
// online2/
// Copyright 2013-2014   Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey)
#include "online2/online-nnet2-feature-pipeline.h"
#include "transform/cmvn.h"

namespace kaldi {

    const OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineConfig &config):
    silence_weighting_config(config.silence_weighting_config) {
  if (config.feature_type == "mfcc" || config.feature_type == "plp" ||
      config.feature_type == "fbank") {
    feature_type = config.feature_type;
  } else {
    KALDI_ERR << "Invalid feature type: " << config.feature_type << ". "
              << "Supported feature types: mfcc, plp.";

  if (config.mfcc_config != "") {
    ReadConfigFromFile(config.mfcc_config, &mfcc_opts);
    if (feature_type != "mfcc")
      KALDI_WARN << "--mfcc-config option has no effect "
                 << "since feature type is set to " << feature_type << ".";
  }  // else use the defaults.

  if (config.plp_config != "") {
    ReadConfigFromFile(config.plp_config, &plp_opts);
    if (feature_type != "plp")
      KALDI_WARN << "--plp-config option has no effect "
                 << "since feature type is set to " << feature_type << ".";
  }  // else use the defaults.

  if (config.fbank_config != "") {
    ReadConfigFromFile(config.fbank_config, &fbank_opts);
    if (feature_type != "fbank")
      KALDI_WARN << "--fbank-config option has no effect "
                 << "since feature type is set to " << feature_type << ".";
  }  // else use the defaults.

  add_pitch = config.add_pitch;

  if (config.online_pitch_config != "") {
    if (!add_pitch)
      KALDI_WARN << "--online-pitch-config option has no effect "
                 << "since you did not supply --add-pitch option.";
  }  // else use the defaults.

  //zhangfeifan start
   if (config.cmvn_config != "") {
    ReadConfigFromFile(config.cmvn_config, &cmvn_opts);
      global_cmvn_stats_rxfilename = config.global_cmvn_stats_rxfilename;
    if (global_cmvn_stats_rxfilename == "")
    KALDI_ERR << "--global-cmvn-stats option is required.";
  }  // else use the defaults.

  //zhangfeifan end

  if (config.ivector_extraction_config != "") {
    use_ivectors = true;
    OnlineIvectorExtractionConfig ivector_extraction_opts;
  } else {
    use_ivectors = false;
    const OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo &info):
    info_(info) {
//zhangfeifan start
//zhangfeifan end
  if (info_.feature_type == "mfcc") {
    base_feature_ = new OnlineMfcc(info_.mfcc_opts);
  } else if (info_.feature_type == "plp") {
    base_feature_ = new OnlinePlp(info_.plp_opts);
  } else if (info_.feature_type == "fbank") {
    base_feature_ = new OnlineFbank(info_.fbank_opts);
  } else {
    KALDI_ERR << "Code error: invalid feature type " << info_.feature_type;

  //zhangfeifan start
      if(global_cmvn_stats_.NumRows() != 0){
      if (info_.add_pitch){
          int32 global_dim = global_cmvn_stats_.NumCols() - 1;
          int32 dim = base_feature_->Dim();
          KALDI_ASSERT(global_dim >= dim);
          if (global_dim > dim){
              Matrix<BaseFloat> last_col(global_cmvn_stats_.ColRange(global_dim, 1));
              global_cmvn_stats_.Resize(global_cmvn_stats_.NumRows(), dim + 1,
              global_cmvn_stats_.ColRange(dim, 1).CopyFromMat(last_col);
      Matrix<double> global_cmvn_stats_dbl(global_cmvn_stats_);
      OnlineCmvnState initial_state(global_cmvn_stats_dbl);
      cmvn_ = new OnlineCmvn(info_.cmvn_opts, initial_state, base_feature_);//構(gòu)造函數(shù)會(huì)加上該特征

