Piggy Metrics
This is a proof-of-concept application, which demonstrates Microservice Architecture Pattern using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Docker。
With a pretty neat user interface, by the way恩尾。
PiggyMetrics 分解為三個核心微服務(wù)碎绎。 全部都是獨立可部署應(yīng)用, 根據(jù)各自的業(yè)務(wù)域進(jìn)行編排诈悍。
<img width="880" alt="Functional services" src="https://cloud侨嘀。githubusercontent。com/assets/6069066/13900465/730f2922-ee20-11e5-8df0-e7b51c668847。png">
涵蓋了通用用戶登錄邏輯以及驗證: 收入/支持 項目, 儲蓄以及賬戶設(shè)置惭墓。
方法 | 路徑 | 備注 | 用戶驗證 | 用戶界面 |
GET | /accounts/{account} | 獲取指定賬號信息 | ||
GET | /accounts/current | 獲取當(dāng)前賬戶信息 | × | × |
GET | /accounts/demo | 獲取演示賬戶信息 (收入/支出信息, 等) | × | |
PUT | /accounts/current | 保存當(dāng)前賬戶信息 | × | × |
POST | /accounts/ | 注冊新賬號 | × |
對每個賬號的主要統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行計算,并為捕獲時序而姐。( 不知道咋翻譯 譯者注 )
方法 | 路徑 | 備注 | 用戶驗證 | 用戶界面 |
GET | /statistics/{account} | 指定賬戶的統(tǒng)計信息 | ||
GET | /statistics/current | 獲取當(dāng)前統(tǒng)計信息 | × | × |
GET | /statistics/demo | 獲取演示賬戶統(tǒng)計信息 | × | |
PUT | /statistics/{account} | 創(chuàng)建或更新指定賬戶的時序數(shù)據(jù) |
存儲了用戶通訊錄信息以及通知設(shè)置 (譬如提醒和備份頻率)钧萍。
方法 | 路徑 | 備注 | 用戶驗證 | 用戶界面 |
GET | /notifications/settings/current | 獲取當(dāng)前用戶通知設(shè)置 | × | × |
PUT | /notifications/settings/current | 保存當(dāng)前用戶通知設(shè)置 | × | × |
- 每個微服務(wù)都有自己的數(shù)據(jù)庫, 導(dǎo)致沒有辦法繞過 API 以及直接訪問持久化數(shù)據(jù)
- 這個項目, 我使用了MongoDB 作為每個微服務(wù)的主要數(shù)據(jù)庫政鼠。
這對于這種多語言 持久化架構(gòu)是有好處的(譯的有點奇怪 譯者注)
(選擇這個類型的數(shù)據(jù)庫是最好的!!)划煮。 - 服務(wù)與服務(wù)間的通信比較簡單: 微服務(wù)交互只使用異步Restful API。
例如, 使用異步 GET 請求去檢索數(shù)據(jù)以及異步去通過消息代理進(jìn)行創(chuàng)建/更新操作弛秋,以分離服務(wù)和緩沖消息。但是俐载,這將使我們進(jìn)入結(jié)果一致性世界蟹略。
分布式系統(tǒng)中有許多常見的模式,可以幫助我們使所描述的核心服務(wù)工作起來遏佣。[Spring Cloud](http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/)提供了增強(qiáng)Spring引導(dǎo)應(yīng)用程序行為以實現(xiàn)這些模式的強(qiáng)大工具挖炬。我將簡要介紹它們。
<img width="880" alt="Infrastructure services" src="https://cloud状婶。githubusercontent意敛。com/assets/6069066/13906840/365c0d94-eefa-11e5-90ad-9d74804ca412。png">
配置中心 服務(wù)
Spring Cloud Config 是用于分布式系統(tǒng)的水平可擴(kuò)展的集中配置服務(wù)膛虫。它使用可插入的存儲庫層草姻,當(dāng)前支持本地存儲、Git和Subversion稍刀。
在這個項目中撩独,我使用 native profile
, 它只從本地類路徑加載配置文件。 你可以在 Config service resources 看到 shared
和 shared/application剧劝。yml
只需只用 spring-cloud-starter-config
依賴, 自動配置就可以完成剩下的了抓歼。
現(xiàn)在讥此,您不需要在應(yīng)用程序中嵌入任何屬性示绊。 只需要提供 bootstrap.yml
name: notification-service
uri: http://config:8888
fail-fast: true
使用 Spring Cloud Config, 可以動態(tài)的切換應(yīng)用的配置。
例如, [EmailService bean](https://github.com/jinweibin/PiggyMetrics/blob/master/notification-service/src/main/java/com
/piggymetrics/notification/service/EmailServiceImpl.java) 使用 @RefreshScope
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer #token#" -XPOST
另外, 你也可以使用 Git 的 Webhooks webhooks to automate this process
- 動態(tài)刷新有一些限制。
注解的方法 -
屬性表示如果在不能連接配置中心的時候會在啟動時馬上失敗取胎。 - 這里有些重要的筆記 security notes 下
鑒權(quán)任務(wù)被分?jǐn)偟礁鱾€微服務(wù)上,那些被 OAuth2 tokens 授權(quán)的后臺服務(wù)資源展哭。
Auth Server is used for user authorization as well as for secure machine-to-machine communication inside a perimeter。
這個項目用戶鑒權(quán)方式使用的是 Password credentials
(因為他只給本地Piggmetrics用戶界面使用) ,另外微服務(wù)的授權(quán)使用 Client Credentials
Spring Cloud Security 提供了方便的注解以及自動配置使應(yīng)用能夠更加簡單的實現(xiàn)服務(wù)端以及客戶端的鑒權(quán) 觉痛。
在這里你可以學(xué)到更多 文檔 也可以在 Auth Server code確認(rèn)詳細(xì)配置役衡。
對于客戶端, 所有的鑒權(quán)工作都和原來基于 session 的鑒權(quán)方式一樣, 你可以在 request 中獲取 Principal
對象, 基于表達(dá)式和@PreAuthorize
所以我們也可以保護(hù)控制器不受外部訪問的影響, 例如:
@RequestMapping(value = "accounts/{name}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<DataPoint> getStatisticsByAccountName(@PathVariable String name) {
return statisticsService.findByAccountName(name);
API 網(wǎng)關(guān)
如你所見, 這邊有3個核心服務(wù),他們向其他的客戶端暴露外部API接口手蝎。
事實上, 為了渲染一個復(fù)雜的網(wǎng)頁可能要觸發(fā)上百上千個服務(wù)俐芯。
