班級:L3-C? ??????姓名:Ashley? ? ?學(xué)號:20193001208
日期:2020/4/17? ? ? 作業(yè)序號(Writing Assignment No.):005
題目:Some people believe that someinternet websites should be restricted to prevent people from accessing sex orviolent sites. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
I'mneutral on whether to restrict some Internet websites. I think there should beage limits. It is necessary to restrict some sex or violent websites to minors.For the minors, they lack the judgment ability, unable to judge the quality ofthe website information. And at this time they are very curious and very goodat imitation. It's easy to commit a crime by intentionally or unintentionallyreading about sex or violence on the Internet. This is undoubtedly bad for theirgrowth. They should have some healthy websites for them to browse.
? But I think the way to prevent people fromvisiting sex or violent sites is to start with people, not to restrict somesites. For adults, they are physically and mentally mature and have somejudgment. They have the ability to judge the quality of the information andwhether they are doing the right thing. Restricting some sites will not stopsome people from illegally accessing sex or violent sites.(163 words)