  //zhngfeifan end

  if (info_.add_pitch) {
    pitch_ = new OnlinePitchFeature(info_.pitch_opts);
    pitch_feature_ = new OnlineProcessPitch(info_.pitch_process_opts,
    if(global_cmvn_stats_.NumRows() != 0)
            feature_plus_optional_pitch_ = new OnlineAppendFeature(cmvn_,
        feature_plus_optional_pitch_ = new OnlineAppendFeature(base_feature_,
  } else {
    pitch_ = NULL;
    pitch_feature_ = NULL;
    if(global_cmvn_stats_.NumRows() != 0)
            feature_plus_optional_pitch_ = cmvn_;//zhangfeian
        feature_plus_optional_pitch_ = base_feature_;

  if (info_.use_ivectors) {
    ivector_feature_ = new OnlineIvectorFeature(info_.ivector_extractor_info,
    final_feature_ = new OnlineAppendFeature(feature_plus_optional_pitch_,
  } else {
    ivector_feature_ = NULL;
    final_feature_ = feature_plus_optional_pitch_;
  dim_ = final_feature_->Dim();

int32 OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::Dim() const { return dim_; }

bool OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::IsLastFrame(int32 frame) const {
  return final_feature_->IsLastFrame(frame);

int32 OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::NumFramesReady() const {
  return final_feature_->NumFramesReady();

void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::GetFrame(int32 frame,
                                          VectorBase<BaseFloat> *feat) {
  return final_feature_->GetFrame(frame, feat);

void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::SetAdaptationState(
    const OnlineIvectorExtractorAdaptationState &adaptation_state) {
  if (info_.use_ivectors) {
  // else silently do nothing, as there is nothing to do.

void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::GetAdaptationState(
    OnlineIvectorExtractorAdaptationState *adaptation_state) const {
  if (info_.use_ivectors) {
  // else silently do nothing, as there is nothing to do.
//zhangfeifan start
void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::SetCmvnState(const OnlineCmvnState &cmvn_state) {

void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::GetCmvnState(OnlineCmvnState *cmvn_state) {
  int32 frame = cmvn_->NumFramesReady() - 1;
  // the following call will crash if no frames are ready.
  cmvn_->GetState(frame, cmvn_state);
void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::FreezeCmvn() {
  cmvn_->Freeze(cmvn_->NumFramesReady() - 1);

//zhangfeifan end
OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::~OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline() {
  // Note: the delete command only deletes pointers that are non-NULL.  Not all
  // of the pointers below will be non-NULL.
  // Some of the online-feature pointers are just copies of other pointers,
  // and we do have to avoid deleting them in those cases.
  if (final_feature_ != feature_plus_optional_pitch_)
    delete final_feature_;
  delete ivector_feature_;
  if (feature_plus_optional_pitch_ != base_feature_)
    delete feature_plus_optional_pitch_;
  delete pitch_feature_;
  delete pitch_;
  delete cmvn_;//zhangfeifan节仿,沒有判斷是否有pitch晤锥,有必要嗎?
  delete base_feature_;

void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::AcceptWaveform(
    BaseFloat sampling_rate,
    const VectorBase<BaseFloat> &waveform) {
  base_feature_->AcceptWaveform(sampling_rate, waveform);
  if (pitch_)
    pitch_->AcceptWaveform(sampling_rate, waveform);

void OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline::InputFinished() {
  if (pitch_)

BaseFloat OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo::FrameShiftInSeconds() const {
  if (feature_type == "mfcc") {
    return mfcc_opts.frame_opts.frame_shift_ms / 1000.0f;
  } else if (feature_type == "fbank") {
    return fbank_opts.frame_opts.frame_shift_ms / 1000.0f;
  } else if (feature_type == "plp") {
    return plp_opts.frame_opts.frame_shift_ms / 1000.0f;
  } else {
    KALDI_ERR << "Unknown feature type " << feature_type;
    return 0.0;

}  // namespace kaldi

// online2/online-nnet2-feature-pipeline.h

// Copyright 2013-2014   Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey)


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>

#include "matrix/matrix-lib.h"
#include "util/common-utils.h"
#include "base/kaldi-error.h"
#include "feat/online-feature.h"
#include "feat/pitch-functions.h"
#include "online2/online-ivector-feature.h"

