(tài)
  // 撤銷交易急前,交易轉為unapplied
   void pop_block() {
      auto prev = fork_db.get_block( head->header.previous );
      FC_ASSERT( prev, "attempt to pop beyond last irreversible block" );

      if( const auto* b = reversible_blocks.find<reversible_block_object,by_num>(head->block_num) )
         reversible_blocks.remove( *b );

      for( const auto& t : head->trxs )
         unapplied_transactions[t->signed_id] = t;
      head = prev;

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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布颗味,位于F島的核電站,受9級特大地震影響牺弹,放射性物質發(fā)生泄漏浦马。R本人自食惡果不足惜,卻給世界環(huán)境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一例驹、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望捐韩。 院中可真熱鬧退唠,春花似錦鹃锈、人聲如沸。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 31,659評論 0 22
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽仅政。三九已至,卻和暖如春盆驹,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間圆丹,已是汗流浹背。 一陣腳步聲響...
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  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工躯喇, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留辫封,地道東北人。 一個月前我還...
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  • 正文 我出身青樓廉丽,卻偏偏與公主長得像倦微,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子正压,可洞房花燭夜當晚...
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