理論上, 客戶端可以直接發(fā)送請求到各個微服務(wù)供應(yīng)商去棵介。
但是很明顯的問題是, 這個操作會有很大的挑戰(zhàn)以及限制, 像是必須知道所有節(jié)點的地址, 分別對每一條信息執(zhí)行HTTP請求, 然后在一個客戶端去合并結(jié)果。
通常來說, 使用 API 網(wǎng)關(guān)可能是一個更好的方法邮辽。
It is a single entry point into the system, used to handle requests by routing them to the appropriate backend service or by invoking multiple backend services and aggregating the results。
這樣進(jìn)入系統(tǒng)就只有一個入口, 可以通過將請求路由到適合的后端服務(wù)或者多個好多服務(wù)aggregating the results贸营。
Netflix 開源了 這樣的邊緣服務(wù),
現(xiàn)在我們就可以使用 Spring Cloud 的@EnableZuulProxy
In this project, I use Zuul to store static content (ui application) and to route requests to appropriate
這個項目里, 我使用了 Zuul 去存儲靜態(tài)資源內(nèi)容 ( 用戶界面應(yīng)用 ) 還有去路由請求到合適的微服務(wù)去亿笤。
Here's a simple prefix-based routing configuration for Notification service:
path: /notifications/**
serviceId: notification-service
stripPrefix: false
以上配置以為著所有以 /notifications
這邊沒有往常的硬編碼的地址栋猖。 Zuul 使用了 服務(wù)發(fā)現(xiàn)
機(jī)制去定位通知服務(wù)的所有實例然后 [負(fù)載均衡](https://github.com/jinweibin/PiggyMetrics/blob/master/README
這個項目使用了Netflix Eureka 作為服務(wù)的注冊中心痴腌。
Eureka is a good example of the client-side discovery pattern,
Eureka 是一個很好的客戶端發(fā)現(xiàn)模式的例子,
when client is responsible for determining locations of available service instances (using Registry server) and load balancing requests across them屹耐。
With Spring Boot, you can easily build Eureka Registry with spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server
dependency, @EnableEurekaServer
annotation and simple configuration properties唤崭。
Client support enabled with @EnableDiscoveryClient
annotation an bootstrap。yml
with application name:
name: notification-service
Now, on application startup, it will register with Eureka Server and provide meta-data, such as host and port, health indicator URL, home page etc蝗碎。 Eureka receives heartbeat messages from each instance belonging to a service猛蔽。 If the heartbeat fails over a configurable timetable, the instance will be removed from the registry剥悟。
Also, Eureka provides a simple interface, where you can track running services and a number of available instances: http://localhost:8761
Load balancer, Circuit breaker and Http client
Netflix OSS provides another great set of tools。
Ribbon is a client side load balancer which gives you a lot of control over the behaviour of HTTP and TCP clients曼库。 Compared to a traditional load balancer, there is no need in additional hop for every over-the-wire invocation - you can contact desired service directly区岗。
Out of the box, it natively integrates with Spring Cloud and Service Discovery。 Eureka Client provides a dynamic list of available servers so Ribbon could balance between them毁枯。
Hystrix is the implementation of Circuit Breaker pattern, which gives a control over latency and failure from dependencies accessed over the network慈缔。 The main idea is to stop cascading failures in a distributed environment with a large number of microservices。 That helps to fail fast and recover as soon as possible - important aspects of fault-tolerant systems that self-heal种玛。
Besides circuit breaker control, with Hystrix you can add a fallback method that will be called to obtain a default value in case the main command fails藐鹤。
Moreover, Hystrix generates metrics on execution outcomes and latency for each command, that we can use to monitor system behavior。
Feign is a declarative Http client, which seamlessly integrates with Ribbon and Hystrix赂韵。 Actually, with one spring-cloud-starter-feign
dependency and @EnableFeignClients
annotation you have a full set of Load balancer, Circuit breaker and Http client with sensible ready-to-go default configuration教藻。
Here is an example from Account Service:
@FeignClient(name = "statistics-service")
