??????? 上次提到過我在英國游學(xué)期間消略,曾經(jīng)短修過一些意大利語課。想來也是有趣瞎抛,就把故事接著講下去好了艺演。
This week I had my second class of Italian language.
????? Last Thursday I had a 2-hour class of Italian and I did not feel well coz I had a bad cold. Anyway, this kind of Latin language is similar with another one-- French, which I learned a little bit when I was inBelgium. I supposed it would not be very hard for me to learn.
??????? 上周四下午兩個小時的學(xué)習(xí)桐臊,因為還有些輕微的感冒胎撤,所以第一次課就聽得云里霧里的。好在當時覺得它有點像法語断凶,心里總有些似曾相識的親近感伤提,因此咱也就“不怕不怕拉”。而說實在的认烁,我的法語水平也是極其初級肿男。
????? Last Sunday, I was invitied to travel to York by my flatmate, Maria and her colleage, Jackline who drove us there and whose son went together with us. We did some shopping and had a nice coffee in the coffee bar along the river of the city. The gentle breeze there made my cold worse.
??????? 上周日,被同屋的德國室友約著去了趟小城約克却嗡。她在大學(xué)教德語的同事JACKRINE開車把我們以及她來英國讀中學(xué)已一年多的兒子ROBIN一起拉到那座小的旅游城市逛街舶沛、購物,外帶在河邊的露天咖啡座喝咖啡窗价。如此一來如庭,本來貌似要從感冒中“康復(fù)”過來的,經(jīng)河邊的小風(fēng)溫柔的一陣吹撼港,又有點暈乎了坪它。
????? Last night, Maria told me there's still place available in the class at university for Beginers of German language learning. I thought I would take it. However, Thursday morning I was not myself and I had to dismiss the idear. I will attend Italian class regularly and learn German language by myself with the aid of elctronic material sent from my blog friend.
??????? 昨晚骤竹,也就是周三的晚上,MARIA還跟我說往毡,德語的初級班可能還有位置瘤载,她的同事BETTINA讓我直接去他們班,先上著卖擅,再去語言部注冊交錢鸣奔,我也很心動。不知道是用“蠢蠢欲動”惩阶,還是“磨刀霍霍”來形容自己當時的心情了挎狸,反正對于學(xué)德語,咱也是躍躍欲試滴断楷。怎奈今天上午一覺醒來锨匆,腦袋像罩了個金箍棒似地疼,只好作罷冬筒。先一心一意上意大利語吧恐锣,德語就用網(wǎng)友給我發(fā)的電子材料先自學(xué)著。
????? This afternoon, I definitely got confused in my Italian class coz the tutor Alice wentthrough the class quickly. Although other students also felt it difficult to catch it occassionaly, they almost could follow the most part of thecourse. They are language students. Now I know, I have to spend 2 hours each day in reviewing the class that I have learned 2 hours a week.
??????? 今天下午的課舞痰,咱是60%的暈了土榴。阿麗洽或者叫阿麗切,咱的老師是開始大部分地用意大利語發(fā)號施令了响牛。正如我所說玷禽,由于同學(xué)大部分是學(xué)語言專業(yè)的,他們雖然偶爾也面露困惑呀打,但大部分時間還是跟得上老師的拍子的矢赁,我感覺自己就差點意思了。畢竟贬丛,這不是在社區(qū)學(xué)校學(xué)語言撩银,是在大學(xué)的語言部,老師不會給學(xué)生太多的時間做簡單的練習(xí)豺憔,而是大進度额获,大步調(diào)地往前趕。俺也仿佛明白了許多:要想跟上大家的步伐不丟臉(咱不強求露臉了)焕阿,一周課上學(xué)兩個小時咪啡,回家后,我至少每天要花兩個小時鞏固和復(fù)習(xí)暮屡。
????? After class I met Alice, our tutor. I told her I might have difficulties in pronounciation and she encouraged me not to give up. I told her I had fallen in love with Italian language since I saw the movie "Cinema Pradizo"
??????? 放學(xué)后,在過道里碰到阿麗洽毅桃,閑聊了幾句褒纲。我告訴她發(fā)音會是我最大的問題准夷,她則希望我不要放棄。我笑著說我會堅持的莺掠,因為意大利語很好聽衫嵌。尤其是看了電影《天堂電影院》后,我開始喜歡上這種語言的語音語調(diào)了彻秆。
????? You won't refuse a kind of language which sounds like song-singing. I also think I may listen to Italian opera along with some red wine and French cheese or some salted olivers. Wow. What lovely life!
??????? 是呀楔绞,一種說話像唱歌的語言,很難不喜歡的唇兑。我想酒朵,有空咱再聽聽意大利歌劇什么的,偶爾來點紅酒扎附,再加幾塊奶酪和幾顆咸水橄欖蔫耽,生活,不要太美好哦