namespace kaldi {
/// @addtogroup  onlinefeat OnlineFeatureExtraction
/// @{

/// @file
/// This file contains a different version of the feature-extraction pipeline in
/// \ref online-feature-pipeline.h, specialized for use in neural network
/// decoding with iVectors.  Our recipe is that we extract iVectors that will
/// be used as an additional input to the neural network, in addition to
/// a window of several frames of spliced raw features (MFCC, PLP or filterbanks).
/// The iVectors are extracted on top of a (splice+LDA+MLLT) feature pipeline,
/// with the added complication that the GMM posteriors used for the iVector
/// extraction are obtained with a version of the features that has online
/// cepstral mean (and optionally variance) normalization, whereas the stats for
/// iVector are accumulated with a non-mean-normalized version of the features.
/// The idea here is that we want the iVector to learn the mean offset, but
/// we want the posteriors to be somewhat invariant to mean offsets.
/// Most of the logic for the actual iVector estimation is in \ref
/// online-ivector-feature.h, this header contains mostly glue.
/// Although the name of this header mentions nnet2, actually the code is
/// used in the online decoding with nnet3 also.

/// This configuration class is to set up OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo, which
/// in turn is the configuration class for OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline.
/// Instead of taking the options for the parts of the feature pipeline
/// directly, it reads in the names of configuration classes.
struct OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineConfig {
  std::string feature_type;  // "plp" or "mfcc" or "fbank"
  std::string mfcc_config;
  std::string plp_config;
  std::string fbank_config;

  // Note: if we do add pitch, it will not be added to the features we give to
  // the iVector extractor but only to the features we give to the neural
  // network, after the base features but before the iVector.  We don't think
  // the iVector will be particularly helpful in normalizing the pitch features,
  // and we wanted to avoid complications with things like online CMVN.
  bool add_pitch;

  // the following contains the type of options that you could give to
  // compute-and-process-kaldi-pitch-feats.
  std::string online_pitch_config;

  //zhangfeifan start
  std::string cmvn_config;
  std::string global_cmvn_stats_rxfilename;
  //zhangfeifan end

  // The configuration variables in ivector_extraction_config relate to the
  // iVector extractor and options related to it, see type
  // OnlineIvectorExtractionConfig.
  std::string ivector_extraction_config;

  // Config that relates to how we weight silence for (ivector) adaptation
  // this is registered directly to the command line as you might want to
  // play with it in test time.
  OnlineSilenceWeightingConfig silence_weighting_config;

      feature_type("mfcc"), add_pitch(false) { }

  void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
    opts->Register("feature-type", &feature_type,
                   "Base feature type [mfcc, plp, fbank]");
    opts->Register("mfcc-config", &mfcc_config, "Configuration file for "
                   "MFCC features (e.g. conf/mfcc.conf)");
    opts->Register("plp-config", &plp_config, "Configuration file for "
                   "PLP features (e.g. conf/plp.conf)");
    opts->Register("fbank-config", &fbank_config, "Configuration file for "
                   "filterbank features (e.g. conf/fbank.conf)");
    opts->Register("add-pitch", &add_pitch, "Append pitch features to raw "
                   "MFCC/PLP/filterbank features [but not for iVector extraction]");
    opts->Register("online-pitch-config", &online_pitch_config, "Configuration "
                   "file for online pitch features, if --add-pitch=true (e.g. "

    //zhangfeifan start
    opts->Register("cmvn-config", &cmvn_config, "Configuration class "
                   "file for online CMVN features (e.g. conf/online_cmvn.conf)");
    opts->Register("global-cmvn-stats", &global_cmvn_stats_rxfilename,
                   "(Extended) filename for global CMVN stats, e.g. obtained "
                   "from 'matrix-sum scp:data/train/cmvn.scp -'");
    //zhangfeifan end

    opts->Register("ivector-extraction-config", &ivector_extraction_config,
                   "Configuration file for online iVector extraction, "
                   "see class OnlineIvectorExtractionConfig in the code");
    silence_weighting_config.RegisterWithPrefix("ivector-silence-weighting", opts);

/// This class is responsible for storing configuration variables, objects and
/// options for OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline (including the actual LDA and
/// CMVN-stats matrices, and the iVector extractor, which is a member of
/// ivector_extractor_info.  This class does not register options on the command
/// line; instead, it is initialized from class OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineConfig
/// which reads the options from the command line.  The reason for structuring
/// it this way is to make it easier to configure from code as well as from the
/// command line, as well as for easiter multithreaded operation.
struct OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo {
      feature_type("mfcc"), add_pitch(false) { }

      const OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineConfig &config);

  BaseFloat FrameShiftInSeconds() const;

  std::string feature_type;  // "mfcc" or "plp" or "fbank"

