L5-U3-P3 英語(yǔ)流利說(shuō) 5-3-3 懂你英語(yǔ) Level5 Unit3 Part3

L5-U3-P3-1 Listening : Living Conditions 1

Living Conditions 1

Living conditions around the world vary from country to country.

Some countries have very large economies, but the majority of their citizens are poor.

Other countries have smaller economies, but the majority of their citizens are NOT poor.

So the size of a country's economy isn't the only factor that determines how wealthy its citizens are.

The size of its population is also an important factor.

Another factor is how a country's wealth is distributed between the rich and the poor.

The size of a country’s economy isn’t the only factor ...that determines how wealthy?(the wealth of)?its citizens are.

(1) Living conditions around the world vary from country to country.
(2) Some countries have very large economies, but the majority of their citizens are poor.
(3) Other countries have smaller economies, but the majority of their citizens are NOT poor.
(4) So the size of a country's economy isn't the only factor that determines how wealthy its citizens are.

Besides the size of its economy, what is another factor that determines living conditions??- the distribution of wealth

A country's living?conditions?depend not only on the?size?of its economy. The size of its?population?is also an important?factor. Another factor is?how?a country's?wealth?is?distributed?between the rich and the poor.

Let's look at some examples.

This chart shows the world's 5 largest economies in 2015.

It ranks the countries by their Gross Domestic Product, or GDP.

The GDP is one way of muring the size of an economy.

It is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country in a year.

As you can see, according to this chart, the US and China had the largest economies.

According to the chart, which country had the fifthe largest economies? -Germany.

The GDP is one way of measuring the size of an economy.

Living conditions around the world vary from country to country.

The size of a country's economy isn't the only factor that determines how wealthy its citizens are.

It is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country in a year.

What does this chart use to compare the sizes of their economies?- Gross Domestic Product

Some countries have very large economies, but the majority of their citizens are poor.

In 2015, Germany had the fifth largest economy.

A country's living?conditions?depend not only on the?size?of its economy, but also on how its wealth?is?distributed.

The distribution of wealth?is also an important factor that affects living?conditions.

According to the chart, India had the third largest economy in the world.

Its economy was bigger than Japan's.

However, the average living conditions in Japan are much higher than in India.

One reason for this is the difference in population.

India has a much larger population, so its wealth is distributed among a much larger number of people.

You can find this information by checking a country's GDP per capita.

Per capita means per person.

If two countries have the same GDP, but one country has half the number of people, its GDP per capita is twice as large.

(1) According to the chart, India had the third largest economy in the world.
(2) Its economy was bigger than Japan's.
(3) However, the average living conditions in Japan are much higher than in India.
(4) One reason for this is the difference in population.

What is one reason why the living conditions in Japan are much higher than in India? - Its population is much smaller.

Another important factor is how the wealth of a country is shared.

In some countries much of the wealth is concentrated in just a few people.

For example, in the US, just 5% of the population holds more than 70% of the wealth.

This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy despite the size of their economy.

In fact, the wealth share held by the wealthiest 10% more than 10 times bigger than the rest of the population.

This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy despite the size of their economy.

(1) Another important factor is how the wealth of a country is shared.
(2) In some countries much of the wealth is concentrated in just a few people.
(3) For example, in the US, just 5% of the population holds more than 70% of the wealth.
(4) This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy despite the size of their economy.

In some countries much of the wealth is concentrated in just a few people.

Another important factor is how the wealth of a country is shared.

According to the chart, India had the third largest economy in the world.

If two countries have the same GDP, but one country has half the number of people, its GDP per capita is twice as large.

In fact, the wealth share held by the wealthiest 10% was more than 10 times bigger than the rest of the population.

About what percent of the US population holds more than 70% of the wealth? - About 5%

Why are there so many poor people intheUS despite the size of their economy??-Much of the wealth is held by a small segment of the population.

In the US, just 5% of the population holds more than 70% of the wealth

One reason is that Japan's population is much smaller than India's.

