1. 剛開始讀的時候肉康,難度還是有點大闯估,主要是因為書中的人物關(guān)系有些復(fù)雜,加上不熟悉的國家名字吼和,每讀一章涨薪,心里就想大叫一聲以F開頭的話,也糾結(jié)到底這書在講什么炫乓? ?為了更好的理解刚夺,看了百分之五之后,我決定重頭再看末捣,這個時候的閱讀比之前多了一個步驟侠姑,那就是將自己讀到的人名和地名以及人物關(guān)系,都畫在一張紙上箩做,這樣一來莽红,每天讀書前,讀書后邦邦,只需閱覽那張紙船老,就能有一個大概的故事輪廓在腦海中。如果有新的人物出現(xiàn)圃酵,只需在空白地方添加上他們的名字和身份就好柳畔。
2. 在確保自己80%能看懂的前提下,為了自己更好的理解原著郭赐,也是為了一飽眼福薪韩,我忍不住追了5集電視劇。這樣一來捌锭,每個人物形象都在我腦海中有一個具體的形象俘陷,再回頭看書也變得更加輕松了。不過观谦,書和電視劇差別還是有的拉盾。原著對細(xì)節(jié)部分抓得更牢,人物描寫也更加細(xì)致豁状,看得更過癮捉偏。所以,當(dāng)我看電視的時候泻红,發(fā)現(xiàn)電視中省略了一些書中曾描寫過的情景時夭禽,還是有些小失落的。畢竟細(xì)節(jié)之處谊路,更見作者的文學(xué)功底讹躯。
3. 淚一般的教訓(xùn),在看這么精彩的書的時候,一定要想辦法躲開那些喜歡劇透的朋友潮梯!原因不解釋骗灶。
4. 第一部看了一半之后,決定寫一篇文章秉馏,分享一下自己的所思所想矿卑。考慮到還有些人沒有看過這部劇沃饶,就沒有對書的具體內(nèi)容做介紹母廷,相信我,這是我能為你做的最好的安排糊肤,也希望世間充滿愛琴昆,不要再對我劇透啦。
5. 對那些根本還沒接觸過權(quán)利的游戲的朋友馆揉,我想對你說业舍,如果你決定看原著或者追電視劇,記得悄悄地看升酣,不要讓身邊人知道哦(道理你懂舷暮,防火防盜防劇透)這本書這部劇的精彩,你自己看了才有體會噩茄。
書名:Game of thrones
作者:George R.R. Martin
1.billowing: if you've ever seen a space shuttle launch, you probably remember seeing all the white smoke billowing, or swelling and rolling forth, underneath / ?“the restlessbillowingsea /billowy, surging
2.sap: to sap something is to drain or deplete something over time. If you sap a maple tree, you drain the liquid inside it to make maple syrup. But if you sap a person of strength, you've rendered him defenseless / a watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant / excavate the earth beneath
3.parry :here comes someone who only ever talks to you when he needs a favor. Quick,parry! When you parry, you avoid doing things. As the needy friend approaches, say, "I wish I had time to catch up!" and hurry off. Or, hide under a table / the word parry is often used to describe blocking or evading a movement, like parrying a punch, but it can also refer to an evasion that is verbal rather than physical. For example, if you are put on the spot and asked about something you’d rather avoid, you can parry to get out of it — change the subject or ask a question in return. When used in this way parry retains its sense of defending yourself through evasion /
4.chattelAll that stuff in your room? The books, posters, dirty sneakers and all of your other personal belongings? That's what we callchattel.
Even though he was homeless, Dan had aregalbearing.Regalis an adjective that describes things that appear to be royal.
There are several synonyms forregal, but they all have slightly different meanings. Reserveregalfor those instances when the person or thing truly seems like it wants to be the queen, actually is the queen, or looks like it might belong to the queen. My French teacher has a trulyregalbearing: she stands stick-straight, with her chin in the air, and acts as though she's the queen and we're her court. Aregalattitude from a trembling Chihuahua is the height of irony: that little bugger couldn't rule a cat-box, let alone a whole country.
Aninfestationis an invasion of insects on a place like a house or an attack by insects on a plant.
If you're scared of bugs, you're not going to like learning about an infestation, which is a huge amount of insects going where they're not supposed to be. If a house is full of cockroaches or other bugs, that's an infestation. One or two bugs doesn't count: an infestation means lots of bugs are invading, and it's a huge problem. Also, when plants are attacked by lots of swarming insects, that's called an infestation or plague.
Incensemeans both "to make angry" and a stick that burns slowly and emits a strong smell. If your new college roommate burnsincensein your tiny dorm room, you might getincensedand storm out.
How can a word that means a substance that is burned for its sweet odor come to mean "make very angry"? Both have to do with the idea of burning, and the Latin rootin cendere, "to set on fire." A stick of incense must be lit, or set on fire to release its smell. When you are incensed by something, such as your teacher slamming you with homework on the night of the prom, you feel like you are burning with anger.
1. Fearfilledhis gut like a meat he could not digest . 可用在形容某人很害怕時
2. Some old wounds never truly heal , and bleed again at the slightest word .
3. The knowledge was more galling than the bare fact of him abduction .
4. Lying comes as easily as breathing to a man like little finger .
5. Trying to cut their way out of this was a sure invitation to an early grave .
6. Syrio says thatevery hurt is a lesson , and every lesson makes you better . Arya 學(xué)習(xí)武術(shù)時對她爸說的凿菩。
7. Ned seldomput much stock ingossip , but the things sad of john were more than ominous.
8. Even hungry dogsknow better thanto bite the hand that feeds them .
9. sansa was so engrossed that she scarcely seemed to notice his arrival .
10. You may be as different as the sun and the moon , but the same blood flows through both your hearts .
11. Arya had loved nothing better than to sit at her father's table and listen to them talk .
12. And pray that he is the man i think he is , and not the man i fear he has become .
13. Mind needs booksasa sword needs a whetstone , if it is tokeep its edge.
14. Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle , who knows ?
15.Death is so terribly final , while life is full of possibilities. 死亡是終結(jié)机杜, 然而活著卻有無限可能。
16. Not like his brother , but then john and dad were somewhat less thanpeas in a podthemselves 衅谷。一模一樣的
17. Never forget what you are , for surely the world will not . Make it your strength . Then it can never be your weakness . Armor yourself in it , and it will never be used to hurt you .
18. When that days comes , you must take no pleasure in the task , but neither must you look away . A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is .