  MfccOptions mfcc_opts;  // options for MFCC computation,
                          // if feature_type == "mfcc"
  PlpOptions plp_opts;  // Options for PLP computation, if feature_type == "plp"
  FbankOptions fbank_opts;  // Options for filterbank computation, if
                            // feature_type == "fbank"

  bool add_pitch;
  PitchExtractionOptions pitch_opts;  // Options for pitch extraction, if done.
  ProcessPitchOptions pitch_process_opts;  // Options for pitch post-processing
  //zhangfeifan start
  OnlineCmvnOptions cmvn_opts;  // Options for online CMN/CMVN computation.
  std::string global_cmvn_stats_rxfilename;  // Filename used for reading global
                                             // CMVN stats
  //zhangfeifan end

  // If the user specified --ivector-extraction-config, we assume we're using
  // iVectors as an extra input to the neural net.  Actually, we don't
  // anticipate running this setup without iVectors.
  bool use_ivectors;
  OnlineIvectorExtractionInfo ivector_extractor_info;

  // Config for weighting silence in iVector adaptation.
  // We declare this outside of ivector_extractor_info... it was
  // just easier to set up the code that way; and also we think
  // it's the kind of thing you might want to play with directly
  // on the command line instead of inside sub-config-files.
  OnlineSilenceWeightingConfig silence_weighting_config;

  int32 IvectorDim() { return ivector_extractor_info.extractor.IvectorDim(); }

/// OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline is a class that's responsible for putting
/// together the various parts of the feature-processing pipeline for neural
/// networks, in an online setting.  The recipe here does not include fMLLR;
/// instead, it assumes we're giving raw features such as MFCC or PLP or
/// filterbank (with no CMVN) to the neural network, and optionally augmenting
/// these with an iVector that describes the speaker characteristics.  The
/// iVector is extracted using class OnlineIvectorFeature (see that class for
/// more info on how it's done).
/// No splicing is currently done in this code, as we're currently only supporting
/// the nnet2 neural network in which the splicing is done inside the network.
/// Probably our strategy for nnet1 network conversion would be to convert to nnet2
/// and just add layers to do the splicing.
class OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline: public OnlineFeatureInterface {
  /// Constructor from the "info" object.  After calling this for a
  /// non-initial utterance of a speaker, you may want to call
  /// SetAdaptationState().
  explicit OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline(
      const OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo &info);

  /// Member functions from OnlineFeatureInterface:

  /// Dim() will return the base-feature dimension (e.g. 13 for normal MFCC);
  /// plus the pitch-feature dimension (e.g. 3), if used; plus the iVector
  /// dimension, if used.  Any frame-splicing happens inside the neural-network
  /// code.
  virtual int32 Dim() const;

  virtual bool IsLastFrame(int32 frame) const;
  virtual int32 NumFramesReady() const;
  virtual void GetFrame(int32 frame, VectorBase<BaseFloat> *feat);

  /// Set the adaptation state to a particular value, e.g. reflecting previous
  /// utterances of the same speaker; this will generally be called after
  /// Copy().
  void SetAdaptationState(
      const OnlineIvectorExtractorAdaptationState &adaptation_state);

  /// Get the adaptation state; you may want to call this before destroying this
  /// object, to get adaptation state that can be used to improve decoding of
  /// later utterances of this speaker.  You might not want to do this, though,
  /// if you have reason to believe that something went wrong in the recognition
  /// (e.g., low confidence).
  void GetAdaptationState(
      OnlineIvectorExtractorAdaptationState *adaptation_state) const;

//zhangfeifan start
  void FreezeCmvn();  // stop it from moving further (do this when you start
                      // using fMLLR). This will crash if NumFramesReady() == 0.