public interface StatisticsServiceClient {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod。PUT, value = "/statistics/{accountName}", consumes = MediaType右锨。APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
void updateStatistics(@PathVariable("accountName") String accountName, Account account);
- Everything you need is just an interface
- You can share
part between Spring MVC controller and Feign methods - Above example specifies just desired service id -
, thanks to autodiscovery through Eureka (but obviously you can access any resource with a specific url)
Monitor dashboard
In this project configuration, each microservice with Hystrix on board pushes metrics to Turbine via Spring Cloud Bus (with AMQP broker)括堤。 The Monitoring project is just a small Spring boot application with Turbine and Hystrix Dashboard。
See below how to get it up and running绍移。
Let's see our system behavior under load: Account service calls Statistics service and it responses with a vary imitation delay悄窃。 Response timeout threshold is set to 1 second。
<img width="880" src="https://cloud蹂窖。githubusercontent轧抗。com/assets/6069066/14194375/d9a2dd80-f7be-11e5-8bcc-9a2fce753cfe。png">
<img width="212" src="https://cloud瞬测。githubusercontent横媚。com/assets/6069066/14127349/21e90026-f628-11e5-83f1-60108cb33490。gif"> | <img width="212" src="https://cloud月趟。githubusercontent灯蝴。com/assets/6069066/14127348/21e6ed40-f628-11e5-9fa4-ed527bf35129。gif"> | <img width="212" src="https://cloud孝宗。githubusercontent穷躁。com/assets/6069066/14127346/21b9aaa6-f628-11e5-9bba-aaccab60fd69。gif"> | <img width="212" src="https://cloud因妇。githubusercontent问潭。com/assets/6069066/14127350/21eafe1c-f628-11e5-8ccd-a6b6873c046a猿诸。gif"> |
0 ms delay |
500 ms delay |
800 ms delay |
1100 ms delay |
Well behaving system。 The throughput is about 22 requests/second狡忙。 Small number of active threads in Statistics service梳虽。 The median service time is about 50 ms。 | The number of active threads is growing灾茁。 We can see purple number of thread-pool rejections and therefore about 30-40% of errors, but circuit is still closed窜觉。 | Half-open state: the ratio of failed commands is more than 50%, the circuit breaker kicks in。 After sleep window amount of time, the next request is let through删顶。 | 100 percent of the requests fail竖螃。 The circuit is now permanently open。 Retry after sleep time won't close circuit again, because the single request is too slow逗余。 |
Log analysis
Centralized logging can be very useful when attempting to identify problems in a distributed environment特咆。 Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana stack lets you search and analyze your logs, utilization and network activity data with ease。
Ready-to-go Docker configuration described in my other project录粱。
Distributed tracing
Analyzing problems in distributed systems can be difficult, for example, tracing requests that propagate from one microservice to another腻格。 It can be quite a challenge to try to find out how a request travels through the system, especially if you don't have any insight into the implementation of a microservice。 Even when there is logging, it is hard to tell which action correlates to a single request啥繁。
Spring Cloud Sleuth solves this problem by providing support for distributed tracing菜职。 It adds two types of IDs to the logging: traceId and spanId。 The spanId represents a basic unit of work, for example sending an HTTP request旗闽。 The traceId contains a set of spans forming a tree-like structure酬核。 For example, with a distributed big-data store, a trace might be formed by a PUT request。 Using traceId and spanId for each operation we know when and where our application is as it processes a request, making reading our logs much easier适室。
The logs are as follows, notice the [appname,traceId,spanId,exportable]
entries from the Slf4J MDC:
