1 Flexibility Trade-Offs. (權(quán)衡理論,此消彼長) ?Jack of all trades, master of none.
2 Alignment
3 Feature Creep. 功能蔓延兽肤, 范圍蔓延
4 Desire Lines(新源路徑)- Traces fo use or wear that indicate preferred methods of interaction.
? Desire lines are a a noninvasive, unbiased,and statistical measure of how people actually use things.
5 Top-Down Lighting Bias. - Use a single, top-left light source to make things look natural and inviting. Adjust the difference between light and dark areas to vary the perception of depth.
6 Iteration- How the long way an be the short way.?
So what is iteration in the context of design?Iteration is defined as repeating a set of design,development, and test operations,with each repetition building on the last,until the desired result is achieved.
7 Garbage In- Garbage Out: The Science of Taking Out the Trash
The phrase means that the quality of system outputis largely dependent on the quality of system input.Simply stated, bad input gives you bad output.
8 Hick's Law. When It Pays to Run with the Herd.
9 KISS- Keep It Sample Stupid
10 Left-Digit-Effect