Per capita means per person.

India has a much larger population, so its wealth is distributed among a much larger number of people.

This shows that many US citizens are not wealthy despite the size of their economy.

L5-U3-P3-2 Listening : Living Conditions 2

Living Conditions 2

As we have seen, much of the wealth of the US is concentrated in just a few people.

10% of its population had an estimated 75% of the wealth in 2015.

In this chart we see some comparisons with other countries.

In contrast to the US, 10% of Japan's population had less than half of the total wealth.

In China, in 2014, the estimated share of the top 10% was 64%, but this number is rising.

Russia had the highest concentration of wealth, at over 80%!

India, which has one of the largest economies, has the largest share of the world's poorest people.

The share of wealth of its richest 10% is 370 times that of its poorest 10%.

Russia had the highest concentration of wealth, at over 80%!

Which of these countries?has the largest share of the world's poorest people? - India

A major challenge for a government is to improve the living conditions of its citizens.

As we have seen, growing an economy isn't enough.

Population growth and distribution of wealth are also important factors.

Improving education and developing job skills can help people move up in an economy.

With better education and training, the poor can increase their ability to get better jobs and raise their income.

Improving education and developing job skills can help people move up in an economy.

What does better education allow? - It increases a person's ability to get a better job.

A major?challenge?for a government is to improve the living conditions of its citizens.

How can education change how wealth is distributed?-? It can help the poor to get better jobs and increase their share of the wealth.

However, taxes are needed to pay for social services, including health and education.

Some countries tax the rich at a higher rate than the poor.

However, if taxes are too high, it can discourage investment and risk taking.

This is because investors won't take risks unless the rewards are high.

So, as you can see, these are complex issues.

This is because investors won't take risks unless the rewards are high.

Some countries tax the rich at a higher rate than the poor.

Russia had the highest concentration of wealth, at over 80%!

As we have seen, much of the wealth of the US is concentrated in just a few people.

How can high taxes?discourage investment? -They can reduce the rewards for taking a risk.

As we have seen, growing an economy isn't enough.

Investors won't take risks unless the rewards are high.

However, if taxes are too high, it can discourage investment and risk taking.

L5-U3-P3-3 Vocabulary : Describing Actions

Describing Actions

Silly: foolish or stupid or ridiculous, the opposite of serious.

He is being silly, so we should just ignore him.

That's a silly idea, so I don't think she means what she's saying.

This is no time for silly behavior, so I'm asking everyone to work harder and take things seriously.

He expects people?to laugh?when he's being?silly, but I don't think it's?funny.

That kind of?silly?behavior isn’t?acceptable?in our?office.

Amazing: to be incredible or so good as to be hard to believe; the opposite of ordinary.

That company's new products are truly amazing.

She gave an amazing performance, especially after all the difficulties she had to overcome.

It's amazing what people can accomplish if they are determined.

He was in a?terrible?accident, so it's?amazing?that he is still?alive.

It will be an?amazing?accomplishment if they can?finish?the project on?schedule.

Crucial: to be of extreme importance or an essential part; the opposite of optional.

It's crucial that we get them to sign the contract by the end of the week.

Getting that data is crucial for our success.

We can’t do this without their help, so it’s crucial that you get them to cooperate.

It's?crucial?that airplane pilots get?enough?sleep before they?fly.

We?need?her help because she has?unique?skills that are?crucial?for the success of our project.

Impressive: to stand out and be unforgettable in a good way.

His presentation was so impressive that we decided to hire him right away.

They have an impressive website, but the quality of their products is pathetic.

Their design was impressive, but the costs were much higher than we could afford, so we had to reject it.

He made an?impressive?entrance, but when he left the meeting he looked tired and?defeated.

She?impressed?everyone with her powerful?speech,? but we were soon?disappointed?by her?inability?to meet her goals.

It’s ok for you to have high expectations, but they need to be realistic or you’ll fail.

Realistic: to be possible and attainable.

