Four months ago, when i was in Beijing taking the flight back Singapore, I passed by the MH370 passenger gate to Kuala Lumpur, ?i was wondering, If i were on the flight, what will happen to my mind in last two minutes? before it falling, falling into the deepest sea of the Ocean.
If i were on the flight, at that moment, i knew i am going to die. i will start regret for those things in my wish list, those adventures i want to make, those wonderful places i want to go, those great people you want to talk...
If i were on the flight, at that moment, i would apologize for all persons i met in my life, my family, my lover, my friends, even my enemies, because no chance to cross the road again.
If i were on the flight, at that moment, i will totally understand the words by Steven Jobs, he said everyday morning i will stand in front of the mirror and tell myself it is my last day.
If i were on the flight, at that moment, i will start roll over my life carousel backwards, first house, first salary check, first baby, wedding, graduation, first kiss, first bicycle,first smile and first time in this world.
All those... moments... will be lost in time like tears in the sea.
做的另一篇分享:聰明和智慧 Cleverness & Wisdom
1.1 Doing the things right vs. doing the right thing
one for how to do the things; one for why i do the things
1.2 creative point: box theory. think in the box. vs. think out of box
1.3 Company strategy: Blue ocean strategy: how to create uncontested market place and make the competition irrelevant.
one is thinking i have to win-lose.
one is looking for win-win and open a totally new market.