  /// Set the CMVN state to a particular value (will generally be
  /// called after Copy().
  void SetCmvnState(const OnlineCmvnState &cmvn_state);
  void GetCmvnState(OnlineCmvnState *cmvn_state);
//zhangfeifan end

  /// Accept more data to process.  It won't actually process it until you call
  /// GetFrame() [probably indirectly via (decoder).AdvanceDecoding()], when you
  /// call this function it will just copy it).  sampling_rate is necessary just
  /// to assert it equals what's in the config.
  void AcceptWaveform(BaseFloat sampling_rate,
                      const VectorBase<BaseFloat> &waveform);

  BaseFloat FrameShiftInSeconds() const { return info_.FrameShiftInSeconds(); }

  /// If you call InputFinished(), it tells the class you won't be providing any
  /// more waveform.  This will help flush out the last few frames of delta or
  /// LDA features, and finalize the pitch features (making them more
  /// accurate)... although since in neural-net decoding we don't anticipate
  /// rescoring the lattices, this may not be much of an issue.
  void InputFinished();

  // This function returns the ivector-extracting part of the feature pipeline
  // (or NULL if iVectors are not being used); the pointer is owned here and not
  // given to the caller.  This function is used in nnet3, and also in the
  // silence-weighting code used to exclude silence from the iVector estimation.
  OnlineIvectorFeature *IvectorFeature() {
    return ivector_feature_;

  // This function returns the part of the feature pipeline that would be given
  // as the primary (non-iVector) input to the neural network in nnet3
  // applications.
 OnlineFeatureInterface *InputFeature() {
    return feature_plus_optional_pitch_;

  virtual ~OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline();

  const OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo &info_;
  //zhangfeifan start
  Matrix<BaseFloat> global_cmvn_stats_;  // Global CMVN stats.
  OnlineCmvn *cmvn_;
  //zhangfeifan end
  OnlineBaseFeature *base_feature_;        // MFCC/PLP/filterbank

  OnlinePitchFeature *pitch_;              // Raw pitch, if used
  OnlineProcessPitch *pitch_feature_;  // Processed pitch, if pitch used.

  // feature_plus_pitch_ is the base_feature_ appended (OnlineAppendFeature)
  /// with pitch_feature_, if used; otherwise, points to the same address as
  /// base_feature_.
  OnlineFeatureInterface *feature_plus_optional_pitch_;

  OnlineIvectorFeature *ivector_feature_;  // iVector feature, if used.

  // final_feature_ is feature_plus_optional_pitch_ appended
  // (OnlineAppendFeature) with ivector_feature_, if ivector_feature_ is used;
  // otherwise, points to the same address as feature_plus_optional_pitch_.
  OnlineFeatureInterface *final_feature_;

  // we cache the feature dimension, to save time when calling Dim().
  int32 dim_;

/// @} End of "addtogroup onlinefeat"
}  // namespace kaldi

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  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽坐桩。三九已至榆浓,卻和暖如春,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間撕攒,已是汗流浹背陡鹃。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 32,829評(píng)論 1 269
  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國(guó)打工, 沒想到剛下飛機(jī)就差點(diǎn)兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留抖坪,地道東北人萍鲸。 一個(gè)月前我還...
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  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長(zhǎng)得像擦俐,于是被迫代替她去往敵國(guó)和親脊阴。 傳聞我的和親對(duì)象是個(gè)殘疾皇子,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
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  • 為了更直觀的理解語音識(shí)別的輸入和輸出,做了timit在線識(shí)別的實(shí)驗(yàn)嘿期,根據(jù)@bbzz2博主的分享http://m.b...
    諸葛村姑閱讀 1,735評(píng)論 1 0
  • 一開始識(shí)別的是音素品擎,不是漢字,琢磨了好久备徐,發(fā)現(xiàn)單因素mono模型訓(xùn)練的時(shí)候萄传,不僅有音素對(duì)應(yīng)的HCLG.fst解碼圖...
    諸葛村姑閱讀 1,069評(píng)論 0 0
  • H264解碼器源碼,移植ffmpeg中的H264解碼部分到Android蜜猾,深度刪減優(yōu)化秀菱,在模擬器(320x480)...
    passiontim閱讀 899評(píng)論 0 3
  • 今天的課上有一個(gè)練習(xí),三個(gè)問題:1蹭睡、孩子衍菱,我希望你…… 2、孩子肩豁,你不能… 3脊串、孩子,我覺得你是……清钥。 三個(gè)問題一...
    何偀閱讀 222評(píng)論 2 2
  • 有些懊惱琼锋,我曾經(jīng)告訴過自己不再熬夜,但是循捺,我確信今天勢(shì)必要失眠了斩例。 每每失眠都肯定有什么事情雄人,不然誰會(huì)去放棄世人都...
    木魚沐閱讀 101評(píng)論 0 0