That deadline isn't realistic, so we need to ask for more time.

He isn't being realistic when he expects to charge such high prices for his products.

His proposal wasn't realistic because he doesn't understand the details and potential risks of such a project.

She gave an amazing performance, especially after all the difficulties she had overcome.

Getting that?data?is?crucial?for our?success. ?

That deadline isn't realistic, so we need to ask for more time.

Don't worry about what she said because she was just being silly.

That deadline isn't realistic, so we need to ask for more time.

It's amazing what people can accomplish if they are determined.

The words silly and serious are antonyms because they have opposite meanings.

Their design was impressive, but the costs were much higher than we could afford, so we had to reject it.

Their company?failed?because their sales projections were?unrealistic?and their?expenses?were way too high.

Which of these words is an synonym for silly?? foolish

To be incredible or so good as to be hard to believeT ——amazing.

To be of extreme importance or an essential part ——crucial.

To stand out and be unforgettable in a good way ——impressive.

He is?being silly, so we?should?just?ignore?him.

It's?crucial?that we get them?to sign?the contract by the?end?of the week.

His?presentation?was so?impressive?that we?decided?to hire him right away.

He is being silly, so we should just ignore him.

Getting that data is crucial for our success.

This is no time for silly behavior, so I'm asking everyone to work harder and take things seriously.

That company's new products are truly amazing.

It's crucial that we get them to sign the contract by the end of the week.

It's ok for you to have high?expectations, but they need to be?realisticor you'll?fail.

That kind of silly behavior isn't acceptable in our office.

She has an amazing voice, so I love to listen to her sing.

He expects people to laugh when he's being silly,? but I don't think it's funny.

We can't do this without her help, so it's crucial that you get them to cooperate.

L5-U3-P3-4 Vocabulary : Personal Traits

Personal Traits

Sincere: to be honest and trust worthy.

I think she was being sincere, so I think we can trust her.

Sometimes it's very difficult to know if someone is being sincere, or it's just a good liar.

I doubt if he’s being?sincere, so we should?protect?ourselves in case he?breaks?his promise.

Naive: overly simple and lacking experience.

He wants to change the world, but he's very naive, so he needs someone to help him.

I think we can take advantage of him, because he is naive and impatient.

Internet criminals are very clever and can often?fool naive?people into giving away?confidential?information.

Some people can be really?cruel, so don’t be?naive?or you can be?hurt.

Brilliant: highly intelligent or exceptional in brightness; the opposite of dull.

There is no doubt that he is a brilliant scientist, but he is a very poor manager.

It's amazing how such a brilliant man can be so stupid around women!

That's a?brilliant idea, so?let's?get started as soon as possible.

The?ideas?in his paper were?brilliant, but the?quality?of his writing was pathetic.

Cruel: mean, manipulative and hurtful; The opposite of kind.

He can becruelwhen he doesn't like someone, so don'texpecthim to be nice to you.

I was shocked by how cruel he was when he fired her.

People who are?cruel?to animals should be?punished?for their?behavior.

I can never?forgive?him for his?cruelty, so don't ask me?to meet?with him ever again.

Clever: innovative, creative, very smart.

He found a clever solution that allowed us to reduce costs.

Advertisers are very clever at getting people to buy things they don't really need.

They have developed a very?cleverway?to increase the?efficiency of their sales team.

He isn't as?clever?as he thinks he is, so we may?be able?to find a?weakness?in his plan.

It appeared to be a?clever?idea at first, but it?failed?because it?ignored?some important details.

Skeptical: needs proof or evidence to overcome doubts; the opposite of convinced.

I'm sure they will be skeptical of our results, so we need to bring convincing evidence.

I'm skeptical that such a simple design can satisfy our requirements.

He's?skeptical?that we can?satisfy?their needs, so he wants us to?provide?more details about our plan.

The opposite of dull ——brilliant.

The opposite of kind ——cruel.

The opposite of convinced ——skeptical.

To be overly simple and lacking experience ——naive.