2018-07-26 23:13:49嫡意。381 WARN [gateway,3216d0de1384bb4f,3216d0de1384bb4f,false] 2999 --- [nio-4000-exec-1] o。s捣辆。c蔬螟。n。z汽畴。f旧巾。r。s忍些。AbstractRibbonCommand : The Hystrix timeout of 20000ms for the command account-service is set lower than the combination of the Ribbon read and connect timeout, 80000ms鲁猩。
2018-07-26 23:13:49。562 INFO [account-service,3216d0de1384bb4f,404ff09c5cf91d2e,false] 3079 --- [nio-6000-exec-1] c坐昙。p绳匀。account。service炸客。AccountServiceImpl : new account has been created: test
: The name of the application that logged the span from the propertyspring疾棵。application。name
: This is an ID that is assigned to a single request, job, or action -
: The ID of a specific operation that took place -
: Whether the log should be exported to Zipkin
An advanced security configuration is beyond the scope of this proof-of-concept project痹仙。 For a more realistic simulation of a real system, consider to use https, JCE keystore to encrypt Microservices passwords and Config server properties content (see documentation for details)是尔。
Infrastructure automation
Deploying microservices, with their interdependence, is much more complex process than deploying monolithic application。 It is important to have fully automated infrastructure开仰。 We can achieve following benefits with Continuous Delivery approach:
- The ability to release software anytime
- Any build could end up being a release
- Build artifacts once - deploy as needed
Here is a simple Continuous Delivery workflow, implemented in this project:
<img width="880" src="https://cloud拟枚。githubusercontent。com/assets/6069066/14159789/0dd7a7ce-f6e9-11e5-9fbb-a7fe0f4431e3众弓。png">
In this configuration, Travis CI builds tagged images for each successful git push恩溅。 So, there are always latest
image for each microservice on Docker Hub and older images, tagged with git commit hash。 It's easy to deploy any of them and quickly rollback, if needed谓娃。
How to run all the things?
Keep in mind, that you are going to start 8 Spring Boot applications, 4 MongoDB instances and RabbitMq脚乡。 Make sure you have 4 Gb
RAM available on your machine。 You can always run just vital services though: Gateway, Registry, Config, Auth Service and Account Service滨达。
Before you start
- Install Docker and Docker Compose奶稠。
- Export environment variables:
(make sure they were exported:printenv
) - Make sure to build the project:
mvn package [-DskipTests]
Production mode
In this mode, all latest images will be pulled from Docker Hub。
Just copy docker-compose捡遍。yml
and hit docker-compose up
Development mode
If you'd like to build images yourself (with some changes in the code, for example), you have to clone all repository and build artifacts with maven锌订。 Then, run docker-compose -f docker-compose。yml -f docker-compose画株。dev辆飘。yml up
inherits docker-compose蜈项。yml
with additional possibility to build images locally and expose all containers ports for convenient development。
Important endpoints
- http://localhost:80 - Gateway
- http://localhost:8761 - Eureka Dashboard
http://localhost:9000/hystrix - Hystrix Dashboard (Turbine stream link:
) - http://localhost:15672 - RabbitMq management (default login/password: guest/guest)
All Spring Boot applications require already running Config Server for startup战得。 But we can start all containers simultaneously because of depends_on
docker-compose option。
Also, Service Discovery mechanism needs some time after all applications startup庸推。 Any service is not available for discovery by clients until the instance, the Eureka server and the client all have the same metadata in their local cache, so it could take 3 heartbeats常侦。 Default heartbeat period is 30 seconds。
Contributions are welcome!
PiggyMetrics is open source, and would greatly appreciate your help贬媒。 Feel free to suggest and implement improvements聋亡。