Leon and Amy:
凡事只要有開始,就必然會有結(jié)局。Everything that has a beginning, has an end. 開始人灼,begin, beginning. 結(jié)束围段、結(jié)局,end.
時間已經(jīng)過了很久了投放。It's been a long time. 長奈泪,long. 短,short.
能教你們的我都已經(jīng)教了灸芳。I've taught you what I can teach. 教涝桅,teach, taught.
是時候說再見了。It's time to say goodbye.
我們都是彼此的匆匆過客烙样。We are just hurried passangers for each other. 匆匆冯遂,hurry, hurried. 過客,passanger.
記住幾個學習要點谒获,好好運用蛤肌。Remember a few learning points and use them well. 記住,remember. 要點批狱,point. 運用裸准,use.
把時間放在什么地方,收獲就在那里赔硫。Where to put your time, the harvest is there. 哪里炒俱,where. 那里,there. 收獲爪膊,harvest.
耐心點权悟,果實會慢慢成熟的。 Be patient, the fruit will be ripe slowly. 耐心推盛,patient, patience. 果實峦阁,fruit. 成熟,ripe, ripen. 慢慢, slow, slowly.
照顧好你自己小槐。Take good care of yourself.
我們很快會再次相遇的拇派。We'll meet again soon. 很快荷辕,soon. 相遇凿跳,meet.
不要害羞件豌,盡管嘗試。Don't be shy, just try. 害羞控嗜,shy. 嘗試茧彤,try.
我相信你們之前的問題,現(xiàn)在都找到答案了疆栏。I believe that your questions before, now have been answered. 相信曾掂,believe. 問題, question. 之前,before. 答案壁顶,answer.
這不是結(jié)束,這甚至不是結(jié)束的開始,不過也許這是開始的結(jié)束珠洗。Now this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
P.S.:下周開始,我們的課程就會進行改版调衰。具體內(nèi)容是《新概念英語1》 的課文內(nèi)容和音頻膊爪,加上我對課文的講解,主要是音頻嚎莉。換句話說米酬,以后的課程會以音頻為主,每節(jié)課的音頻也很簡短趋箩,大概就是一兩分鐘赃额。《新概念英語1》我已經(jīng)買好了叫确,這應該是我第二次還是第三次買了爬早。你們可以自行買一本,注意是教材启妹,不是練習冊筛严。就這樣吧,再見饶米。