A text layer. Define the size to wrap text. Change anchor to set text alignment.
Enable 啟用
A boolean that is true when the layer is displayed.
Text 文本
A text string to display.
Font Name 字體名稱
The font family with which to render the text. By default, uses the font on the phone, tablet, or computer the prototype is running on.
Font Size 文字尺寸
The size with which to render the text, in dp.
Color 顏色
The color of the layer.
Position 位置
The position to display the layer. Use Point 3D to set Z position.
位置。使用 Point 3D 模塊設置Z軸位置陨舱。
板栗:點擊 Position 屬性也可以顯示3個軸向并設置值翠拣。
Anchor 錨點
The anchor point to position the layer relative to. Determines text alignment.See Coordinates for more information.
位于屏幕中的錨點,取保字符對齊游盲。詳細信息閱讀Coordinates 坐標误墓。
Size 尺寸
The size of the layer. Any text overflowing the width will be wrapped to subsequent lines.
Opacity 不透明度
The opacity of the layer.
Scale 比例
The scale of the layer.
Rotation 角度
The rotation of the layer. Use Point 3D to set X or Y rotations.
圖層的角度链峭。使用 Point 3D 模塊設置Z、Y軸角度又沾。
板栗:點擊 Rotation 屬性也可以顯示3個軸向并設置值。
Pivot 軸心點
The pivot to rotate and scale the layer about. See Coordinates for more information.
圖層縮放杖刷、旋轉(zhuǎn)励饵、移動時的中心點或初始點。詳細信息閱讀Coordinates 坐標滑燃。
Shadow Color 陰影顏色
The color of the shadow.
Shadow Opacity 陰影不透明度
The opacity of the shadow. By default, the opacity is 0, which disables the shadow.
陰影的不透明度。 默認值為0,不顯示陰影典予。
Shadow Radius 陰影半徑
The blur radius of the shadow.
Shadow Offset 陰影偏移
The size of the shadow relative to the size of the layer.
Character Spacing 字間距
A number that represents the horizontal space between characters, in dp.
Line Height 行間距
A number that represents the distance between baselines, in dp.
Paragraph Spacing 段落間距
A number that represents the vertical space between paragraphs, in dp.
全部圖層,查看 圖層目錄
Related Patches 相關(guān)模塊
Text Size逆济,Text Length
Related Layers 相關(guān)圖層
Related Examples 案例
Facebook Notifications
Create a series of notifications entirely out of loops.
Fahrenheit to Celsius
Get to know logic and patches in Origami through temperature conversion.
Instagram Adjust
Use drag to control the Instagram straighten tool.
Instagram Color Picker
Change the text color in an Instagram Stories post.
Instagram Compose
Switch between the Instagram upload options.
Instagram Direct Messages
Send an Instagram direct message to a friend, over and over again.
Instagram Notifications
Switch between notifications with animation.
Instagram Stories Scroll
Tap to switch between read and unread Instagram Stories.
Photo Zoom
Animate between two states when the screen is tapped.
Traffic Light
Transition across three or more states and include logic.
See Example