Sometimes it's very difficult?toknow?if someone is?being sincere, or it's just a good?liar.

It's?amazing?how?such?a?brilliant?man can be so stupid around women!

Advertisers are very?clever?at getting people?to buy?things they don't really?need.

She was?skeptical?that we could finish the?project?on time, and now she has been?proven?right.

I think we can take advantage of him, because he is naive and impatient.

It's amazing how such a brilliant man can be so stupid around women!

I don't know how people can be so cruel to animals.

I doubt if he’s being sincere, so we should protect ourselves in case he breaks his promise.

He isn't as clever as he thinks he is, so we may be able to find a weakness in his plan.

L5-U3-P3-5 Dialogue : Winning a Lottery

Winning a Lottery

A: Guess what? I've just won the lottery, 50 million dollars.

B: You are kidding! Are you sure it's for real? And there isn't a mistake?

A: No, I've checked and confirmed it.

B: Wow, that's fantastic! Congratulations!

A: I never expected this, so now I've got to figure out what to do with it.

B: Yes, you do, and be careful. I'm telling you, everything is about to change.

A: Emm, I'm still in shock, so I haven't had time to think.

He needs enough time to ...figure out what to do with the money.

I never?expected?this, so now I've?got tofigure out what?to do?with it.

B: With all your money, what about your friends?

A: You mean you, right?

B: Sure, why not? Why don't you get me a new car?

A: And then what? Sure, if I start giving things to my friends, it will never stop. I've got to think.

How serious is he when he asks for a new car? - He is just joking.

If he starts giving things to his friends, they'll never stop asking formore.

He needs enough time to figure out what to do with the money.

B: One thing for sure, you'll have no trouble finding a girlfriend now.

A: Yeah, you are probably right. I might as well have some fun and enjoy the rich life for a while. It would be great to have a nice girlfriend. I've never been successful with women.

What is he going to do for a while? -Have fun and enjoy being rich.

I might as well?have?some fun and enjoy the?rich?life for a?while. It would?be?great?to have?a nice girlfriend. I've never?been?successful?with women.

I've never been successful with women.

Many women like men with money.

He hasn't had enough time to think about what he's going to do with it.

B: What are you going to do about your job?

A: I'll give notice right away and finish the project that I've been working on.

B: That's nice. I'm sure the company will appreciate it. Then what?

A: Then I'll take some time for myself and think about what I want to do.

B: Any ideas?

A: Nothing definite, but I've been considering starting my own business. Or maybe invest in something interesting.

What is he going to do about his job? - He'll give notice and then finish the project that he's been working on.

I'll give?notice?right away and?finish?the project that I've?been working?on.

B: Be careful about investing. One of my best friends became an investor after he sold some stock in the company he was working for. He's really smart, but he got fooled into investing a lot of money into a company that went bankrupt. He ended up losing his entire investment.

A: What happened then?

B: His wife divorced him and took most of his assets with her. So now he has to work again. So even smart people can be fooled.

Why does his friend have to work again? -He lost his investment and most of his wealth is in a divorce.

My friend is really?smart, but he?got?fooled?into?investing a lot of money into a company that?went?bankrupt. He ended up?losing?his?entire?investment.

He ended up losing his entire investment.

The company his friend invested in went bankrupt, so he lost his money.

One of my best friends became an investor after he sold some stock in the company he was working for.

A: Well, I'm in no hurry, so I'll be careful. I think the first thing I'll do is buy a nice house and help my parents. They've worked hard all their lives, but they are still barely able to survive on what they have.

B: Hmm, that sounds like a good plan. Whatever you do, don't let this go to your head. Try not to lose who you are.

A: Don't worry, I won't. I know what you mean.

They've?worked?hard all their?lives, but they are?still?barely?able?to?survive?on what they have.

I think the first thing I'll do is buy a nice house and help my parents.

He'll take some time for himself and thinks about what he wants to do.

In this case, to go to one's head means to let his sudden wealth make him think he is better than others.

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